goldmember said:
I have a fairly good education in physiology, biochemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, etc yet I cannot figure out this quote. Nitrogen typically exists in a three times bonded state with a lone pair of electrons free to flow. This makes nitrogen an excellent nucleophile, which is a term that is almost synonymous with basic. I have a chart in one of my old textbooks that lists the pH of all the amino acids, and I can swear without looking at it that the more nitrogenous the amino acids, the more basic they are. Amines are basic. Maybe is something else going on that makes the food more acidic?
Ok, this thread was started Aug 5th by Vindicator. I read it the first night and started thinking about the process of the entire body, how nutrition and exercise might effect gains while on a Penis Enlargement routine.

I began reading about blood ph levels, blood components, reactions to lack of oxygen in the cells, etc. I came across numerous sites containing tons of info, not necessarily backing up Vindicator, but it sure did reinforce some of his comments. (Hell, I even found out that a guy won the Nobel prize in 1932 for showing how to cure cancer, or something along those lines.)

Let's face it, if you have an 8 cylinder car running on 4 or 5 cylinders, you're not gonna get optimum performance or gas mileage.

For the body, nutrition and exercise are what cause more blood flow which means more efficient processes of oxygen placement and waste removal.

And we want a longer, fatter, harder cock. So how does this come into play?

When we stretch or work girth we need more blood to flow either during or after the workout is over. Most here will think the blood volume is what counts. Definitely does but there's more. When your cock is saturated with an over abundance of blood, it's bringing red blood cells, specifically hemoglobin, which carry oxygen to the tissues...this is very good for your cock.

Have you ever read that if you're gonna stretch you should also incorporate a jelqing program? That's because you need oxygen to the cells.

Well, here's the cool part...on Aug 7th, two days after this thread was started, I had read enough to know I needed to force way more oxygen into my system and I wanted to know if this could single handedly improve my erection quality. So I went to the football field and attemted to run.

It's been a very long time since I've run so I only did 5 x 220 yds...breathing like a mother all the way down to the bottom of my lungs.

Obviously, this takes a serious level of commitment and I didn't run again for another week. So on Monday, Aug 14th, I began running 100 yd dashes and doing lunges across the field. I have done this everyday this week, a total of four times. Each time I get better and all that stuff...blah, blah, blah, right?

Two days after I started this, on Wednesday, I noticed that when my wife hugged me or would say insinuating things to me, I felt blood flow in my cock...immediately. High school feelings. (btw, we had sex on Monday night)

Yesterday, Thursday, just 4 days into the running "program" she could just look at me and blood flow. If she touched me, it would move. So yesterday afternoon we had sex and she actually asked me if I had taken some viagra because of erection level.

So if exercise effects erection levels this fast my question is...what effect will decent nutrition and an exercise program, involving cardio work, effect gains for someone doing Penis Enlargement routines? I feel it's a crucial part of the gains process.
Awesome info on this so far guys. I am going to start looking for the ingredients listed on page one---looked for the molasses tonight--only found "regular" and not the blackstrap---I'll keep looking.

wow this is my type of thread.
so much interesting info here.
I'll be keeping a close eye on this thread.

the phrase that caught my attention was when it was mentioned that perhaps the reason we make newbie gains is that we have all these minerals and then we're are deprived and we screetch to a halt. would definately be backed up by the whole 'deconditioning' theory.

question we have to ask is, how much time is needed to resupply the minerals lost. do we actually then need rest days?

Penis Enlargement is getting more complicated by the day. Hopefully we'll find some answers that will simply all this greatly.
Vindicator said:

ANOTHER WARNING: I really suck at writing, so I can't make any guarantees as to the clarity. But fortunately, you won't need to fully understand in order to put the wheels in motion.

Since my last post was met with such enthusiasm, I thought I would take the time to address one aspect of Penis Enlargement and health in general that I know is very important to achieving what you want.

Also, for those who have sustained Penis Enlargement related injuries which are now leaving them with erection problems or similar, this post MAY offer a glimpse of hope after all else fails.

In my original thread, I was asked about my general health and nutrition. Both of these are excellent. Now, how much of my gains can I attribute to this? 60%. The other 40% I attribute to finding the optimal workout for my physiology... which I talked about. So if you think that post was important, then this one is priceless.

In that post, I stated that we are only beginning to reach what is possible in Penis Enlargement. We can give ourselves the greatest workouts in the world and still fail to reach our potentials.


Because Penis Enlargement, like any type of bodybuilding is all about stress and recovery.

Through our workouts, we place our cocks under stress. Then, our body does what it can to recover so that we're able to adapt to deeper stress in the future.

It is a truly amazing process.

Unfortunately, as those of us with lingering sports injuries, scars, etc can attest to, often the body's healing capabilities just aren't what we want them to be.

And this is not due to any fault of our bodies. It is our fault for not giving our bodies the proper fuel to heal themselves!

We focus on protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, blah blah blah. But by doing so, we are doing a great injustice to our bodies.


