jekyllnhyde360;467238 said:
yes. aot of people do bundeld exercises becaus of the combination of area's it hits , some also do bundled
hanging! and have said that they get great length gains aswell as girth at the base!
It is always best to hit all areas of the penis in every stretching session or at least in a orderly, organized weekly routine. The vital parts of stretching that will bring gains fastest is outlined in
SRT Theory: Maximizing gains and Healing but I will outline this again strictly in the stretching sense:
Expressive Stretching: ES is accessing, stretching and exposing inner penis. If you stand over a mirror with an erection you can see there is inches of inner penis that has not yet been expressed or exposed as real, visual size. Accessing this tissue is done through the current available methods:
Bathmate Hardcore Stretches
Low Hand Grip Stretches
LengthMaster or [words=]PowerAssist[/words] Expressive Stretching
You could always be inventive if you can not afford equipment. For instance, a large ring that covers the entire
package that you can stretch through will mimic all of the above exercises but it will not be as strong or effective as the [words=!!!]
PowerAssist because of the arms it uses in the stretch or the [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] due to how effectively the [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] does this function. Even if a pump came out that superseded the [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] (pumping wise) I would still use my [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] for Hardcore Stretches, hands done, most powerful.
Shaft Stretching or High Grip Stretching:
This type of stretching is critical to shaft an ligamental gains with some focus on Tunic gains. This type of stretching that is found primarily in basic stretching tends to get ignored as we learn more advanced stretches. It is important to keep basic stretching as a part of your workout or a portion of your routine. These stretches hit all possible angles from the shaft to the base of the penis and far behind it with Behind the Cheeks Stretches. If you are stumped for time an can only spend so much time on this part of the routine, at lest do Rotary Stretches and Behind the Cheeks as these two stretches will mimic the entire "basic stretching" theme.
Tunica Stretching:
The Tunica is similar to a condom in the sense it surrounds the inner penis and functions to hold all of the components together. The tunica ends at where the head meets the shaft. It is very dense tissue with an elasticity of approximately 5%, meaning 95% is very dense. Stretching this with traditional stretching is very difficult. It has been thought and assumed, through LOT Theory, that stretching this tissue needs to be done at an upper angle to effectively allow the tunica to be stretched without the ligaments getting in the way, or taking up much of the stretch. This makes sense in one way, as the stretch position goes in one way. I feel this is the least effective way to stretch the tunica and I know LOT theory severely limits the mental and physical aspects of gaining tunica length and girth.
Direction, in this sense, is upward but the limiting factor here is the direction. Stretching the tunica needs to be done at all angles and the only way to do this is by doing Bundled Stretches. Bundles can be done manually, with the [words=!!!]
hanging and some guys are even twisting their [words=]Size Genetics[/words] to make this happen. It is important to include some type of Bundles.
Low-Medium Tension Stretching for Long Periods:
This again is a vital part of stretching as it provides a cementing period where the penis can be fully extended while it is healing. This can be as short as an hour or as long as you like. Some may say healing in this way may cause scar damage or tissue deformation but I can assure you this will not happen as the tension is not strong enough to cause and continue any tearing or breaking down of tissue. It is simply staying extended to take advantage of the freshly stretches, highly malleable shaft.
This can be done wearing the
SizeGenetics [words=]Extender[/words], position is not too important but if you are working on correcting or adding a curve this is a good time to use direction to your advantage and position the [words=]extender[/words] against or for the curve. You can also use a [words=]
Uncle Jim[/words]
Strap which is now available for $10 through [words=]MOS[/words].
Click here to buy your Jim Strap. This is a very inexpensive way to provide good [words=]traction[/words] and medium stretch for long periods, even overnight! If you hang you could do this type of stretch through long, low
hanging sessions if you have the time and privacy.