
Jun 30, 2004
hey dudes
its been a while since i posted here, whats good?

havent really been peing lately, mostly just working on kegels and errection strength...but i got an issue that i want to work on

ok, so heres my deal... i got a 1.5 inch fat pad..i also got a monster turkey neck that goes up to my circ scar, penoscrotal webbing or some shit....its always been like this but im getting really tired of it

i went to the doc, and he says its from when they circumcised me, basically they just effed up and thats the reason for the webbing..he suggested surgery, although he didnt seem to confident about, i dont really want a knife to my penis anyways.

i need a serious fat pad reduction/penoscrotal webbin reduction, and i dont want to resort to surgery

i do cardio everyday at the gym, but that doesnt help the webbing....

suggestions on what i should do?
If the webbing is all the way up your dick, I don't think there's really much you can do about it. There have been various sorts of skin stretching remedies discussed before, but I've never heard of anything that would reduce it by the magnitude that you describe. The surgery wouldn't be a big deal - just a few snips and some stitches - cheap and easy, just simple day surgery.

So far as the fat pad, all you can do is reduce your overall body far %, so you know what to do about that. Lifestyle, diet, and exercise over time. Don't get too wrapped up in the fat pad stuff. I'm lucky in that even though my body fat is currently what I would say is high for me (15-17% most of the time), I don't really accumulate any kind of a fat pad in the pubic area. Even so, I'd say mine is currently about 0.5", which is also what it was when I was in marathoning shape and my body fat was always below 10%. Much more than that isn't practical for most people while living a normal life, so just look at it as an overall health thing rather than obsessively measuring the fat pad and expecting it to shrink to zero. Genetics is probably the biggest factor with how that sort of thing pans out anyway.
The webbing sounds extreme but there are some very good threads on the topic by Supra. Do a search for his threads on the topic, very good information. Surgery is risky but in some cases it is necessary. The surgery for a webbing repair sounds much safer to me than Penis Enlargement surgery...I would research it further (1 opinion is not enough)

The fat pad is easily eliminated. For me it was like 1,2, 3 and mine was gone. I did it in about 3-4 months. I had a very strict exercise and diet but mainly for the first 28 days. After that I was able to find my metabolism (I think it was buried in my fat pad:)) and the weight just dropped off. My diet and routine is in the body building forum somewhere. If I get a moment I will try to did it up.

man you prbably aint got a fast metabolism. you probably a endomorph (or whatever they call it). You gotta eat right tho homie, plain cardio wont do shit. I just came off a quick diet even tho I aint average, I'm actually I skinny muthafucka. So keep trying eat 7 small meals a day, make sure you do it right. Also I realized that fried chicken really doesnt do good in a diet so watch for that. :)
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