Hello all.

I was just reading the latest edition of Mens-Health magazine, and I saw in one of their articles that they were talking about how to measure the penis, and they then gave the average sizes. I'm not sure if I agree with it totally. What think ye?

Flaccid Length = 3.43
Erect Length = 5.03
Erect Girth= 5.23
Erection Angle= 105.7 degress.

I don't really care about the flaccid length but ( to me) the erect length seems way off and Erect girth seems alright...maybe a bit above average. That 5.03 length just took me by surprise.
Actually that seems very close to what the "official" Kinsey medical studies seem to report for the 'average' size. I've seen anything from 5-6" on length and 4-5" on girth as average. I think the Kinsey study seems most accurate. 3" as average flaccid? Damn. I need to find a gym just so I can start taking my showers there. LOL.
I wonder what the measuring method is? Sounds off to me if they get average girth at 5.23 unless it's the bone pressed girth. :D
Those do seem a bit off... maybe 5" nbpel.

The average girth is definitly not 5.23". I've done my research into this one because its the main reason for my Penis Enlargement'ing. I've found that its around 4.85". If 5.24 was the average, Magnums would be trojans #1 selling condom, lol.
Did they say if it was self-measurement? What is the number of men measured ?

I would say length is higher than that, although I tend to believe average length is slightly below the 6 inch standard.

The girth seems high, and that is not at all based out of personal jealousy. Many things i have read regard any girth above 5.1 as being classified as 'larger' to some degree . . , that doesn't jive. I would guess they just measured width and used a a pi formula to get a general estimate on girth and reported the average?

This seems likely as judging the normal circumferance of a tube would probably average out higher when taken from a single diameter measurement as opposed to trying to judge the more oblong stucture of the average penis . . .

Although why they wouldn't just use a soft measuring tape is beyond me . . . maybe 5.3 or whatever is normal . . . FUCK!
Maybe, for girth they measured the base. If a study doesn't include the way they measured, who measured it etc.. Then I'm not gonna believe it one way or another.

I believe that these figures came from one of lastest (scientific?) surveys that was done on penis size. I can't remember where it was, but I do remember that 5.03" was the erect length. It probably was not bonepressed. If so, I could expect also that the obesity factor of the U.S. that we have been reading about would cause the erect length to be less than in older surveys. Just a thought.
I saw a study done at San Francisco State that came up with an average length of 5.25" (don't remember is they said it was BP or not).

What you have to remember is that the voluntary studies always come up 0.5" to an inch longer because if it's self measured, apparently it's irresistible to cheat, or if it's measured by nurses guys with small penises won't show up.

When involuntary studies are done, mostly in other countries for obvious reasons, they seem to come up on lower side of 5". I also saw a study that was done in South America that was involuntary and it also came up low 5's.

So we only have to get to 10" to be double the average!
Originally posted by Stoffel17
Flaccid Length = 3.43
Erect Length = 5.03
Erect Girth= 5.23
Erection Angle= 105.7 degress
I think it's definitely off. When I was 5.2" EG, I had women tell me I was thick. I also remember regular condoms feeling too tight on me (at 5.2 midshaft, maybe 5.5-5.6 base, at the time). Yet this study is saying 5.23" is average? Furthermore, it's saying that the average cock is thicker than it is long???? That would make most men a chode! LOL.
I think the results are skewed. The vast majority of such studies I've seen put average girth below 5" - usually around 4.8-4.9 or so. And average length closer to 6 inches erect (some even put it at 6.3 erect for white, 6.8 erect for blacks).
Another thing....a good buddy I went to high school with kept getting a bad rep that he was "small." It was heard everywhere. We teased him a little, to which he showed us with a ruler that he was 5.5" erect. Yet girls - and later, women - kept saying he was small. So how the hell could the average erect be 5 inches? According to Kinsey, that is borderline "small" (83% of all penises were said to be between 5-7", with 24% right at 6" - the most common measurement).
WaxN hit the nail right on the head.

Are you sure this is actually in Men's Health?

I just noticed the flaccid length. It seems to be off too. My locker room experience goes against that 3.4 measurement. Seems to be more around 4.5.
I disagree with Waxn, but whatever. Whatever anyone touts here as the truth, their theories ALWAYS have some holes in it... even the 'official' studies. Round and round we go.... :D :s
Originally posted by j-penis
I disagree with Waxn, but whatever. Whatever anyone touts here as the truth, their theories ALWAYS have some holes in it... even the 'official' studies. Round and round we go.... :D :s

Just curious, in what regard do you disagree.

