Been very busy last few weeks with work so been a bit slack with routine . Still do daily manual stretches and jelq and horse as often as possible ( bout every second day ) but havent had much time in andro . girth seems like I will have no trouble gaining but it feels like I'm never going to get length gains . Still can't add anymore bars to andro .
The colonel;496292 said:
Been very busy last few weeks with work so been a bit slack with routine . Still do daily manual stretches and jelq and horse as often as possible ( bout every second day ) but havent had much time in andro . girth seems like I will have no trouble gaining but it feels like I'm never going to get length gains . Still can't add anymore bars to andro .

Don't let too much time go by without training, days can turn into weeks and so on. If you are busy and can only train every other day then make a commitment to that and stick to it. Making gains is all about repeat expansion and elongation, the penis needs to be trained in order to grow.
doublelongdaddy;496371 said:
Don't let too much time go by without training, days can turn into weeks and so on. If you are busy and can only train every other day then make a commitment to that and stick to it. Making gains is all about repeat expansion and elongation, the penis needs to be trained in order to grow.

Still committed but only time I can use andro is if I get home before my wife and I've been getting home too late . Like I said still doing daily manual stretches and jelq as often as I can . Got 4 hours in andro yesterday and morning and afternoon jelq . Got next two days off so will be making most of it . Need to just tell my wife that I'm doing it or make sure I'm home by 3 everyday so I can get at lest two hours in andro . If she just accepted that I do it I could spend like 5-6 hours a night strapped in . Been keeping on mos daily to help keep motivation going . It helps a lot .
The colonel;496426 said:
Still committed but only time I can use andro is if I get home before my wife and I've been getting home too late . Like I said still doing daily manual stretches and jelq as often as I can . Got 4 hours in andro yesterday and morning and afternoon jelq . Got next two days off so will be making most of it . Need to just tell my wife that I'm doing it or make sure I'm home by 3 everyday so I can get at lest two hours in andro . If she just accepted that I do it I could spend like 5-6 hours a night strapped in . Been keeping on mos daily to help keep motivation going . It helps a lot .

How do you think she would react if you told her you did Penis Enlargement?
doublelongdaddy;496522 said:
How do you think she would react if you told her you did Penis Enlargement?

We did talk about it a little bit when she first found andro and after she freaked she was kinda ok but just didn't understand why I felt like I needed to. Kinda got same discussion going on 2 threads now so I won't jabber on about it too much here . As always thanks for everything dld . So good to have mos and people who understand
The colonel;496559 said:
We did talk about it a little bit when she first found andro and after she freaked she was kinda ok but just didn't understand why I felt like I needed to. Kinda got same discussion going on 2 threads now so I won't jabber on about it too much here . As always thanks for everything dld . So good to have mos and people who understand

:) MOS Rocks!
Dang !!!! Measured yesterday and midshat was back down to just over 14 cm . Base girth still 15 and Noel still the same . Have had to take some time off girth work cos was getting a blister . Got a bit carried away with horse squeezes I think . Also have had a chest infection so maybe my old boy isn't at his best too . Never mind . Still if it was only temp gains it shows me that it is possible just need to stay committed and not get too carried away at the same time . Also I've been getting lots of little red spots after doing manual stretches . Ive had them before and they always gone by next day but not sure if it's a good sign or bad sign that they showing up every time now ? Does this mean that there is more blood getting in and it's a sign of growth or should I just not be pulling so hard ?
What were the measurements? I am kind of lost on the outcome.
doublelongdaddy;496869 said:
What were the measurements? I am kind of lost on the outcome.

Ok sorry for confusion .

Start stats

Bpel 15 cm
Mseg was Probly just under 14 cm ( did with the paper measure )
Ebg around 15 cm

Got up to
Bpel 15 cm
Mseg 15 cm ( with accurate tape )
Ebg 15 cm

Last measurement

Bpel 15 cm still same
Mseg a bit over 14 cm ( not going to get into mm )
Ebg still 15 cm

Outcome , lost a bit of mseg gains but like I said got really bad chest infection so I guess not quite at full strength . Still bigger than when I started even if only by a little it's still gains I guess . Also found solution to noose problem with andro by using a hair tie ! So simple but stops it popping off all the time . My flaccid stretch is still considerably improved from when I started . Not sure what of measurements at first but I remember my first few times using andro and it was painful to stretch and now looking at how many rods I've added it's quite an increase . I took a bunch off the other day to about where I started just out of curiosity and when I grabbed my dick through the noose it was already stretched way past ! So flaccid stretch is definitely way past where I started . Still stuck about 16 cm but I will get past it I'm sure . I was only stretching maybe 12cm when I started .
Last edited:
OK, I understand now. Yes, I would think a chest infection would cause a poor measurement. Wait until you are better and feeling healthy to measure. How are you feeling now?
doublelongdaddy;497052 said:
OK, I understand now. Yes, I would think a chest infection would cause a poor measurement. Wait until you are better and feeling healthy to measure. How are you feeling now?

Still not great . A few friends have the same kinda thing and still hanging around after a month ! So not holding my breath to get better any day soon . Oh well shit happens . What do you think about red spots from manual stretches that I wrote about couple of post back ? I get the literally every time I manual stretch . They gone after a day but still not sure if it's good or bad ? Used andro everyday so far this week which is good but just gonna stick with that for a little bit .
The red spots happen to most of us, it is normal as long as they are going away after a day.
Cool good to hear . I wasn't too concerned just wanted to make sure I wasn't over doing it .
The blister was a bit more of a problem though . Thanks again for everything dld . Your like a penis enlarging yoda
The colonel;497228 said:
Cool good to hear . I wasn't too concerned just wanted to make sure I wasn't over doing it .
The blister was a bit more of a problem though . Thanks again for everything dld . Your like a penis enlarging yoda

:) Thanks:)
Sometimes we only need small gains to give us the confidence to make bigger ones. Congratulations on your gains, please use these gains to further fuel your journey. I wish you the best!

The small beginner gains does it all. The small gains we see at the beginning is what really motivates us to train harder than never before. The first gains sighted within the first 30 to 90 days is very inspiring for everyone who has done PE.
The small beginner gains does it all. The small gains we see at the beginning is what really motivates us to train harder than never before. The first gains sighted within the first 30 to 90 days is very inspiring for everyone who has done PE.
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