
Jun 13, 2015
Im trying to find the cable clamp online i cant find it anywhere! ive been googling and searching for it I cant find anything! Where can i buy a good clamp or the cable clamp?

The medium size is all you need. Be warned, while they do work and are good for the guy sticking his toe in the water with a low commitment level, they do break once in a while.

I also sell a much better version:



  • cable-clamp-red-120.jpg
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stillwantmore2;693247 said:
I also sell a much better version:


I'm definitely going to get one when I switch to mainly girth training. I like the way it looks. It seems like it will be easy to control blood flow when needed.
When the Cable Clamps do break it's usually at the same area: at the 'catch' (or "pawl").

See in stillwantmore2's picture above, the release lever above the "p" in the word "clamp" .. the catch/pawl is underneath that and engages teeth/detents on a different part, which lets the unit ratchet and stop at different sizes.

over-explaining .. just trying to say this:

Most people are going to break their cable clamp by pulling up too hard on the release lever when they release it. There can be a lot of pressure on it after you're inside it and kegel in additional blood pressure too, so if you just yank up on the lever it fatigues the plastic and that's where it's going to fail.

When releasing the catch, momentarily pinch the clamp slightly tighter on your penis (not to the next catch!) , slightly, so that the pressure on the pawl and teeth is eased up, .. and then also instead of just pulling up on the lever (which can be too big of a movement) just ease the lever up to the exact point of release by using your first finger joint and thumb to provide a camming force that can precisely lift the lever up only as far as necessary for it to release, and no further.

Even by the same company, some of the clamps aren't made as well as others and they're going to fail at some point no matter how much you baby them. But if they're made right and you take care of them like I said above they'll last you for years, and maybe forever.

2 other things ..

1) You can also break them by essentially just shattering one of more elements of the units by kegeling "too hard" while they're clamped down. Nothing can be done about that except to say Congrats :cool: and now you're going to need another one, lol ..

2) I still say that whoever came up with gluing two of the cable clamps together is a Genius. -- The clamps don't really like glue, so epoxy or a plastic-welder are a better solution, and you'd want to soften or radius the 'corners' with athletic-tape or a Dremel sander, ... but the things that a clamp is good at is definitely improved by using two of them glued together. I'd recommend having at least 3 of them ... one to use by itself, and two more to siamese ('glue', epoxy, weld) together, then you can feature different types of occlusion from the single or double styles during different sessions.

(3) .. Clamping works, and I did quite a bit of it, but my PE journey was essentially Pre-BathMate. These days I'd prefer BathMate/SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory as a methodology and if I did clamping at all it'd be just for variety, or in occasional brief sessions for boosting infusion for a larger flaccid hang. (Use a cockring or other soft occlusion retention for a while afterwards to really set it in.) The thing that comes to mind that you can do in clamps that you couldn't do in in BathMate is Erect Bends. Probably worth clamping occasionally just to have this benefit, but read up on it if you've never done them .. much as clamping itself is, they're really high intensity with the potential for getting hurt, so read up and/or ask questions.
Be very careful and read through the provided guides in the Clamping forum.
When the Cable Clamps do break it's usually at the same area: at the 'catch' (or "pawl").

See in stillwantmore2's picture above, the release lever above the "p" in the word "clamp" .. the catch/pawl is underneath that and engages teeth/detents on a different part, which lets the unit ratchet and stop at different sizes.

over-explaining .. just trying to say this:

Most people are going to break their cable clamp by pulling up too hard on the release lever when they release it. There can be a lot of pressure on it after you're inside it and kegel in additional blood pressure too, so if you just yank up on the lever it fatigues the plastic and that's where it's going to fail.

When releasing the catch, momentarily pinch the clamp slightly tighter on your penis (not to the next catch!) , slightly, so that the pressure on the pawl and teeth is eased up, .. and then also instead of just pulling up on the lever (which can be too big of a movement) just ease the lever up to the exact point of release by using your first finger joint and thumb to provide a camming force that can precisely lift the lever up only as far as necessary for it to release, and no further.

Even by the same company, some of the clamps aren't made as well as others and they're going to fail at some point no matter how much you baby them. But if they're made right and you take care of them like I said above they'll last you for years, and maybe forever.

2 other things ..

1) You can also break them by essentially just shattering one of more elements of the units by kegeling "too hard" while they're clamped down. Nothing can be done about that except to say Congrats 🆒 and now you're going to need another one, LOL ..

2) I still say that whoever came up with gluing two of the cable clamps together is a Genius. -- The clamps don't really like glue, so epoxy or a plastic-welder are a better solution, and you'd want to soften or radius the 'corners' with athletic-tape or a Dremel sander, ... but the things that a clamp is good at is definitely improved by using two of them glued together. I'd recommend having at least 3 of them ... one to use by itself, and two more to siamese ('glue', epoxy, weld) together, then you can feature different types of occlusion from the single or double styles during different sessions.

(3) .. Clamping works, and I did quite a bit of it, but my PE journey was essentially Pre-BathMate. These days I'd prefer BathMate/SRT as a methodology and if I did clamping at all it'd be just for variety, or in occasional brief sessions for boosting infusion for a larger flaccid hang. (Use a cockring or other soft occlusion retention for a while afterwards to really set it in.) The thing that comes to mind that you can do in clamps that you couldn't do in in BathMate is Erect Bends. Probably worth clamping occasionally just to have this benefit, but read up on it if you've never done them .. much as clamping itself is, they're really high intensity with the potential for getting hurt, so read up and/or ask questions.

Very good post. I have two cable clamps that DLD sent me back in 2017. I've never used them before. Maybe some time next year I will.
Ive used but stopped, can be dangerous,I started to have blood in my cum due to overtightened clamp, it's also hard to keep solid during the time clamped
Homedepot is the best place to seek them
Ive used but stopped, can be dangerous,I started to have blood in my cum due to overtightened clamp, it's also hard to keep solid during the time clamped

I will listen to you and stay far away from clamping. I will pump and do SSJ until I get my desired girth.
Thrombosis scares me big time, I would not even consider camping due to this reason.
Thrombosis scares me big time, I would not even consider camping due to this reason.

It has happened to me before when I jelqed
Nothing wrong with sleeping in a tent 😂
Okey! According to my past self, you get trombosis by camping....😂
Well u did put camping 🤣
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