I am a noob, but I have a "modified" sort of jelq that I am currently experimenting with that is VERY intense that can be used either wet or dry without any "milking" type motion at all. An excerpt from my thread:
"After stretching I move on to Jelqing (loosely defined
). Here I spend another solid ten minutes of experimental work with blood manipulation, as this is how I simply view Jelqing. LOL. You experienced guys might laugh at some of this experimentation. I have not decided on a particular lube as of yet so I do a modified version of Jelqing. (I want to find a substance that serves a specific purpose that I will relate to you all when I have done some more research.) So being in a hot tub with no lube would really be like dry jelqing and I do not want to stretch my skin on the bottom of my shaft. So I do not do a conventional jelq as of yet. What I do do is to use successive fingers to engorge my penis and manipulate the blood flow and concentration. For example, I will use a few fingers to "slide" the blood from my inner penis(?) up to the exposed base. This probably needs some explanation as I don't know the correct terminology yet. I try to find the most rearward part of the shaft(?) well behind the scrotum, almost near my anus, I can feel a tube or vein or something back there and can slide my fingers forward against it to force the blood to the base of my external penis. Once I get the blood to my base I do the standard okay grip to trap that internal blood within my external penis. Then I progressively, one by one, close additional fingers forcing the blood forward towards my glands. When I run out of fingers, I simply make the okay sign with the other thumb and index against my other closed hand, and do the same thing until I run out of penis
For the first time ever(!) I was able to get two whole hands completely on my penis behind the glans. (A big deal to me, as I would never have imagined that that was possible for me.) I cannot even stretch my flaccid penis this far, too painful, but I can get two whole hands around my penis when engorging it with blood in the above manner.
I know the above was long-winded in regard to a modified jelq, but it was revolutionary to me, as I never heard a description of something like that. (Could be ignorance on my part of course.) In much shorter description, I force blood from my inner penis, vein, tube, whatever, as far back as I can find near my anus by stroking, rubbing, sliding my fingers upon it until the blood reaches the base of my external penis. I then successively close fingers around my penis one by one, imagine 8 okay signs maybe?, forcing the blood towards my glans. There is no "stroke" or "milk" action here. After that when I run out of fingers
, I take the first hand that is no longer holding blood, grap the base of my glans and give a light stretch and hold. And I have been doing this for the most part for my ten minute "engorgement" exercises.
The slight variations that I use with the above technique: After getting to the last finger, I release the base hand, Kegel, reapply a single okay at the base (to add more blood), and then use the top hand to force blood back towards the base. The penis is fully engorged and if I never let go of the base okay, I can basically manipulate the blood back and forth along the shaft by moving the placement of my okay signs. I can place the majority of blood into any specific point along the shaft that I want to. So this variation I use to stress or "baloon"(?) base, mid-shaft, or any point to see how it feels, and which areas feel most intense. Again, this is all experimentation and self-discovery in preparation for designing a routine targeted to my particular penis."
The thread: