cocaclassic;301469 said:
re: "where are the mp3's"?

I can search at a later time for you and find them.. but the place I'd be searching is the forum.. there is a thread with some dead links and some newer working links with them.

re: "After downloading the mp3 file for free , I've been religiously doing one session per day for the past 2 weeks and can honestly say that hypnosis does work. I have gain over 1/4 inch. I must admit this is not for everyone. You must do some serious research on self hypnosis before you even attempt it. You first must believe that its going to work or else it wont do you any good."

Awesome man. I have add my own experience. I listened to all five of the tracks three days in a row. The 2nd and 3nd i think only being the truly impactive sessions because it is hard at first try to relax and react as instructed with out letting your mind wonder or question. Anyway... I did all five tracks three days in a row followed by a couple random tracks the next couple days... none of the night time stuff. Since I did that the day of this first post I've gained 1/4 BPenis EnlargementL.. which is kind of crazy considering I've stopped all other Penis Enlargement exercizes when I listened to those mp3's. Then if you consider I was 7.0x to start three years ago and was 7.5 whenlistened to the mp3's/made the first post of this thread, and now I am over 7.75... Thats just insane. While I'm a bit giddy about the whole thing, no pun intended;), I'm waiting another month before I do anything else at all just to see if there are any more changes... I mean, I really don't want to gain very much more.. 1/2 at MOST.
I have searched the forum for the free mp3's but there was just one dead link so I was unable to download. I will be obliged to you if you could send me the link for it's free download. Also please keep me informed about the progress you are making by listening to the mps's.

all of you are just so naive u struggle week after week trying to get that little bit ov extra penis but you mind is what always lets you down you dont 100 belive! you think, is that all i can achieve? am i in a plateau? is my genetics wrong? most spend nearly all your time being negative about your own penis if not conciously subconciousy. am i way off, am i wrong? you all know im not or you wouldnt be here this thread was started by someone who actually wanted to try hypnosis which i can guarantee works and you have just thrown them i expect completely by your skepticism have you tried hypnosis negative posters? thaught not. still taking months to get a little result? thaught so
hypnosisis is not going to just overnight give you a 12" dong but itll release your mind into the prospect of it which holds many people back
i realise that mate i wasnt trying to knock you just the negative posters it is well documented that the mind plays an important role in the enlarement process like 50/50 mind/physical exercise it jus pisses me off ppl come on this thread and say hypnosis is bs when they havent even tried it, ppl like that tho who think they know it all hypnosis prob wouldnt work for them anyway and its i think a miricle they gain at all, it pisses me off cus alot of ppl use this site to get their info and to educate themselves and take the views of others seriously so some ppl might be detered with all this hypnosis is bs shit.
Hypnosis will never change your cells!
I've listened to hypnosis for a month and measured before & after...
nothing, no gain.... if there was any gain by anyone from hypnosis, it's psychological/due to exercises done simultaneously
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