I agree with you too brother. Women can be very selfish and too needy. Relationships and marriages feel like a full time job. Very draining in my opinion and sometimes not worth it.
From Perplexity AI:

What are the health benefits of being married?

Research indicates that marriage offers several significant health benefits:

1. Longevity: Married people tend to live longer than their unmarried counterparts, with an average of two additional years of life expectancy[1][3].

2. Cardiovascular health: Married individuals have a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes, and are more likely to survive a heart attack[1][2].

3. Cancer outcomes: Married people are more likely to detect cancer earlier and have higher survival rates[1][2].

4. Mental health: Marriage is associated with lower rates of depression and better overall mental health[1][2].

5. Healthy behaviors: Married individuals often engage in healthier lifestyles, including better eating habits, less smoking and excessive drinking, and more regular medical check-ups[1][3].

6. Immune function: Happy marriages are linked to stronger immune function and lower levels of stress hormones like cortisol[1].

7. Social support: Marriage provides a sense of belonging and increased opportunities for social engagement, which can reduce feelings of loneliness and improve overall health[3].

8. Inflammation reduction: Healthy marriages are associated with lower levels of chronic inflammation, which is linked to various diseases[3].

These benefits are often attributed to factors such as mutual support, accountability for health behaviors, and increased social integration. However, it's important to note that the quality of the marriage plays a significant role in these health outcomes[1][2][3].

[1] The health advantages of marriage - Harvard Health The health advantages of marriage - Harvard Health
[2] Surprising health benefits of marriage - Baylor Scott & White Health Surprising health benefits of marriage
[3] Marriage provides health benefits – and here's why Marriage provides health benefits – and here’s why
[4] A Guide to the Legal, Financial, and Health Benefits of Marriage A Guide to the Legal, Financial, and Health Benefits of Marriage
[5] The Health Benefits of Marriage - Focus on the Family The Health Benefits of Marriage
From Perplexity AI:

What are the health benefits of being married?

Research indicates that marriage offers several significant health benefits:

1. Longevity: Married people tend to live longer than their unmarried counterparts, with an average of two additional years of life expectancy[1][3].

2. Cardiovascular health: Married individuals have a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes, and are more likely to survive a heart attack[1][2].

3. Cancer outcomes: Married people are more likely to detect cancer earlier and have higher survival rates[1][2].

4. Mental health: Marriage is associated with lower rates of depression and better overall mental health[1][2].

5. Healthy behaviors: Married individuals often engage in healthier lifestyles, including better eating habits, less smoking and excessive drinking, and more regular medical check-ups[1][3].

6. Immune function: Happy marriages are linked to stronger immune function and lower levels of stress hormones like cortisol[1].

7. Social support: Marriage provides a sense of belonging and increased opportunities for social engagement, which can reduce feelings of loneliness and improve overall health[3].

8. Inflammation reduction: Healthy marriages are associated with lower levels of chronic inflammation, which is linked to various diseases[3].

These benefits are often attributed to factors such as mutual support, accountability for health behaviors, and increased social integration. However, it's important to note that the quality of the marriage plays a significant role in these health outcomes[1][2][3].

[1] The health advantages of marriage - Harvard Health The health advantages of marriage - Harvard Health
[2] Surprising health benefits of marriage - Baylor Scott & White Health Surprising health benefits of marriage
[3] Marriage provides health benefits – and here's why Marriage provides health benefits – and here’s why
[4] A Guide to the Legal, Financial, and Health Benefits of Marriage A Guide to the Legal, Financial, and Health Benefits of Marriage
[5] The Health Benefits of Marriage - Focus on the Family The Health Benefits of Marriage
But rememember that it takes a lot, I mean A - L-O-T of work to keep the marriage healthy and happy. For a guy that has been married for 24 years, there were and still are many rollercoasters ride. To keep the marriage healthy is close to a Herculean task, and to keep the marriage happy all the time requires you to have a mind, heart, and behavior close to a saint. I'm no saint. But God blessed me with the tenacity to deal with my wife and kids without giving up. I'm applying that to my PE as well.
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