ANOTHER WARNING: I really suck at writing, so I can't make any guarantees as to the clarity. But fortunately, you won't need to fully understand in order to put the wheels in motion.

Since my last post was met with such enthusiasm, I thought I would take the time to address one aspect of Penis Enlargement and health in general that I know is very important to achieving what you want.

Also, for those who have sustained Penis Enlargement related injuries which are now leaving them with erection problems or similar, this post MAY offer a glimpse of hope after all else fails.

In my original thread, I was asked about my general health and nutrition. Both of these are excellent. Now, how much of my gains can I attribute to this? 60%. The other 40% I attribute to finding the optimal workout for my physiology... which I talked about. So if you think that post was important, then this one is priceless.

In that post, I stated that we are only beginning to reach what is possible in Penis Enlargement. We can give ourselves the greatest workouts in the world and still fail to reach our potentials.


Because Penis Enlargement, like any type of bodybuilding is all about stress and recovery.

Through our workouts, we place our cocks under stress. Then, our body does what it can to recover so that we're able to adapt to deeper stress in the future.

It is a truly amazing process.

Unfortunately, as those of us with lingering sports injuries, scars, etc can attest to, often the body's healing capabilities just aren't what we want them to be.

And this is not due to any fault of our bodies. It is our fault for not giving our bodies the proper fuel to heal themselves!

We focus on protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, blah blah blah. But by doing so, we are doing a great injustice to our bodies.


Because we are electrical beings! Our bodies do not live off the food we eat, but rather the energy created from the food we eat.

And this energy can only be created when two opposing forces react against each other. These forces are either Acidic or Alkaline.

If you can remember, in my other thread, I said: If we can find out what our penises and its connective tissue are made of, then we can take huge leaps as to our gains.

I'm sure most of you were thinking about the structure of the penis or whatnot.

But the correct answer is that our penises are made from the only possible thing they can be made from... the elements, which are found in the earth as minerals.

What specific minerals? Nobody knows as of yet. Most people can only name about 10-20 minerals, and think they are satisfying their nutritional needs for them. While this may be true, there are 90+ trace minerals out there which create SPenis EnlargementCIFIC ELECTRICAL ENERGY NEEDED BY THE BODY IN ORDER FOR ITSELF TO REBUILD. WITHOUT THESE MINERALS, WE COULD NOT BE ABLE TO ACHIEVE AN ANABOLIC STATE THAT IS NECESSARY FOR Penis Enlargement TO SUCCESSFULLY HAPPenis EnlargementN.

It just so happens that the majority of these minerals happen to be Alkaline. This is good, as human blood is naturally slightly alkaline at a pH of 7.4. Thus, we need to keep the pH of our cells at this level if we want our bodies to be able to build new tissue. If our pH falls below this (which it WILL, since our modern day diets... even the "healthy" ones, are extremely acid-forming), then our bodies will merely focus on survival, since the bulk of our alkaline mineral reserves will have its energies drained from MAINTAINING PH, rather than BUILDING TISSUE.

I don't want to get too far into this, as I don't want to come off preachy and the whole thing is a bit complicated, but now that you know that the body's primary function is to maintain blood pH (if it deviates too far, you instantly die), it is your job to provide your body with a CONSTANT STREAM OF ALKALINE MINERALS, enough so that you can neutralize acids (to maintain proper pH) and allow new tissue growth.

Unfortunately, as I said before, you can't just focus on a few highly Alkaline minerals to do all your dirty work for you, as our tissues are made of 90+ MINERALS, of which we need ALL in order for new tissue to be created.

(This, by the way, is why there are NEWBIE GAINS. As after a certain amount of new tissue is created, we often find ourselves depleted in one or more of the 90+ trace minerals required to build new tissue! So, provide all the minerals and burst through your plateaus... assuming you are increasing intensity, of course)

So, what we need to do is:

Find a way to provide our bodies with all of the alkaline minerals needed to create this healing, anabolic energy.

Provide enough of this to ensure that our tissue pH stays above 7 (preferably 7.4ish).

So now, enough with all this mumbojumbo. Lets get er done so you guys can grow some huge cocks!

