Well, I'm afraid that so far I do, because those are the only cases I've been able to find.
Trapped penis seems to be deformity from the circumcision resulting in clear physical indicators of the condition and associated problems From the descriptions of the condition I find it difficult to believe that parents would leave it untreated or that a man could go his entire life wihout noticing the problem. If it were something that trapped up to 20% (this could often be an inch) of the penis, I would surmise that there would not only be pain, but clear evidence and deformity of the penis.
I found no cases of adult trapped penis discussed online, even on FR and anti-circ sites. Just because you feel it is possible, does not mean it is logical to say that it is likely. Just because it has not been proven to not exist, it does not automatically follow that it does. These are both classic logical fallacies of weak induction. A restated example would be: UFOs could pssibly visiting earth, therefore they must definately be visiting earth. And the second: We have not proved that UFOs are not visiting earth, so they must be visiting earth. Neither is a logical argument. Again, perhaps I do not have your sources and so that is what I am asking about.
I simply asked if this was your opinion (i.e. adult trapped penis is a condition that you have surmised exists, or that there are verified cases of), and if it is a known condition, to please at least link or reference some sources. Your theory could be applicable if in fact there is any evidence that there are cases of men having 'trapped' penis as adults, but I have thus far not been able to find much information on the condition.
If it were something fairly widespread or even occurring at reportable levels, I feel the condition would have been made note of or diagnosed somewhere, especially considering the amount of information regarding circumcision that is on the web. My other question about trapped penis is if there are a significant percentage of men who are missing up to an inch of penile length and have it trapped in their body cavity by bad circumcisions as adults, why has no surgical procedure or study or mention of this phoenomena been created by doctors? Surely if there were thousands of men suffering from this condition, a simple surgery to loosen circumcision would be in demand and lucrative for doctors to develop. Again, perhaps I just don't have your sources.
So, my question is: do you have any sources for this (FR or anti-circ included), and if so would you please link them. I have been unable to find anything by google searching.
I would also still like to know if you have any statistics about the annual number or percentage of circumcisions that result in trapped penis, adult or infantile. I have also not been able to find any figures.
In your case, you would seem to be saying that you suffered from it and had over an inch trapped inside your body that was released by skin expansion of the shaft. If your own example is what you base the theory of adult trapped penis on, what do you feel are the specific conditions that create it? How are these different from the juvenile form where the condition is obvious and deformity is present? Would you say any tight circumcision is trapping penis inside the body cavity? How tight must this circumcision be, in your estimation, to prevent the pressure of the trapped penis from stretching the skin on its own during erection and growth during puberty. Any other information you have as to the mechanics of adult trapped penis would be welcome for purposes of explanation.
I would also appreciate it if you could explain or show a source for the 'lack of mucuscal tissue makes FR impossible or difficult' issue that you brought up before. This is another claim that directly involves anatomy and functionality that I would like to see some information on. If the sources are from FR sites that's absolutely fine (I have no problem with the majority of FR sites I have seen, except for some of their anti-circ claims, but their information on FR in general has been highly reasonable from what I have read).
None of this is in any way a personal commentary on Kong, they are legitamite questions about claims made by Kong concerning FR and circumcision. I am simply asking for further explanation and information and would appreciate a reasonable answer that addresses my questions in a clear manner.