Ok, this thread was started Aug 5th by Vindicator. I read it the first night and started thinking about the process of the entire body, how nutrition and exercise might effect gains while on a Penis Enlargement routine.
I began reading about blood ph levels, blood components, reactions to lack of oxygen in the cells, etc. I came across numerous sites containing tons of info, not necessarily backing up Vindicator, but it sure did reinforce some of his comments. (Hell, I even found out that a guy won the Nobel prize in 1932 for showing how to cure cancer, or something along those lines.)
Let's face it, if you have an 8
cylinder car running on 4 or 5
cylinders, you're not gonna get optimum performance or gas mileage.
For the body, nutrition and exercise are what cause more blood flow which means more efficient processes of oxygen placement and waste removal.
And we want a longer, fatter, harder cock. So how does this come into play?
When we stretch or work girth we need more blood to flow either during or after the workout is over. Most here will think the blood volume is what counts. Definitely does but there's more. When your cock is saturated with an over abundance of blood, it's bringing red blood cells, specifically hemoglobin, which carry oxygen to the tissues...this is very good for your cock.
Have you ever read that if you're gonna stretch you should also incorporate a jelqing program? That's because you need oxygen to the cells.
Well, here's the cool part...on Aug 7th, two days after this thread was started, I had read enough to know I needed to force way more oxygen into my system and I wanted to know if this could single handedly improve my erection quality. So I went to the football field and attemted to run.
It's been a very long time since I've run so I only did 5 x 220 yds...breathing like a mother all the way down to the bottom of my lungs.
Obviously, this takes a serious level of commitment and I didn't run again for another week. So on Monday, Aug 14th, I began running 100 yd dashes and doing lunges across the field. I have done this everyday this week, a total of four times. Each time I get better and all that stuff...blah, blah, blah, right?
Two days after I started this, on Wednesday, I noticed that when my wife hugged me or would say insinuating things to me, I felt blood flow in my cock...immediately. High school feelings. (btw, we had sex on Monday night)
Yesterday, Thursday, just 4 days into the running "program" she could just look at me and blood flow. If she touched me, it would move. So yesterday afternoon we had sex and she actually asked me if I had taken some viagra because of erection level.
So if exercise effects erection levels this fast my question is...what effect will decent nutrition and an exercise program, involving cardio work, effect gains for someone doing Penis Enlargement routines? I feel it's a crucial part of the gains process.