And you will do this by incorporating the following ALKALIZING DRINK into your diets:

1. 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses (Unsulphured and ideally organic)
2. Juice of half a lemon (OR 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar if you can't take citrus)
3. 1 tablespoon pickling lime water (= 1 tablespoon of pickling lime powder, aka calcium hydroxide, diluted in 1 gallon of distilled water) Often found in the canning section of your grocery store. Otherwise, just search for "pickling lime"
4. Small pinch of Epsom salts
5. Norwegian kelp powder 1 tablespoon VERY CHEAP SOURCE OF _ALL_ THE ALKALINE MINERALS!
6. 1 glass of distilled or alkaline mineral water (like Evian)

Here's how it's done:
Put the kelp onto a tablespoon. Take a small gulp of water and then throw the kelp into your mouth, as it is much easier to get down when it is wet.

Mix the molasses, pickling lime water, and lemon/vinegar into 8 oz of water.

Place the pinch of Epsom Salt in your mouth. If you were to put in directly in the drink, you will find that it often sits at the bottom, which is fucking annoying.

With the Epsom Salt in your mouth, drink the drink.

Also, you may want to buy some of those narrow range pH strips (they test from like 5.5pH to 8.0pH) and test your saliva each day first thing in the morning.

You will want to take the drink more often each day until you find yourself reaching a pH of 7, which then means your body contains sufficient reserves to heal itself much faster and more completely, which is exactly what you need when trying to build a bigger penis.
impressive nutrition stated.

I take seaweed myself. It is called Source micronutrients. I give it to my horses too. I know of this knowledge you speak of.

Nutrition is very important when trying to heal. In fact, I am going to get PH strips soon....

Also, readers, keep in mind that there are many other foods that are alkaline. Just look on google and you'll find a list. Among the foods I keep in mind are apple juice, orange juice(it turns into alkaline), lemon, lime, all vegetables, organic milk, most fruits (except for plums and 2 other ones), and most nuts.

It is rather easy to keep your body in the right pH. Those who are acidic are ones who drink beer, eat pizza, and drink soda.

Vindicator, what about colon cleansing? I am going to do this very soon, and I hear it is practically the missing link in nutrition. There are parasites and shist draining us of our nutrients, and crap on our colons that are blocking nutrients. Read about it on google, if you don't already know.

Oh, and it isn't sticking tubes up your butt...its herbs.
oxygenrice said:
Oh, and it isn't sticking tubes up your butt...its herbs.

Anal intrusion to herbal bliss:D
Due to modern farming methods, most soils are lacking the needed minerals. As a result, so is the food grown out of them, making them far more acidic than they would be if grown correctly.

Blackstrap molasses and kelp both contain these needed minerals.

Colon cleansing has its purpose I'm sure, but I dont have any experience with it, so I can not recommend it.
Sounds very interesting to me, especially because it's natural and not one of those pill-swallowing-diets.
I once saw an interview with an ex-professional-sprinter who said that he once used doping to speed-up the healing process after a heavy injury.
I always thought it's only possible this way.

by Vindicator:

Also, you may want to buy some of those narrow range pH strips

Where do I get those? In the pharmacy?
This might be why i get such slow gains, i go to the gym alot and do weights(rugby season coming soon) training. If i cut back on this i would have more minerals to make my cock bigger.
Vindicator,i'm pretty skeptical of the Alkaline/acid theorys,ive seen some far fetched claims being thrown about,even going as far as cancer being curable simply by keeping the body in an alkaline state.

Do you believe in this idea?
Vindicator said:
If our pH falls below this (which it WILL, since our modern day diets... even the "healthy" ones, are extremely acid-forming)

i just want to add that no matter what you eat, no matter how acidic, you could not change the pH of your blood. (just to clear that up to anyone who misunderstands). but this post has made me reflect on the amount of minerals i eat daily and to be honest its not nearly enough, so im gonna get me some fruit and veggies rofl
The reason you dont change the pH of the blood is because maintaining blood pH is the primary function of your body in order to maintain survival.

Your body will do whatever it takes to preserve this pH. It has a buffering system which will leach minerals in order to preserve this blood pH.

However, to do this, it is leaching minerals from the other body tissues and body fluids, causing them to become acidic and get sick... and definitely incapable of complete healing.

