So, I'm 7" bpel and 5.5" circumference, but my glans is slightly smaller than my shaft when flaccid. I have tried nearly every permutation of this 16way [words=]comfort system[/words] over the last few weeks and for the life of me, I cannot get the [words=]size genetics[/words] to stay on for more than a few minutes. The comfort strap, even in it's smallest form, is too big for me flaccid...the velcro hasn't worked and the noose worked only once and was super painful (also holds my penis at an odd angle). I'd opt for the VLT [words=]tugger[/words], but I used the [words=]TLC[/words] [words=]tugger[/words] previously and found that it was comfortable for only 20 minutes at a time and ended up giving me blisters. I need something that will last for hours without pain. Any suggestions, especially from anyone who is anatomically similar, would be appreciated. I've spent 5+ hours on this and not made progress.
My stuff tapers a bit like a bullet when flaccid too.

I use Allergix's wrap method from the [words=]SG[/words] forum, and the Velcro mod Dld stickied atop the [words=]SG[/words] forum.

No theraband and really nothing from the 16 way system.
[words=]Ace bandage[/words], washed, is comfortable enough for me against skin for hours extending or [words=]UJS[/words] wrap. Allergix way makes a ridge for the Velcro to hold. Velcro mod is strong enough for really tight hold for high tension in [words=]SG[/words].

Going forward, maybe a [words=]penomet[/words] will help even out the taper and grow head size too?
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I've had an [words=]extender[/words] since 09 and I tried everything but over the weekend I finally wrapped with an [words=]ace bandage[/words] and OMG The pull is so much better. Try the one with Velcro. You will never go back.
Yes! Another convert!

Check those 2 links in my sig, for Velcro mod and Allergixs wrap. I tell people about 'em so much i linked 'em in my sig. Glad you liked that wrap.
Thanks for the response. I have owned a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for maybe 9 months and gained 0.5" in girth using it regularly, so that will have to suffice for your recommendation of a [words=]penomet[/words].

For the [words=]SG[/words], I finally had some slight success by wrapping myself in toilet paper (bigjobdude13 recommendation) and then using the noose. I can wear it for about an hour before I start to get worried my glans is going to atrophy. ;-)

I ordered a whole mess of double-sided Velcro tape from amazon yesterday, so once that shows up, I'll get back to trying that mod.

I'll try the [words=]ace[/words] wrap. Is it just a normal [words=]ace bandage[/words] cut to size?

there are typically two reasons why people slip out of the device

1) not enough friction holding the penis in place, try wrapping the penis in a baby sock or using some form of powder (we do provide one in the full system)

2) the length of the device has been set to high or the tension is too high, try looking at the device to ensure it is set up correctly.
MedicalMind;551526 said:
Thanks for the response. I have owned a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for maybe 9 months and gained 0.5" in girth using it regularly, so that will have to suffice for your recommendation of a [words=]penomet[/words].

For the [words=]SG[/words], I finally had some slight success by wrapping myself in toilet paper (bigjobdude13 recommendation) and then using the noose. I can wear it for about an hour before I start to get worried my glans is going to atrophy. ;-)

I ordered a whole mess of double-sided Velcro tape from amazon yesterday, so once that shows up, I'll get back to trying that mod.
I'll try the [words=]ace[/words] wrap. Is it just a normal [words=]ace bandage[/words] cut to size?

I'm cheap bro. I get the 2" wide [words=]ace[/words] type bandage at dollar tree. Cut it about 3' long. I'd get 1.5" wide if I could find it. I throw it in the wash to soften it.
You can try the included Velcro bonus strap if you like.. I went Velcro mod so I had more length velcro since I have girth...
You can try the rubber theraband and foam collar too.
I tried everything in the 16 way but the noose.
in the end I went Velcro mod over Allergix's wrap [words=]ace[/words] band.
I can get that magic balance between comfortable enough for hours of wear, loose enough for bloodflow and tight enough for [words=]ADS[/words].
When I go high tension in the [words=]SG[/words] I have to tighten the Velcro enough my glans foes turn lightly bluish. That's why we unwrap hourly, massage for blood and throw in btc and rotators. Then rewrap and back to stretching. Awesome.
I've tried all the different wrappings and could last about an hour without pain. I wanted more time though if I'm in this for long term. If you don't find a comfortable one, then buy the vac [words=]extender[/words] 3 modification. That's what I'm using now and I can go forever without any pain.
I'm now using the theraband, a 1.5" wide [words=]ace[/words] wrap I found lying around and trimmed and my own Velcro mod (ordered a roll of double-sided Velcro for a few bucks on amazon). I can wear it for an hour or so without too much discomfort.

Today I ramped up the tension on the [words=]sg[/words] (this is my second week using the thing every day), up to 1500ish (one detent left) and felt some slight "tearing" sensations at the base of my this something to worry about? <:( Im not too concerned about it.
I ended up ditching the tgeraband because the wrinkles against my skin caused irritation. If you find yourself kinda itchy and it gets to where you rush to rip everything off and massage with oil or something... try ditching the rubber theraband.

I wash the [words=]ace[/words] to soften it and the it goes right on my penis skin.

Sounds like a sudden stretch of tissues. Sometimes that's good, just growth, sometimes not. If its a hard internal knot that's painful to jelq past... go into healing mode maybe. Otherwise just stretch maybe one setting gentler for a couple sessions. I had pops and such sometimes that worried me. Usually next day NP good to go.
ManOfSteel83;553343 said:
Ive had my autoextender mod for almost a week now and it feels absolutely amazing. I tried noose, strap, and velcro, but none of them gave nearly as much comfort.

We have something very clever on the way, I was privy to some early prototypes and artwork and have to say I am thoroughly EXCITED!
doublelongdaddy;553416 said:
We have something very clever on the way, I was privy to some early prototypes and artwork and have to say I am thoroughly EXCITED!

Well if its just a [words=]ads[/words] sleeve like divosuit or [words=]UJS[/words] replacement, I woulda bought it. You imply its also a stretcher attachment, then I can't wait to buy it!