Also, was Kinsey the one that sent out postcards so people could self measure, mark the post card and send it in? I wouldn't expect to get any accuracy better than +/- 1" if that. And, of course, the error would tend to be skewed upwards.

I know we have beat this to death, but hey it's fun and a little ego boost doesn't hurt, right?
I'm just disagreeing with the average length, which I believe is NOT 6 inches or higher. That's because I belive people always exaggerate. But that's my opinion.

However, I do go with the rather vague "5 to 6 inches", because under the circumstances that is the best we have to go on. And I don't think that figure will ever be narrowed down.

The reason?

For one, it's the simple fact that most penis "statistics" are self-measured. It is almost a certainty that measurements will be self-exaggerated. Small guys will claim an 'acceptable' (average) length, while average guy will state either their true or a slightly above average length to appease their egos. And since the number of small+average men will dwarf the number of larger men (it's a statistical certainty - refer to the Bell Curve Theory), the average-to-smaller guys' exaggeration WILL raise the offical 'average'. No doubt about that. It will no doubt at least add on 0.5 inches or so to the true count.

Having said that the only way to get a TRUE average measurement would be to "force" a very large sample of men (tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands) in the world to measure their lengths and girths, but that's going to happen. Too many people to deal with, too time/money consuming for an activity that is ultimately superficial, in the larger scheme of things.
To me, any study which states averaged girth to exceed averaged length loses credibility right from the start. I mean, come on, that's ridiculous. How many guys on this board have more girth than length????
And in terms of self-measurement, how else do you expect it to be done? I'm sorry, but I could not maintain a raging erection while some old fart researcher handled it, placed a ruler next to it, then wrapped a measuring tape around it.
I'll give you one more thing to chew on: To my suprise, most of these studies are NBP!!! In fact, almost all of them are. I focus on BP, because I feel I can get more measurements consistently that way, and my measurement doesn't fluctuate with my bodyweight. However, I've read study after study which gives measurement directions which clearly correspond with NBP. And the Kinsey measurement with a flimsy index card obviously had to be NBP as well....or just try shoving an index card deeply into your pubis.
I'm not saying all this to be argumentative, I'm simply trying to be objective. If you think that most guys are thicker than they are long, or that they only average 5" in length, so be it. I'll say you're possibly in for a rude awakening. But we have Penis Enlargement, so no need to kid ourselves.
One more thing, from 1985-87, I was a bouncer at a very hot Pittsburgh nightclub. I worked Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays (& Sundays were Under 21 nights). In just over 2 years, I worked over 400 shifts there....and snagged quite a bit of pussy. At the time I was 6.5 (BPenis EnlargementL) x 5.2 (midshaft), yet I never once had a gal comment on my length. :( but true.
I had gals tell me, "Ooh, a thickie!" (at 5.2, imagine that). Yet none ever said I was long. Yet, according to that cracked study, my girth was slighly under average, but my length was almost 1.5" more - the exact opposite of all the female feedback I ever got (noteworthy girth, ho-hum length).....yeah.............RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT.
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Originally posted by WaxN
But we have Penis Enlargement, so no need to kid ourselves.

EXACTLY, Average size really makes no difference to us. We have the ability to change our size.
Who said anything about girth being greater than length? You're just arguing with a phantom-voice in your head. I FOR ONE, did not say anything like that. My current length is greater than my girth, it always has been. I intend to keep it that way, even after my Penis Enlargement endeavors.

And while you're right that a study which claims girth to be greater than length sounds a bit odd, I don't see why you have to jack UP the average (from 5.0-6) to 6+inches. I agree that the avg length is greater, but I disagree that the invalidity of this study somehow make the average length longer.
Let's just keep it simple.

Average length: 6 in. (not bone pressed)
Average girth: 5 in.

I don't care if it's a bit more than that or a bit less. I just want to GROW!
i still feel that is to big, i mean 6" NBP can mean the person can rage from 6.25 to 7" BP. I say average length is around 6"BP. But i agree on a 5" girth.
I'm not certain, but I believe these figures are the same as on a web site recently posted at Thunder's. I believe that it's self-reporting, and the directions for girth were to measure around the thickest part of base. Length was to place ruler on top of penis and press firmly, so would be pseudo-bone-pressed anyway.
Originally posted by j-penis
Who said anything about girth being greater than length? You're just arguing with a phantom-voice in your head. I FOR ONE, did not say anything like that. My current length is greater than my girth, it always has been. I intend to keep it that way, even after my Penis Enlargement endeavors.