Without a proper pH, you will never get better. You are in a constant catabolic state, meaning that you are slowly being torn down. When you reverse this and become alkaline, you are building yourself up, and when you're taking in enough minerals, you're building yourself up faster than you're tearing yourself down.

As for cancer being cured by turning the body alkaline, well, obviously this depends on the extent of the damage done. Once tissues reach a certain level of disease, you are limited in time as to how long you can survive before you remineralize enough to heal.

However, cancer can not exist in an alkaline environment. The reason is because alkaline cells are far more rich in oxygen than acidic cells, and it has been proven before that lack of oxygen at a cellular level will result in cancer every single time.

But I don't really wanna get into general health too much in this thread. Lets keep it toward Penis Enlargement.
where can you find these ingredients

local drugstore or somewhere else?

sounds great but i don't know half of the ingredients, so would be great if you help me out where to get them


thanks for the great secret ;)
Vindicator i disagree with alot of what you are saying,a simple search on the net will blow holes in many of the claims of ph diet.

You say this is the secret to a big cock,so lets here some stats how much have you gained,how big are you now?
I didn't get into the validity of a pH diet. I was simply stating that you need all the alkaline minerals in order to grow new penis tissue, so it makes sense that you're taking in enough of them.

Also, I'm not going to get into any arguments over the validity of the pH theory. We're all adults here, we can make our own decisions. If people want to disprove me, then I welcome them to do a simple search and blow many holes in what I'm saying.

In the meantime, I will continue to use my fundamentals and DLD's excellent stretches to pile on the gains.

As for my gains, I've gained 1.5" of NBP length and 1" of girth in the last 6 and a half weeks. I am now 7.9" X 6 NBP. I will continue to Penis Enlargement until I am 9" X 6.5" NBP.
Vindicator said:
As for my gains, I've gained 1.5" of NBP length and 1" of girth in the last 6 and a half weeks. I am now 7.9" X 6 NBP. I will continue to Penis Enlargement until I am 9" X 6.5" NBP.

As was asked in your other thread were are the pics to back up this miracle claim?
This is not a miracle claim. This is fact.

And as for where my pictures are... I find it funny how you feel I owe it to you or anyone else to "back up my claims." I've never taken before pictures, so progress pictures just aren't possible unless I can find myself a time machine.

Currently, I am living with my aunt and her husband and children for the summer. I don't have a bedroom to myself, and it would be disrespectful to just flop my cock out in their living room (where I sleep) and take pictures of it on their computer.

When I go home in September, I will find the time to post pics.

In the mean time, I've never asked for anything from anyone in this forum. I've just decided to post some advice as my way of giving back to DLD and the other contributors of this forum who have helped me get where I am today.

And judging from the responses to my threads and the PMs I am receiving from people asking for help, this advice is being appreciated.
Vindicator said:
This is not a miracle claim. This is fact.

And as for where my pictures are... I find it funny how you feel I owe it to you or anyone else to "back up my claims." I've never taken before pictures, so progress pictures just aren't possible unless I can find myself a time machine.

Currently, I am living with my aunt and her husband and children for the summer. I don't have a bedroom to myself, and it would be disrespectful to just flop my cock out in their living room (where I sleep) and take pictures of it on their computer.

When I go home in September, I will find the time to post pics.

In the mean time, I've never asked for anything from anyone in this forum. I've just decided to post some advice as my way of giving back to DLD and the other contributors of this forum who have helped me get where I am today.

And judging from the responses to my threads and the PMs I am receiving from people asking for help, this advice is being appreciated.

You have 2 threads going were you are making claims that are obviously getting alot of the newbies excited,claims that any long term pe'er will have a very hard time believing.

Very conveniante that you arn't able to provide proof,and yes if you are going to make claims on how to make huge gains then you should be prepared to back it up,simple as.
Dudes...please don't fight...There is enought of THAT in this world already, plus i'm trying to get myself in a zen kind of a state here...I ate half my dog yesterday just because he pissed on my kitchen floor, he is now in a permanent seating position and leaves a bloody trail all over the place, i learned a lesson...blood is harder to clean than piss !!! jk, no persons or animals were hurt during my psichotic episode. Well i did bite him just a litlle...

