Are you talkin about boxers restricting the penis and therefore stopping gains? If so I don't think that it will make significant difference in erect gains... flaccid now that's something else!! Underwear were originally created during the "Age of Enlightenment!" This is a time when they thot that the sexual needs of people had been surpassed or suppressed! I don't think there is much point in underwear! I don't wear any, at all, at anytime! I think that it allows me to hang better and those flaccid gains become more pronounced!! I have read somewhere that in countries where underwear is NOT typically worn that certain forms for testicular cancer are non-exsistant! Whether that is true or not... I do not know! Are underwear bad for gains.. I'd its a possiblity!! Especially REALLY tight ones!! You penis is not supporting itself and lettin the underwear do all the work so that flaccid hang is less!! There's my two cents!! LOL!! :D
Priapus90;432165 said:
Are you talkin about boxers restricting the penis and therefore stopping gains? If so I don't think that it will make significant difference in erect gains... flaccid now that's something else!! Underwear were originally created during the "Age of Enlightenment!" This is a time when they thot that the sexual needs of people had been surpassed or suppressed! I don't think there is much point in underwear! I don't wear any, at all, at anytime! I think that it allows me to hang better and those flaccid gains become more pronounced!! I have read somewhere that in countries where underwear is NOT typically worn that certain forms for testicular cancer are non-exsistant! Whether that is true or not... I do not know! Are underwear bad for gains.. I'd its a possiblity!! Especially REALLY tight ones!! You penis is not supporting itself and lettin the underwear do all the work so that flaccid hang is less!! There's my two cents!! LOL!! :D

Thanks, really good comment :)
Makes sense for sure!
I gotta change some hehe
dude you're looking too much into it. just keep up the intensity with your workout and the gains will take care of them. They will not depend on the size of your 100% cotton boxers
Actually you guys are off:) Underwear constricts the flaccid penis further increasing the turtle effect. If the penis becomes "comfortable" in a restrictive position it will become trained to stay this way. My advice to all is go commando and let your penis hang and swing, it will help keep flaccid size long an full.
I don't buy into it myself, its just a theory. Surely no one would wear underwear that tight it actually constricts blood flow to such an extent, if that were the case the dick would die and rot off. I have found tight underwear nice and comfortable when I want it holding in place instead of hanging out everywhere like it normally does which can be embarrassed as bulges appear to people you don't want to see them. I say commando or thong, whatever floats your boat.
LDC;432248 said:
Iv gone up a boxer size just in case ;) !!!!

Ata boy! Let in dangle and hang to the ground!
I do think that this is just a myth. How could your soft cotton boxers be in your of growing. I would have believed it if you were to use porcelain or metal boxers, like what ancient Chinese did with their feet, but I highly doubt you are going that road.

Do not think too much and just focus on your exercise.
Priapus90;432165 said:
Are you talkin about boxers restricting the penis and therefore stopping gains? If so I don't think that it will make significant difference in erect gains... flaccid now that's something else!! Underwear were originally created during the "Age of Enlightenment!" This is a time when they thot that the sexual needs of people had been surpassed or suppressed! I don't think there is much point in underwear! I don't wear any, at all, at anytime! I think that it allows me to hang better and those flaccid gains become more pronounced!! I have read somewhere that in countries where underwear is NOT typically worn that certain forms for testicular cancer are non-exsistant! Whether that is true or not... I do not know! Are underwear bad for gains.. I'd its a possiblity!! Especially REALLY tight ones!! You penis is not supporting itself and lettin the underwear do all the work so that flaccid hang is less!! There's my two cents!! LOL!! :D
I believe this is true and have been going commando for years even before I started to Penis Enlargement.

doublelongdaddy;432212 said:
Actually you guys are off:) Underwear constricts the flaccid penis further increasing the turtle effect. If the penis becomes "comfortable" in a restrictive position it will become trained to stay this way. My advice to all is go commando and let your penis hang and swing, it will help keep flaccid size long an full.
Yes sir
Let it hang loose and free! Plus, imagine the money you will save on undies:) Would you want to be held in prison by a cotton cell? Neither does your penis! :)
ive noticed lately my flaccid hang is better commando also. Gotta wash my shorts and pants more often now lol
n8dogg;432646 said:
ive noticed lately my flaccid hang is better commando also. Gotta wash my shorts and pants more often now lol

Yeah but the freedom of expression your penis now has is liberating. He will become independent of you now. You may have some separation anxiety as your penis goes about his ways over here and yonder. One minute he may be down south beating knees for some fun, occasionally you will find him down at the bar showing off, starting fights, the typical "drunk penis" ways. Just keep telling yourself that this is only a phase and your penis will come to grips with himself and realize who his real friend is! The friend that has been there with him his whole life. Even when things got sticky you wiped him off and sent him on his way, you are truly his father and he will realize this.

When he gets past the being "cool" stage he will most likely spend more time in your pants then in various other places. Once in a while he may full into a deep, wet hole and ya gotta let him do his thing. He will eventually spit up and curl up and go to sleep. It is not smart to take Viagra when your penis is acting like a hippy from 1973, he will be out fucking flower children all times of the day and night!

As you grow apart you will still be connected by the very ligaments that have connected you from day one. Even when your10" away from him, he will still be with you. You made the right choice and the new freedom your penis has will make your like better too, so there are good parts. For instance on those days your walking, gingerly about the office your penis may decide to start slapping against your let....this gets everyones attention and all eyes are on your crotch! If you restrict your penis's freedoms he will surely shrivel up into a dark corner of those tighty whiteys.

Set him free, if it is meant to be he will come back to you, if not, well it was never meant top be!
Turnover;432242 said:
Penis Enlargement Underwear.

My Dad had a joke where he would stand in front of you and pull one pocket out and he would say "You wanna see an elephant with one ear?" ")
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