And while you're right that a study which claims girth to be greater than length sounds a bit odd, I don't see why you have to jack UP the average (from 5.0-6) to 6+inches. I agree that the avg length is greater, but I disagree that the invalidity of this study somehow make the average length longer.
What in the world are you talking about? I'm hardly "arguing with a phantom-voice" in my head. Do you even know what this thread is about? It's about a penis size survey, and the results posted (at the top of this thread) are as follows:

Flaccid Length = 3.43
Erect Length = 5.03
Erect Girth= 5.23
Erection Angle= 105.7 degress.

I'm not sure which math you're familiar with, but if you look at "Erect Length = 5.03" and "Erect Girth=5.23" you'll see that the erect girth has a greater numerical value (5.23 > 5.03) than erect length.
Maybe you're reading some phantom thread in your head.
Originally posted by WaxN
What in the world are you talking about? I'm hardly "arguing with a phantom-voice" in my head. Do you even know what this thread is about? It's about a penis size survey, and the results posted (at the top of this thread) are as follows:

Flaccid Length = 3.43
Erect Length = 5.03
Erect Girth= 5.23
Erection Angle= 105.7 degress.

I'm not sure which math you're familiar with, but if you look at "Erect Length = 5.03" and "Erect Girth=5.23" you'll see that the erect girth has a greater numerical value (5.23 > 5.03) than erect length.
Maybe you're reading some phantom thread in your head.

Sorry, didn't mean to start an argument.

But I still stand firmly against that the average length is NOT over 6 inches. I think this study over-measured the girth while undermeasuring the length, but only by about .5 inches.
All of the recent surveys have indicated less than 6" length (there have been quite a few). I have seen ranges from the low of 5.03" to 5.87". I also agree that anything that allows the person to measure themself will always be skewed at least 1/2 inch. Most men would think that exagerrating by 1/2" would not be that bad. Nobody wants to feel like they don't measure up in that department. Hopefully, we are all posting true measurements on this site.
There are just so many different ways to measure. Even BP... Like sitting down, standing up, rotating your hips, etc. It's hard to have a definite survey. You also have to consider that many men that don't measure up will not show up to a voluntary measuring survey, so the results will be skewed.

Like DLD has said, average doesnt matter to us, because we can change it, so don't worry about what average is! :)
Unless there are any promiscuous gays on this board, we're all basically "guessing" - or at least *choosing* the surveys we want to believe.
Why any guy here would be sure that the average is not 6" is beyond me - unless he's seen a lot of erect penises in his lifetime. I can remember seeing many flaccid units that were over 5" long in school locker rooms & gym locker rooms. I've seen flaccid units that were 7 or 8 inches long.
Furthermore, the Kinsey study (while it has it's detractors) is still probably the most respected, long-standing study. Kinsey found that 83% of all units were between 5 & 7 inches erect. I accept that.
And, as I said, I threw my tool around a bit in the early-mid 1980's. I was 6.5 (bpel) x 5.2 (midshaft). No gal ever shown any signs of being impressed with my length (i.e., 6.5" was no big deal). To somehow think that the average is 5" would put me at 30% longer, yet no gals noted that.
At Thunders, luvdadus (a physician) thinks the average bpel is about 6.3". I know when I was about 13 and my buddies compared boners at a sleepover, most were about my length, a few were more and only 1 was less. That's the extent of my boner experience first-hand. I tend to accept that.
Waxn, I with you on this one.

Any survey which shows average length between 5" - 5.5" has to be talking non-bone pressed.

I started with 5.5" BPenis EnlargementL and know that I was below average.

I'd like to say 'lets just get on with it and not worry about average sizes', but here I am wasting my time on this subject ;) Oh well....what can I do? :D
*shakes head* :D

I'm gonna say what I say here with all due respect to DLD. He is providing a wonderful and valuable service to many men who wish to enhance their lives in this particular aspect.

Now allow me to continue...

I respect everyone's opinions here. But I think that a lot of men's perceptions are strongly influenced by their own insecurities. Women generally do not notice a half-inch difference.

So SlamInTheLamb, I would say that your feelings of inadequacy (like being .5 inches below the 6 inch average was a crushing thing) was all in your head. I am 5.5 myself (if I lose the 10 pounds of fat I have, I prob won't even need to bone press), and I feel average. I honestly do. I don't feel grossly inadequate though, and that's why my goals are moderate (around 6.5-7 inches). Everyone has their own goals here, but I snicker a little bit when guys talk about wanting to become 11 inches or something. :D To me, that's just silly. Talk about an absolutely *huge* complex.... Can you imagine what a freak one must look like with an 11 inch dong? It's all good, though...