Point being...

Peace brothas...
8InchMIKE said:
Dudes...please don't fight...There is enought of THAT in this world already, plus i'm trying to get myself in a zen kind of a state here...I ate half my dog yesterday just because he pissed on my kitchen floor, he is now in a permanent seating position and leaves a bloody trail all over the place, i learned a lesson...blood is harder to clean than piss !!! jk, no persons or animals were hurt during my psichotic episode. Well i did bite him just a litlle...

Point being...

Peace brothas...

EVO said:
i just want to add that no matter what you eat, no matter how acidic, you could not change the pH of your blood. (just to clear that up to anyone who misunderstands).

I'm not a doctor, but if you know much about Michael Crichton, you might agree that he's a research fiend when it comes to writing his books.

If you recall The Andromeda Strain, (1971) the organism that the Wildfire labratory fought against lived in a very narrow range of pH. Two of the patients that had avoided death from the invader survive because their blood pH was just a little outside of normal.

In one scene, the organism escapes and a doctor is trapped in the lab. He was ordered to hyper ventilate to blow off CO2 causing his blood pH to become more alkaline. (and keeping the organism out of his blood)

In fact the condition is called Respiratory Alkalosis. And you can google that.

So I would say that diet can change your blood pH and push it from one side of the normal band of blood pH to the other. Which side is healthier, I can not say. However, I do suffer from acid reflux on occasion, and maybe shifting my pH to the alkaline side would help.

I know that when my stomach is upset, I have trouble drinking straight water because that just makes more more acidic. Adding baking soda helps.
Last edited:
Quackwatch is a joke, man.

Alkalizing has worked for thousands of people, causing huge improvements in health from all kinds of ailments. The proof is in the pudding.

Buy some pH strips, test your saliva first thing in the morning. Take the alkalizing drink 3 times per day, then test again in two weeks. Then you can tell me whether or not you are able to alkalize the body.

Like I said, it isn't about alkalizing your blood. Your body is going to do that no matter what. But in order to do that, it takes the alkaline minerals from all your other body tissue. They become acidic. When things are acidic, they don't carry oxygen. This leads to sick tissue, a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, cancer, etc, all of which are anaerobic and live without the presence of oxygen.

As for "stomach acid, intestines alkaline"... things aren't that simple.

Also, even that Quackwatch article contradicts itself.

Acid/alkaline is BS, yet...

"When you take in more protein than your body needs, your body cannot store it, so the excess amino acids are converted to organic acids that would acidify your blood. But your blood never becomes acidic because as soon as the proteins are converted to organic acids, calcium leaves your bones to neutralize the acid and prevent any change in pH. Because of this, many scientists think that taking in too much protein may weaken bones to cause osteoporosis."

If you had enough alkaline minerals to neutralize this acid, then your body wouldn't need to leach calcium from your skeleton in order to neutralize them.

Acid/alkaline isn't quackery. It is nature. All food as found in the wild is rich in alkaline minerals which neutralize their acidity. It is only the modern food growing methods which are depleted, allowing them to go to the acidic side.
Mighty Sequoia said:
So I would say that diet can change your blood pH and push it from one side of the normal band of blood pH to the other. Which side is healthier, I can not say. However, I do suffer from acid reflux on occasion, and maybe shifting my pH to the alkaline side would help.

I know that when my stomach is upset, I have trouble drinking straight water because that just makes more more acidic. Adding baking soda helps.

You carn't make large changes to the ph of the blood it has buffers to stop this happening,the body is more than capable of maintaining homeostasis.

Acid reflux is caused by stomach acid which is necessary for digestion being forced back up into the esophagus and throat which causes the burning sensation,are you overweight or eat large meals or fatty salty foods as this can cause acid,spicy foods and caffine can also irritate the gut causing acid,taking baking soda will help neutralize the excess acid but it won't solve the problem.
Vindicator said:
Buy some pH strips, test your saliva first thing in the morning. Take the alkalizing drink 3 times per day, then test again in two weeks. Then you can tell me whether or not you are able to alkalize the body.

Saliva test strips are not a good indicator of what is happening in your body,saliva and blood ph are pretty similar and as you have already stated yourself the body keeps blood ph in check by itself.