Because we are electrical beings! Our bodies do not live off the food we eat, but rather the energy created from the food we eat.

And this energy can only be created when two opposing forces react against each other. These forces are either Acidic or Alkaline.

If you can remember, in my other thread, I said: If we can find out what our penises and its connective tissue are made of, then we can take huge leaps as to our gains.

I'm sure most of you were thinking about the structure of the penis or whatnot.

But the correct answer is that our penises are made from the only possible thing they can be made from... the elements, which are found in the earth as minerals.

What specific minerals? Nobody knows as of yet. Most people can only name about 10-20 minerals, and think they are satisfying their nutritional needs for them. While this may be true, there are 90+ trace minerals out there which create SPenis EnlargementCIFIC ELECTRICAL ENERGY NEEDED BY THE BODY IN ORDER FOR ITSELF TO REBUILD. WITHOUT THESE MINERALS, WE COULD NOT BE ABLE TO ACHIEVE AN ANABOLIC STATE THAT IS NECESSARY FOR Penis Enlargement TO SUCCESSFULLY HAPPenis EnlargementN.

It just so happens that the majority of these minerals happen to be Alkaline. This is good, as human blood is naturally slightly alkaline at a pH of 7.4. Thus, we need to keep the pH of our cells at this level if we want our bodies to be able to build new tissue. If our pH falls below this (which it WILL, since our modern day diets... even the "healthy" ones, are extremely acid-forming), then our bodies will merely focus on survival, since the bulk of our alkaline mineral reserves will have its energies drained from MAINTAINING PH, rather than BUILDING TISSUE.

I don't want to get too far into this, as I don't want to come off preachy and the whole thing is a bit complicated, but now that you know that the body's primary function is to maintain blood pH (if it deviates too far, you instantly die), it is your job to provide your body with a CONSTANT STREAM OF ALKALINE MINERALS, enough so that you can neutralize acids (to maintain proper pH) and allow new tissue growth.

Unfortunately, as I said before, you can't just focus on a few highly Alkaline minerals to do all your dirty work for you, as our tissues are made of 90+ MINERALS, of which we need ALL in order for new tissue to be created.

(This, by the way, is why there are NEWBIE GAINS. As after a certain amount of new tissue is created, we often find ourselves depleted in one or more of the 90+ trace minerals required to build new tissue! So, provide all the minerals and burst through your plateaus... assuming you are increasing intensity, of course)

So, what we need to do is:

Find a way to provide our bodies with all of the alkaline minerals needed to create this healing, anabolic energy.

Provide enough of this to ensure that our tissue pH stays above 7 (preferably 7.4ish).

So now, enough with all this mumbojumbo. Lets get er done so you guys can grow some huge cocks!

And you will do this by incorporating the following ALKALIZING DRINK into your diets:

1. 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses (Unsulphured and ideally organic)
2. Juice of half a lemon (OR 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar if you can't take citrus)
3. 1 tablespoon pickling lime water (= 1 tablespoon of pickling lime powder, aka calcium hydroxide, diluted in 1 gallon of distilled water) Often found in the canning section of your grocery store. Otherwise, just search for "pickling lime"
4. Small pinch of Epsom salts
5. Norwegian kelp powder 1 tablespoon VERY CHEAP SOURCE OF _ALL_ THE ALKALINE MINERALS!
6. 1 glass of distilled or alkaline mineral water (like Evian)

Here's how it's done:
Put the kelp onto a tablespoon. Take a small gulp of water and then throw the kelp into your mouth, as it is much easier to get down when it is wet.

Mix the molasses, pickling lime water, and lemon/vinegar into 8 oz of water.

Place the pinch of Epsom Salt in your mouth. If you were to put in directly in the drink, you will find that it often sits at the bottom, which is fucking annoying.

With the Epsom Salt in your mouth, drink the drink.

Also, you may want to buy some of those narrow range pH strips (they test from like 5.5pH to 8.0pH) and test your saliva each day first thing in the morning.

You will want to take the drink more often each day until you find yourself reaching a pH of 7, which then means your body contains sufficient reserves to heal itself much faster and more completely, which is exactly what you need when trying to build a bigger penis.

A few more questions---

1. I thought the lemon juice(all cirtic) were all acidic?

2. What is the pickling lime water for?


Lemon juice is slightly acidic at first. This acid reacts with the alkalines to allow more electrical energy to be produced. After the reaction, the lemon juice causes alkaline reactions in the body because of the alkaline minerals the lemons contain.

Pickling lime provides calcium.
ocd said:
Ok, this thread was started Aug 5th by Vindicator. I read it the first night and started thinking about the process of the entire body, how nutrition and exercise might effect gains while on a Penis Enlargement routine.

I began reading about blood ph levels, blood components, reactions to lack of oxygen in the cells, etc. I came across numerous sites containing tons of info, not necessarily backing up Vindicator, but it sure did reinforce some of his comments. (Hell, I even found out that a guy won the Nobel prize in 1932 for showing how to cure cancer, or something along those lines.)

