lightlyfried;683454 said:
This is why I love this forum, I came from PE gym, the attitude there is "1inch girth gain is very rare, may not be possible, don't get your hopes up" yet everyone who commented in the forum had gained 1meg? I understand not getting false expectations, but if you told lance armstrong he couldn't ride a bike, he sucked, he didn't have the genetics, it wasn't possible. Would he grown up thinking he could of been a champion? No. It's the right attitude, the attitude should be, go for it, no one can say if you can or can't give it your all!

It amazes me that this mentality is still prevalent after all the work the Brotherhood has done! It blows my mind. If I was told I could gain and inch in 2 years I would say fuck that and that is exactly what I said when I first stated PE. Men that were involved, very few at the time, were overjoyed making pathetic gains in such a long period of time and I think that is what set me apart from others. I was not willing to sit with an inch in 2 years, I wanted an inch in 2 months! So from there I started to create more and more exercises, routines and tools to make the process faster, safer, more efficient and most of all motivational. There is no place like the MOS Brotherhood, no where! We created this home out of being the new school of thought in a old school system.
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