A simple cavity or bacteria in the mouth can alter the results of a saliva test strip.

Just to add one of the biggest advocates of a ph diet is robert barefoot who ended up being taken to court by the FDA after making many many fraudulent claims which he was unable to back up and who managed to scam millions with his magical claims about coral calcium.
The pH of your saliva, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, will tell you the state of your body's current alkaline reserves.

But really, this guy Moreless knows far more than I do on the topic, as he's taught me the principles which have changed my life.

I know for a fact that pH balancing works. Fact. Because because of my genetics and poor eating choices, I had reflux, colitis, migraines, chronically stiff muscles, incredibly thick mucus, etc etc etc.

This was at 19 years of age. Now I'm 21 and in what I consider optimal health. No allergies. No stomach pain. Perfect digestion.

Only change I made was to alkalize my tissue. So do what you want. It's your choice. Just know your options.


That's Moreless's forum. He'll teach you way more than I can.
This is intresting shit! im a bit of a nutrition buff and never even thought about doing this. but it makes a lot of sense! im going to do some research, it sounds credible but with all the theorys out there who knows.

OK, with just a bit of reading on the net it seems that blood pH is regulated to 3 significant figures and it's 7.41 for arterial blood and 7.36 for venous blood.

Blood pH CAN be shifted above or below these values, but only if a person is unhealthy. Other tissues of the body do not have as tight a tolerance as blood pH and the body as a whole can be either in an acidic to alkaline state.

Is being alkaline healthier? I dunno. My skill is in programming, and I leave the bio science for others to work out.

Though I am interested in trying Vindicator's recipe becuase I think it may help with other things going on in my body though I don't expect a Penis Enlargement benefit from it.
Anthony Robbins (whether you like him or not) has put a lot of research into this as well and supports the same theory a Vindicator as being the key to optimal health and well being.

This guy has hundreds of millions of dollars, and access to some of the most brilliant people in all walks of life including doctors,scientist and nutritionist. He spends a big percentage of his seminars talking about this exact issue.

He has a product that is specifically designed for this purpose which may be easier to take for most people.


I cannot attest to it as I cannot get it currently in Australia, however I am still trying as it all makes sense.
Vindicator you went from eating a shit diet to eating healthy foods and you feel great,not a suprise is it,any dietitian could of given you a well rounded balanced diet which would include acid/alkaline foods and you would of seen the benifits.

OzStretch the supplement industry is worth a lot of money,people are becoming more and more health conscious but are still lazy,instead of following a balanced diet they will take a supplement instead,Anthony Robbins is a buisness man and is simply using his reputation to help make money.
I ate some rolaids last week (very alkaline) and I swear my cock was bigger, or was it my acidic stomach was eased. Anyway, our body does have a ph scale. It is best to find a equilibrium of acid and alkaline amounts. There are actually 2 body systems that regulate ph balance in the body:

1: the respiratory system. We can alter this system by the rate of breathing. hyperventilation causes more carbon to be released and increases ph to a more alkaline state, if we hold our breath, less carbon is released and ph decreases to an acidic state.

2: metabolic ph. This can actually be altered with the type of foods consumed as Vindicator mentioned. This is why I mentioned rolaids, which is plentiful with magnesium (very alkaline). over consumption of alkaline foods will actually have a negative effect to the body. It is best to keep a balance.

Wow, I never thought I'd get to use this stuff on a penis enlargement forum!

so why isnt it good to be completely alkaline??? How do you know what balance to have. I'm going to buy some kelp and other glyconutrient powders and eat lots of alkaline foods because I've been feeling like shit lately and I can definately say my body is probably in an acidic state right now...
hoffy200 said:
so why isnt it good to be completely alkaline??? How do you know what balance to have. I'm going to buy some kelp and other glyconutrient powders and eat lots of alkaline foods because I've been feeling like shit lately and I can definately say my body is probably in an acidic state right now...

Lol,save your money and try eating a balanced diet mate.
WTF, Prince Albert?

Why are you so opposed to this? Nobody is being harmed here. I have achieved VERY good results in all aspects of health and have put the research in to figure out why I am getting these results.