Then again, I'm a pretty good looking and stylish guy with other things going in other areas, so maybe I'm using that as a crutch. Sorry if I sound a bit self-absorbed, but that's how I see it.

If you think having an 11 inch dick will make your life wonderful, I think you're wrong. If only life were as simple as that - then I'd spend every single waking moment tuggin on my dick, and I'd be ruling the world. Lexington Steele probably doesn't feel like he owns the world because he has an enormous dong. He's just an average guy with an average life, who enjoys sex so much that he's willing to face social ostracism to fuck. And if anyone 'respects' him, it's only going to be the average obssessive adult entertainment viewer that does. Most people will think of him as a freak, both physically and socially. There are other things like career, health, looks (face and body wise), women, social standing, etc. Basically, I'm just using this to slightly enhance my life. I'm not making this my life's goal or sole purpose in life. So having an enormous dong isn't tantamount in my mind, and neither does having a 5.5 inch dick CRUSH my confidence as it did with some of you. If I found that Penis Enlargement did *not* work for me, I would be able to walk away with my 5.5 inches and be fine.

The huge complexes the guys here (and all over the world) have about penis size manifests itself in many different and interesting ways, and this forum is no different. :P
Originally posted by ItsElectric
Our society is getting fatter, so the NBP measurements will go down. Makes sense, the girth though will stay the same.


Was that a personal attack:D
I'd like to just make a few points. First off, I agree that having an ever-bigger cock does not increase one's happiness in life. Also, I sure don't want an 11" penis! I'd honestly be quite content with 8.5" or so (which is only about 1.25" more for me).
But it's funny how something depends upon from which angle we're looking. While you might say we obsess, from insecurity, I can just as easily say that you are struggling to convince yourself that it doesn't matter, from insecurity.
But I do think you're way off the mark in some of your comments. First off, Lex Steele is not a social outcast. Far from it. A lot of women would LOVE to screw him. The way you attempt to dismiss him shows how intimidated you feel about his huge stovepipe.
I remember hearing college-educated women at the office speak with almost reverence about John Holmes. Women DO admire a man with a big dick.
I don't mean to sound condescending, but I suspect you're a rather young fellow (I'm 38, BTW). But if you've been around WOMEN enough - as opposed to young gals - you'd know that women DO genuinely love the feel of writhing upon a big love muscle (especially when they're all expanded & wet, and a smaller penis would feel like a Q-Tip inside them).
Looks, grooming, clothes, etc., etc. are all fine. But they don't drive women to shattering orgasms. And when women claim that size doesn't matter, they're either lying to you OR they've never experienced the thrills of a biggie.
For the record:
1) I do NOT want an 11" penis.
2) I KNOW that women love big cocks.
3) I know that I don't change reality just by kidding myself.
Furthermore, I know that my wife enjoys my larger cock far more than when I was more average. I plumped up with about 70% more total mass to my unit, and my wife of 17 years wants sex more than ever now.
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
Does anyone want my take on it:D ???
Well, I think we know what YOU think about big cocks!
Any guy going for 13.6" NBP isn't shy about being huge/large... freakish...sHIT! what's the word!
Originally posted by WaxN
I'd like to just make a few points. First off, I agree that having an ever-bigger cock does not increase one's happiness in life. Also, I sure don't want an 11" penis! I'd honestly be quite content with 8.5" or so (which is only about 1.25" more for me).
But it's funny how something depends upon from which angle we're looking. While you might say we obsess, from insecurity, I can just as easily say that you are struggling to convince yourself that it doesn't matter, from insecurity.
But I do think you're way off the mark in some of your comments. First off, Lex Steele is not a social outcast. Far from it. A lot of women would LOVE to screw him. The way you attempt to dismiss him shows how intimidated you feel about his huge stovepipe.
I remember hearing college-educated women at the office speak with almost reverence about John Holmes. Women DO admire a man with a big dick.
I don't mean to sound condescending, but I suspect you're a rather young fellow (I'm 38, BTW). But if you've been around WOMEN enough - as opposed to young gals - you'd know that women DO genuinely love the feel of writhing upon a big love muscle (especially when they're all expanded & wet, and a smaller penis would feel like a Q-Tip inside them).
Looks, grooming, clothes, etc., etc. are all fine. But they don't drive women to shattering orgasms. And when women claim that size doesn't matter, they're either lying to you OR they've never experienced the thrills of a biggie.
For the record:
1) I do NOT want an 11" penis.
2) I KNOW that women love big cocks.
3) I know that I don't change reality just by kidding myself.
Furthermore, I know that my wife enjoys my larger cock far more than when I was more average. I plumped up with about 70% more total mass to my unit, and my wife of 17 years wants sex more than ever now.