Let's face it, if you have an 8 cylinder car running on 4 or 5 cylinders, you're not gonna get optimum performance or gas mileage.

For the body, nutrition and exercise are what cause more blood flow which means more efficient processes of oxygen placement and waste removal.

And we want a longer, fatter, harder cock. So how does this come into play?

When we stretch or work girth we need more blood to flow either during or after the workout is over. Most here will think the blood volume is what counts. Definitely does but there's more. When your cock is saturated with an over abundance of blood, it's bringing red blood cells, specifically hemoglobin, which carry oxygen to the tissues...this is very good for your cock.

Have you ever read that if you're gonna stretch you should also incorporate a jelqing program? That's because you need oxygen to the cells.

Well, here's the cool part...on Aug 7th, two days after this thread was started, I had read enough to know I needed to force way more oxygen into my system and I wanted to know if this could single handedly improve my erection quality. So I went to the football field and attemted to run.

It's been a very long time since I've run so I only did 5 x 220 yds...breathing like a mother all the way down to the bottom of my lungs.

Obviously, this takes a serious level of commitment and I didn't run again for another week. So on Monday, Aug 14th, I began running 100 yd dashes and doing lunges across the field. I have done this everyday this week, a total of four times. Each time I get better and all that stuff...blah, blah, blah, right?

Two days after I started this, on Wednesday, I noticed that when my wife hugged me or would say insinuating things to me, I felt blood flow in my cock...immediately. High school feelings. (btw, we had sex on Monday night)

Yesterday, Thursday, just 4 days into the running "program" she could just look at me and blood flow. If she touched me, it would move. So yesterday afternoon we had sex and she actually asked me if I had taken some viagra because of erection level.

So if exercise effects erection levels this fast my question is...what effect will decent nutrition and an exercise program, involving cardio work, effect gains for someone doing Penis Enlargement routines? I feel it's a crucial part of the gains process.

That is correct...exercise, along with nutrition is a crucial part of the process.
Your body must be in optimal shape for optimal results.. Hence the reason for the ingredients he mentions.

If you have trouble locating the ingredients...go to a local healthfood store, they should have everything you need!

By the way cancer does have a is cured by balancing the alkaline level of the body...There is also process of detoxifying the body by enemas and replenishing it with lots of fresh fruit and vegetable juices (organic).
Vindicator said:
MANY DIFFERENT ELECTRICAL ENERGY FREQUENCIES IN ORDER FOR THESE ORGANS TO STAY HEALTHY. And the only way to provide these frequencies is by providing, through either perfect diet (which I stand by saying is so hard to accomplish nowadays) or through supplementation (which is a lot easier. All supplements I recommend are natural foods, btw).

That is also the way to prevent or cure cancer and other ailments and illnesses!
Vindicator said:
Lemon juice is slightly acidic at first. This acid reacts with the alkalines to allow more electrical energy to be produced. After the reaction, the lemon juice causes alkaline reactions in the body because of the alkaline minerals the lemons contain.

Pickling lime provides calcium.
It is the hydroxide ion in pickling lime that causes alkalinization. Calcium helps out as well, but the hydroxide is more gooderer.:P

As far as the lemon juice, I doubt the minerals that lemon contains are responsible for the alkalinization. Citric acid is slightly acidic, but in the grand scheme of things, it is really just weakly acidic. Sodium citrate is included in alka-seltzer for a reason. The citrate from citric acid is most likely the reason for alkalization, and it is a Krebs cycle intermediate also, meaning it boosts energy output.

If trace minerals are what you are looking for, try finding a liquid trace mineral supplement instead of that nasty drink (although from the looks of it, it looks like it would be effective...not knocking it). Alka-seltzer and Rolaids/Tums will also raise pH levels of the body. They are expensive however, but I have an alternative:

I think a more palatable drink that would be almost as effective would be a fresh glass of lemon water in the morning, with a 1/4 tsp of baking soda. Followed with some trace minerals in a fresh glass of water.

You get:
*Citrate (from lemon)
*trace minerals (including uncommon but essential minerals, like lithium, boron, rubidium, etc.)
*Carbonate (from baking soda)
*Pure water (distilled and/or reverse osmosis is best)

Obviously, you should also eat a diet of dairy, nuts, and mostly fresh fruit and vegetables, if cooked only steamed; try to set limits on soda pop, coffee, chocolate, table salt, alcohol, and yeast bread. Obviously, this protocol isn't for everyone, but eating a piece of fruit every now and then shouldn't scare off anyone, right? And the drink mix is VERY easy to do every morning, and tastes pretty good.
another factor to consider is Vitamin C. Megadoses of vitamin C (even the buffered version) will put your body into acidosis. Excess vitamin C is converted into oxalic acid, which not only lowers the pH of the blood, but also is toxic to the kidneys by forming mineral oxalate crystals, kidney stones.
While we are on the subject of vitamins and minerals does any one know anything about Glucosamine Sulphate and how it relates to Penis Enlargement. I am taking it for my joints and just wandered if Vindicator knew if this had any alkaline qualities.