A balanced diet just isn't good enough nowadays. Food is being grown on depleted soils, and this makes it impossible for the food to contain all of the alkaline minerals needed for help. This is not any magic claim. It is pure scientific fact.

There is no need to be so negative toward this. I was never on a shit diet. I always ate a lot of vegetables. A solid, well balanced diet. However, due to the way foods are grown, the protein of many vegetables contain too much nitrogen, which will make you acidic!

I urge people who want a bigger penis to look past the criticism and just give my methods a shot! I swear to this forum that I have no alterior motives here. I am not promoting any products or websites or exercise programs, etc.

All I did was take the genius of DLD and modify his exercises to fit my own physiology. I never claim to be a Penis Enlargement guru... but I do know certain things that WORK, and I am trying to share them with this forum because I know everyone is working so hard to get their gains.

Prince Albert, you are actually agreeing with me without even knowing it. You said:

"Acid reflux is caused by stomach acid which is necessary for digestion being forced back up into the esophagus and throat "

Exactly, reflux occurs when the stomach becomes too acidic and there is not enough alkaline minerals to neutralize this acid. By taking in more alkaline minerals, this acid will be handled and your digestion will improve.

Baking soda is only a quick fix because of what it breaks down into once inside the body. However, alkaline minerals are not a quick fix. They are THE FIX, as in, they are what your body needs to maintain health.

Higher alkalinity means higher oxygen levels and what happens if your body runs out of oxygen? You die.


Why isnt it good to become completely alkaline? Because your body runs on the energy produced by the acids and alkalines balancing each other out. So if you were JUST alkaline, alkalines do not react with other alkalines and you will not have any energy being produced... energy which you need to heal.

Luckily for you, humans are alkaline by design,but ACID BY FUNCTION. Meaning, all of the metabolic functions of life produce acid waste products, so it will be very hard to become overly alkaline as long as you are consuming even the slightest acidic products.

You probably are acidic. Definitely take the kelp. Get a good kelp powder and take as many tablespoons as you can spaced throughout the day. Also, try the alkalizing drink I suggested, as this will help to neutralize acids so that the energy of the KELP's TRACE MINERALS CAN CONCENTRATE ON BUILDING TISSUE RATHER THAN BATTLING ACIDS TO THE POINT OF NEUTRALIZATION.
Prince Albert,

I really hope there are no hard feelings here. I'm not trying to rile you up. I appreciate what you do for this forum. I just feel that you are dismissing something here without the proper evidence to do so.

I've personally measured my pH along the path from sickness to health and the results were amazing. When I was suffering, my morning saliva pH was around 5.9 (measured as the AVERAGE morning reading over a week). Now, my weekly average is 7.1 and I feel fantastic. The health problems are gone and I find my recovery ability (whether from Penis Enlargement or weightlifting) to be greatly improved.

That is why I am so enthusiastic in my posts. I'm not trying to come off as some sort of authority, but to hear people dismissing this as not working without testing it for themselves is frustrating to me!

After all, if we just took the public's word for what works or what doesn't, then surely we would not even be having this discussion on THIS FORUM, because penis enlargement is still considered a myth by the mainstream.

I know a lot of people can benefit by upping their intake of alkaline minerals, because I was one of them! My improvements changed my life completely. Penis Enlargement allowed me self-confidence. Alkalizing pulled me out of chronic depression and allowed me to show this self-confidence to the world.

I wish the best for you. May we all grow mammoth cocks. Because regardless of our differences of opinion, that's why we're all here.
No hard feelings mate,the problem i have is with some of the claims made about alkaline diets,like i said bob barefoot was unable to back up his claims when the FDA took him to court.

Alot of the food groups that fall into the acidic category have health benifits in there own right,you say it isn't possible to eat a balanced diet but i disagree,you can buy food that hasn't been grown intensively.

I doubt you will find any DIETIAN who would recommend an alkaline diet,simply because there is very little research to back it up.
I think I know where you're coming from now. See, the thing is... I'm not suggesting simply an alkaline diet. I currently still eat acidic foods. Acidic foods in themselves are not the problem. And yes, acidic foods do have nutrients which you need. I eat a wide variety of foods in moderation.

The problem I'm saying is that many foods which would make up a balanced diet are still grown on improper soils. Organic foods are no better in this regard. They are pesticide free, but still lacking in the trace minerals which we need desperately.

