Well if you want to start talking percentages then how fresh did you really mean? your statement was (and I quote) "speaking out for our right to choose to breath fresh air", yet your last post is contradicting what has been quoted on the above.
You also say: 'it is polluted, however it's not enough to give you cancer'. Interesting, I can pull up a number of links and scientific studies to prove you blatently incorrect on this assumption (here is some for good measure).
A huge number of things that you do everyday puts yourself at risk from contracting cancer and/or increasing your risk significantly, for example an anti-perspirant being sprayed onto your armpits has been linked with cancer of the lymphs.
The fact is you are surrounded by things which will increase the chance of one of your bodies cells of becoming cancerous, cancer is a problem that will never leave us even if smoking never existed.
If you don't want to breathe my smoke then don't stand near me ;)
Sometimes non smokers have no option but to stand next to a smoker.
Hopefully it will banned from all public places oneday.
Smokers will have to go outside to smoke, unless in there own house ofcourse.
doublelongdaddy said:
I am willing to lose an inch so I can enjoy my coffee and cigarettes.

Gee, that's like taking away 10 horsepower from a Ferrari. :D

Still beats my minivan by a significant margin.
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