As I'm sure many of you know at this point, I found my motivation: Revenge. Sure, it's not healthy, but it's motivation. Okay, so to be fair, it's not really revenge so much as.... no, it's revenge. So part of that is that I want to get in the best shape I can possibly be in, which of course means gaining muscle and losing weight. So I'll ask the first question:
Can I lose fat while gaining muscle?
I'm fairly certain that I've heard that the answer to that is no, because there has to be a caloric excess in order to build muscle; I just wasn't sure if there was an exception to that rule. We'll assume that the answer to said question is 'No.', which leads to the next question:
Since I'm not going to be able to lose fat AND build muscle, I'm going to have to go through a bulking and a cutting phase, correct?
How long should I do each if I want to be able to see my abs by this time next year? (By which I suppose I'm really asking: How long does it take to get 'cut' or 'ripped' after a bulking phase?
Next: If I want to put on muscle, what should my caloric intake consist of? I know that I'm supposed to get around 1g/lb of protein... I currently weigh 215, so 215g of protien per day (Ouch, that's spooky!), protien has 4 calories per gram, so I'm looking to get around 860 calories worth of protein a day, or about 43% of my caloric intake (Based on a 2,000 calorie a day diet.) I'm asuming that fat and carbohydrates should be split pretty evenly among the other 57%, sooo..... 28.5% Fat, 28.5% Carbohydrates..... Which means, ummm..... 570 calories of Fat, or 63 and 1/3 grams; and 570 calories of carbohydrates, or 142.5g. So, to put that in Simple table form!!
2,000 Calories a day
43%/215g/860cal Protein
28.5%/63.3g/570cal Fats
28.5%/142.5g/570cal Carbohydrates
Sound good?
Other stuff too, of course. Eight hours of sleep a night, alternate weight and cardio days with two days off. 1 gallon of water a day. Proper supplementation with Mega-V's and a Multi-Amino (For my peace of mind. ) Um..... high GI carbs after a workout, or low? I don't recall. 3g creatine per day... Do I have to take the creatine every day, or can I just do it on weight days? That stuff tastes nasty.
Thanks ahead of time, guys. Expect to see several more of these posts in the coming days.
Can I lose fat while gaining muscle?
I'm fairly certain that I've heard that the answer to that is no, because there has to be a caloric excess in order to build muscle; I just wasn't sure if there was an exception to that rule. We'll assume that the answer to said question is 'No.', which leads to the next question:
Since I'm not going to be able to lose fat AND build muscle, I'm going to have to go through a bulking and a cutting phase, correct?
How long should I do each if I want to be able to see my abs by this time next year? (By which I suppose I'm really asking: How long does it take to get 'cut' or 'ripped' after a bulking phase?
Next: If I want to put on muscle, what should my caloric intake consist of? I know that I'm supposed to get around 1g/lb of protein... I currently weigh 215, so 215g of protien per day (Ouch, that's spooky!), protien has 4 calories per gram, so I'm looking to get around 860 calories worth of protein a day, or about 43% of my caloric intake (Based on a 2,000 calorie a day diet.) I'm asuming that fat and carbohydrates should be split pretty evenly among the other 57%, sooo..... 28.5% Fat, 28.5% Carbohydrates..... Which means, ummm..... 570 calories of Fat, or 63 and 1/3 grams; and 570 calories of carbohydrates, or 142.5g. So, to put that in Simple table form!!
2,000 Calories a day
43%/215g/860cal Protein
28.5%/63.3g/570cal Fats
28.5%/142.5g/570cal Carbohydrates
Sound good?
Other stuff too, of course. Eight hours of sleep a night, alternate weight and cardio days with two days off. 1 gallon of water a day. Proper supplementation with Mega-V's and a Multi-Amino (For my peace of mind. ) Um..... high GI carbs after a workout, or low? I don't recall. 3g creatine per day... Do I have to take the creatine every day, or can I just do it on weight days? That stuff tastes nasty.
Thanks ahead of time, guys. Expect to see several more of these posts in the coming days.