In a perfect world, where food is grown naturally, there would be no need for any alkalizing supplements. So in that sense, you are correct that a "balanced diet" is key.

However, it is very rare to find these high quality foods today... so what I am suggesting are just the cheapest sources of providing these needed alkaline minerals.

Foods which have their alkaline minerals in tact are all foods grown in the wild. So if you can get your hands on wild blueberries or such fruits, you will find yourself getting your trace minerals. Also, ALL wild seafood (not farmed) are rich in these minerals as well. Canned wild alaskan salmon would make a quick, healthy lunch.

As for coral calcium's claims of being some miracle pill, I addressed this in my first post. There is no way that this could magically solve all health problems! The reason is that calcium is a mineral. ONE ALKALINE MINERAL. And as alkalizing as it is, it provides a specific electrical energy frequency when combining with acids. However, the different organs of the body need MANY DIFFERENT ELECTRICAL ENERGY FREQUENCIES IN ORDER FOR THESE ORGANS TO STAY HEALTHY. And the only way to provide these frequencies is by providing, through either perfect diet (which I stand by saying is so hard to accomplish nowadays) or through supplementation (which is a lot easier. All supplements I recommend are natural foods, btw).
Vindicator, thanks for the answer man, I'm going to try to find the ingredients for your drink at the health food store in my town. Do you have any other good sites that talk about this? There's no hurt in trying this out, afterall it does make perfect sense, healthy cells, healthy body, healthy penis, healthy growth, healthy massive cock. I'm not gonna lie I have high hopes, I'll probably stick to this diet from now on or at least always keep this concept in mind when I plan on what I'm going to eat. THANK YOU!
We're quite lucky in the u.k as it is possible to get quality fruit,veg and meat localy,just a 2 minute walk from my house there are allotment stalls were you can buy eggs fruit veg that has been grown by the old blokes as a hobby,you can taste the difference compared to supermarket veg.

Same with the eggs the shells are pretty thick not thin and brittle like supermarket eggs,the yolks are a deep yellow orange unlike the pale yellow from the supermarket.

It is possible to get quality food if you are prepared to look for it.
I wonder how many people started doing a Penis Enlargement routine and had great gains over the years, without seeing any hard evidence (ie. before and after pics)? Should I mention all the 'expert opinions' we've all heard that Penis Enlargement doesn't work, and we're all wasting our time trying to grow our cocks?

Fortunately mine grew 1.5 x 0.5 inches all on its own at age 22-26, right when I started Penis Enlargementing...what a coincidence!

Anyhow, I'm going to try this, my diet is already very good, and I've been meaning to start taking molasses again since i know that stuff is pure gold. My grandmother used to apply molasses daily to small skin cancers that needed to be cut out, after doing this daily for months (took that long to get into the docs that was goign to cut it out) they were gone, the Dr was baffled :P
Well, I don't know if adjusting my ph level of my blood is gonna make my cock grow but I did a quick search on ph levels effecting sleep...because I just can't sleep anymore, must be an over 40 thing? The article is about people who have chronic pain but what ph levels do.

Anyway, pretty stinkin interesting reads to say the least. Here's one, with link provided, that should give credit to the discussion...


What Is pH and How Does it Affect Healing?
Ross Hauser, M.D. Marion Hauser,M.S.,R.D.

We utilize a simple diagnostic testing procedure known as Diet Typing to determine a person's under lying physiology. A significant portion of the testing involves testing the blood pH level. The normal blood pH at Caring Medical is 7.50 to 7.52. Anything above 7.52 is considered alkaline pH (higher than normal pH). Blood pH levels below 7.50 are considered acidic (low pH). The pH level, together with a glucose tolerance test and some other testing will help us determine which Hauser Diet you need to follow for your individual body type. Ensuring that our patients follow the appropriate diet helps in their overall healing, especially in conjunction with Prolotherapy.

A significant number of chronic pain patients show a lower than normal blood plasma pH. As described above, a person with low blood pH has what is termed acid blood. Acid blood is typically dark in color due to low oxygen content. Oxygen is the food that allows the body to extract and store energy from the blood. A low oxygen content in the blood compromises healing capabilities.

