It might seem absurd for the first sentence or two, but who knows more about what women can take and what women like, ... a woman with her own opinion expanded to be the opinion of every woman on Earth, or a man who's had a bit more than one woman to judge by?
Florida1 may not be on drugs, but neither does her opinion represent all of womankind. Believe me.
(I recall one in particular, once really warmed up, who -liked- her cervix 'pierced'. And most like pressure at the end/bottom, in front of it. Even if the inside walls can't read braille, they can still sense stretch and fullness, the cervix can tell when it's being grazed and jostled ....or not ....)
Probably many of us here could give this same story, but let me say as someone who has been 6.5 and 8+, ... 8+ is way more stick than 6.5.
A woman can take 10-15 minutes to first orgasm, or she can take like 3 minutes, (vaginally, thank you very much) ... skill otherwise the same. "Er, it doesn't matter".
... ummm, ... right.
Here's a comparison figure between 6.0 and 8.0 for volume, given identical ratios of length to width for each. 8 is four times more volume than the 6-er.
6" dick = 1 dick.
8" dick = 4 dicks.
You could use half of the 8 and still be using twice the entire 6.
Yeah, ... no difference. ;-)
Besides that, you can use the extra length to do all manner of more interesting positions.
Everyone will have a preference for their goals. I'm going to stop at about 9.2
DLD: "Shit, I guess my hopes of fucking Florida1 are out the window"
LMAO! rofl