I think I've said too much already. Think what you like... SIR. :D (Yeah, you're older than I am. :P But for the record, I'm not a baby, nor a teen.) But I really don't feel intimidated by Lexington Steele. Lex has a monster dick, and I think he's a pretty good looking guy. Not model-fine but not heinous either. He may get somewhere if he decides to freak a very horny slut in a club, but in a non-pick up environment I don't think he'll do so well.

Jesus Christ... I come from a very upper-middle (almost upper class) class background, I know a lot of women who definately would fantasize about big dicks like Lex, but unless that dick was attached to a successful man with social standing (And NO - adult entertainment generally isn't considered mainstream-successful... face it.), they wouldn't really want him. Maybe for a fuck or two - if they can do it under the radar - but not in public. I also find your claim that Lexington Steele is some sort of mainstream celebrity a bit far-fetched. Male pornstars, like male fashion models, take a back seat to their female counterparts because with the exception of sports, any line of work which involves the physical/looks realm are dominated by the women. That's just the stigma society places on both genders - society celebrates achievements more in men, and beauty more in women.

Thus Jenna Jameson (the MOST famous pornstar ever) was able to make a barely-decent stab at a mainstream career, but even her star-power wasn't enough for her to become a household name. She had a handful of b-list appearances, and that was it. The social stigma against adult entertainment is still VERY strong, but you make it sound like a adult entertainment star can become the next Halle Berry or Britney Spears or Tom Cruise or something. LOL!! And yes, Lex has a large penis, we all know that. And yes, women fantasize about large penises. But are you saying that that's *all* they think about? Hardly. Maybe the above-average libido girl or the avid adult entertainment watching female or the bored housewife, but most women do not even know the names of male pornstars. With all due respect - give me a break.

And I never said that penis size doesn't matter. WTF - of COURSE it does! :) I'm just saying that it isn't the only thing women go for. If one denies that, he's WAY mis-led. My point is that most women with some breeding, while they definately wouldn't complain about a nice big dick, wouldn't place ALL their bets on just a penis. Think about it - it's just a stupid bodypart! I'm sure more women than not would think about other things like I mentioned.

As DLD's intro to the member-site says, this program is a nice was to ENHANCE your life. Not make the sole focus of one's life. That's all I'm saying.

And finally, women who are older like your wife probably have looser pussies (sorry that came out kinda crass, but you know what I mean ;) . No disrespect intended.). This is probably from having babies and also a greater number of lovers than young girls. So I think it makes sense that they might feel more satisfied by a larger dick, but generally only as time goes on, as they age.

Women during earlier stages of life are more concerned about making money, getting a career, finding a suitable mate, etc. It's only when one is older and there is less of life to explore (set, steady lives that quickly become boring) that people focus more on sex for entertainment. I think this is probably why most swingers are rarely under their early 30s, and not single (especially the women). Of course I am not talking about size-queens in this case (of any age).

Anyway, why the heck are you so riled up over this? Big deal dude. Er, I mean Sir. :s :D I'm just stating my opinion. I've always been raised to speak my mind. And ultimately, it ain't that deep.



PS: if I was so threatened by penises larger than mine I probably wouldn't have listed my size as 5.5 inches. I probably would have lied to protect my ego. But I didn't.

So like I said, I'm okay with it. Insecurirty generally isn't a large part of my life.
J-penis, I'm sure your right in saying that most women don't go around choosing their mates based solely upon penis size.

Even in our low-mid class social standing women are looking for a good overall package.

I don't think the majority of people here are trying for the 11' dick (Hmmm...then again ;) ). We're just looking for that extra couple of inches to put us above the average and satisfy our own insecurities. And yes, they are insecurities, we've all got them in some form or other, that's why we're here.

Now, imagine yourself in a few years time, settled down with a woman in your mansion, sipping champagne :). Whilst you're in your high powered job working all hours of the day to buy that 4th Porshe, your lady's being bent over the silver display cabinet being rammed with 9" of the gardener's cock!

Only kidding with ya. But I'm sure there's many a fella's girl who's strayed with another guy because she's getting more sexual fulfilment from his bigger dick (and probably fantasising about it whilst shagging her hubby).

The reason we are interested in average sizes is because we want to assess our minimum goals so that we can surpass our insecurities to secure the knowledge that we're not going to be the smallest dick a girls ever had.

Anyhoo...just my two cents :D.

PS. IMVHO, if a girl is going to attach herself to someone because of his success and social standing, I wouldn't say that's a basis for a lasting stable relationship. The're also something called 'love' (oh no, the violins are coming out. lol :D)
Originally posted by seven_wants_ten
j-penis, it sounds to me like you're the one getting riled up, not him.

Do you judge how riled up a person is by the length of his posts? I don't.

But actually, I wish I could take back everything I said... it ain't even worth debating things like Lexington Steele's celebrity status. LOL! How innane! This is just too much... my apologies to whom I may have offended. I'll shut up now, and just concentrate on Penis Enlargement-ing. :)
Originally posted by SlamInTheLamb

Now, imagine yourself in a few years time, settled down with a woman in your mansion, sipping champagne :). Whilst you're in your high powered job working all hours of the day to buy that 4th Porshe, your lady's being bent over the silver display cabinet being rammed with 9" of the gardener's cock!

Only kidding with ya. But I'm sure there's many a fella's girl who's strayed with another guy because she's getting more sexual fulfilment from his bigger dick (and probably fantasising about it whilst shagging her hubby).

oh, I don't doubt it, Slam. It has happened MANY times before, and it will happen again. But that's why I'm here man. ;)

However I think the difference between a 6.5 inch dick and an 8 inch dick, while big to the eye, isn't *that* great if the man with the smaller wang knows how to use it, and also gives good head. I think 8 inches is about where functionality gives way to pure aesthetics -after that size, all dicks just feel 'very big' inside a woman. It's just the guys with exceptionally small dicks that are in trouble. I feel that I'm borderline - that' why I'm here to try to solve that problem. ;)

But more importantly, it's how he fulfills her emotional needs. Women cheat out of plain ol lust too, but most of the time it's because her emotional needs aren't fully met. In other words, tha hoe wasn't getting enough attention. :s
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It's true that 'how you use it' is very important. but if you think that 1.5" doesn't make much difference, you're wrong.

I started at 5.5 BPenis EnlargementL and am currently 6 7/8". Although I haven't changed my technique, that gain has made a significant difference to my wifes sex life :).
Originally posted by SlamInTheLamb
It's true that 'how you use it' is very important. but if you think that 1.5" doesn't make much difference, you're wrong.

I started at 5.5 BPenis EnlargementL and am currently 6 7/8". Although I haven't changed my technique, that gain has made a significant difference to my wifes sex life :).

You're right about that. The difference between a merely average (5.5-6 inch dick) and a sizeable dick (say 7 inches or so) is pretty substantial.

But I'm talking about large versus *huge* dicks. Following the Law of Diminishing Returns, a good sized cock, say 7.5 inches, will show roughly the same return of performance (just based on the 'fullness' it provides - to say nothing of the skills of the lover the dick is attached to) as a 8.5 or an 9.0 inch dick. At that point to a woman -- big is just big, not "1.65734 inches bigger". Ya feel me now, man? ;)

Basically, all this "going for 9, 10, 11!" stuff is just window dressing for the eyes or the ego. :P But to each his own, you know? I can respect a monster penis. LOL! :D I just wanted to keep things in perspective for others, as well as myself (I like to see my thoughts on screen so I can re-digested it for myself).
I've had the penis size convo with a few girls, and it was suprising what they had to say.

Basically, if a girl and a guy hook up, the girl will be psyched if the guy is hot and has a great personality...the penis IS important, but it's more of like a suprise I think.

A girl really digs this guy, they're getting hot and heavy, they go back to her place, and start fooling around. She slowly un-buttons his pants and attempts to pull out his dick...

If it is small, it's sort of a turn off...but if she's really into him, whatever.

However, if it's large, its pretty dope, and will make her that much more excited.

The girls I've talked to about the issue didn't say it was the most important thing, but it's a great consolation...say: meeting a great guy, who's decent looking, has a great personality, and DOESN'T have a small dick.
Originally posted by cacavolante
The girls I've talked to about the issue didn't say it was the most important thing, but it's a great consolation...say: meeting a great guy, who's decent looking, has a great personality, and DOESN'T have a small dick.

*wondering what they would say about me:D*

Run it by them, tell them I am miserable guy, who's obsene looking, has OCD, and DOESN'T have a small dick :D