The treatment for acid blood is to consume foods and supplements which neutralize the blood pH. This is accomplished by consuming items which are alkaline and by reducing the intake of acidic items. Caffeine, sugar, wheat, citrus fruits, soda pop, and potatoes should be avoided, whereas protein and vegetables should be the majority of the meal. Supplements such as green algae or alfalfa also help neutralize acidic blood.

Nuts, seeds, brown rice, or soy products are good sources of protein if a vegetarian diet is preferred. People with acid blood are typically carbohydrate addicts and consume very little protein. Protein is needed in the diet because collagen, which makes up ligaments and tendons, is the most abundant protein in the body. Collagen is the building block for ligament and tendon tissue. A healthy diet with adequate amounts of protein for soft tissue growth is essential for heathy ligament and tendon injuries.

Another interesting finding is that our testing consistently reveals that chronic pain patients suffer from chronic dehydration. Chronic dehydration produces a reduction in shock absorbing capabilities of the intervertebral discs and articular cartilage, placing additional stress on the ligaments to stabilize the joints. The end result is ligament laxity, injury, and resultant chronic pain. It is very important for the person in chronic pain to drink six to eight glasses of purified water per day.
And here's one I read about molasses because macros brought it up and got me interested.


Molasses is an extremely nutritious by-product of the sugar refining process. Sweet Molasses is useful as an alternative sweetener to refined cane sugar. Both Blackstrap Molasses and Sweet Molasses are extremely rich sources of minerals and vitamins. Those nutrients that are unharmed by heat are 30 times more concentrated in molasses than in the original cane juice.


¤ One tablespoon of Molasses contains more calcium than a glass of milk (+/- 100 milligrams)

¤ One tablespoon of Molasses contains more iron than nine eggs (+/- 3 milligrams)

¤ Blackstrap molasses contains more potassium than any food

¤ Molasses contains an excellent supply of B Vitamins

¤ It is a good source of natural sugars.

¤ It is an alkali-forming food, beneficial for maintaining a proper acid-alkali balance in the body.

¤ Molasses is also rich in phosphoric acid. If this and potassium are deficient, a general breakdown of the cells, especially of the nerves and brain, can occur. (3)

¤ Molasses is also rich in copper, magnesium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, phosphorous, Pantothenic acid, vitamin E and Inositol. Refined sugar contains none of these nutrients.

From a nutritional point of view, crude or black-strap molasses, which is only mildly sweet and not too palatable, is preferable to sweet molasses.

See composition and nutritional analysis below:

Suggestion: The benefits of molasses can be greatly increased by combining it with other foods that are rich in B Vitamins such as brewer's yeast and wheat germ.
So first people said that orange juice and apple juice turn into alkaline and then later on somebody is saying that fruit should be avoided so which one is right.
I don't know but I do think one thing.

All things being equal, I'm certain that a guy who is very healthy stands a much better chance of making gains (while vigorously training) than a guy who's diet is horrible.

If red blood cells are allowed to flow easily to the penis and connective tissues, how can this be a bad thing? If adding minerals to my diet causes my red blood cells access to the connective tissues I'm all for it.

I can't see anything but upside when it comes to adding proper nutrition to my Penis Enlargement routine...wth.
Pandora said:
So first people said that orange juice and apple juice turn into alkaline and then later on somebody is saying that fruit should be avoided so which one is right.
most fruit and vegetables are alkalizing. Exceptions are cranberries, plums, and prunes. These fruits do not oxidize in the body, and therefore are acidizing. does not mean they are bad for you though. also, acidic urine prevents kidney stones...
Vindicator said:
...due to the way foods are grown, the protein of many vegetables contain too much nitrogen, which will make you acidic!
I have a fairly good education in physiology, biochemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, etc yet I cannot figure out this quote. Nitrogen typically exists in a three times bonded state with a lone pair of electrons free to flow. This makes nitrogen an excellent nucleophile, which is a term that is almost synonymous with basic. I have a chart in one of my old textbooks that lists the pH of all the amino acids, and I can swear without looking at it that the more nitrogenous the amino acids, the more basic they are. Amines are basic. Maybe is something else going on that makes the food more acidic?