Oct 4, 2005
Hey whats up everyone. Alot of you probably never have saw me around this forum that much. Heres a little heads up on me. Iv been Peing for alil over a year, i first started over at �other PE site� place. One day i was searching the web and came to this awesome site and have never looked back. Iv gained around an Inch since iv been here.

Back to Silva Mind Control. Im sure none of you here have ever heard of it. The name sounds kinda crazy, like a secret government program or something. It might even sound somewhat lame and a waste of ones time. But the rewards are endless! EVERYONE needs to check this out and it will help you to be successful in Life. It will help you to find what you were sent here to do in life. We were all sent were to help one another and make earth a better place. This program will make you more positive, seek more goals, be more caring, make goals possible, loose weight, gain muscle, learn your psychic abilites, learn how to use your intitution, and so much more.

I dont work for them either. I started this thread because i want everyone here to use it. Once you read up and start doing this program you will understand why i want everyone here to do it. It will Defiantly help you in your Penis Enlargement as well as other areas in life. It will help people that are going through really rough times and people who are badly stressed over or any other endeavors. It will help you to get over the impediments that are keeping you from your full potential in life. Most people in life let the world Program them, but you have the ability to program yourself how you want to think and feel. When i say program i mean, that you have the ability to learn how to quite smoking, loss weight, or whatever you need to over come in life. Most people go through life thinking things happen for a reason and life is not under your control. THIS IS NOT TRUE. We have control over are lives. I know that some things might happen, but I'm talking about being able to make better decisions, over come diseases, meet your goals, being more postive, enjoying life, and many other things. This system will teach you how to visualize the things you want in your life. And everyone will ask why cant psychics win the lottery. Its because we all have a DIFFERENT purposes in life, some people may get that opportunity, while other reep other bennifits. You cant get everything you want from life. But most things are under your control. Some people werent meant to win the Lottery in life.
Please do this favor for not only yourself but for everyone. Because this will benefit everyone, not just you.

And if you don't wanna spend the money to buy any of there systems, then you can go to lime-wire and download some of there seminars. So if you don't get the system at least go download it at lime-wire or some other music downloading software.

And if any of the Mods read this place don't move this thread. I know it shouldn't be on this forum. But i think it is so important that i want everyone to read about it. Not very many people go to the other forums on this site, so i don't want everyone to mis out on it.

Here is the web sites and
If you have any questions feel free to ask. I will be more than happy to answer your questions.LMAO
What exactually is ALpha Blade anyway? Im sure there are differences between them. Im really excited that i finally started this thread, iv been wanting to for a month or so. But iv been really busy with college and everything.
DLD is making Alpha Blade he also has a site for it but it's not complete yet. Everyone is excited about it, and I've read excerpt's from what I think is from Alpha Blade on DLD's Blog, which I check every day.
This system has been around for over a decade. Jose Silva started experimenting and doing tests way back in the 50s. There is alot of science to back it up. I Hope DLD reads it so it could help him make Alpha Blade even better. :) I would like to hear from DLD, specifically what Alpha Blade is. I'm curious, i read alil bit on it. But i wanna what all is in the system.
Firstly, I apologize for this post being a hit and run.

This was just such a blast from the past.

I took a two weekend course in Silva Mind control twenty years ago, in L.A. I still have the card for my wallet that they gave out saying I had completed the course. I even still have the instruction books they gave us.

Supposedly, all you needed to repeat the course for free, in the future, was to show up at any seminar and show the card. I never tried to repeat the course, though.

It was pretty interesting; lots of deep relaxation and then creative visualization. When the course ended, the instructor explained to us that we were going to start to see changes in our lives that seem to be related to the visualizations that we might just shrug off as coincidence, but suggested that we look for any connections they might have had to the internal work we were doing.

We were supposed to do the deep relaxation every morning when we awakened and every night before we went to sleep. I did follow those instructions, as best I could, at the time.

I actually did start to see some interesting "coincidences."

For example, at that time I was really having problems with the woman I was living with; we were fighting constantly, and the relationship was on the down slide, nearing its end, with lots of stress. I wanted out. At night, when we went to bed, usually after another fight, I started to use my visualizations to go back to when I was a kid, first interested in girls; a more innocent time. I would visualize my crush, from sixth grade. I hadn't seen the girl who was in that fantasy for nearly 15 years. I still remember commenting to myself, one night, that this is ridiculous. Besides not having seen this girl, she lived 3000 miles away.

Well, the day after I had that particular internal dialogue, my girl and I came home, and there was a message for my girlfriend on our answering machine. The message said that she was to show up at such and such studio for an audition for a casting director. And, who was that casting director? Yup, the girl from my youth. Freaked me out!

I went to the audition with my girlfriend and did get to see my childhood friend. She was now married and living out West. We got to chat and have a few laughs and catch up on some things.

Coincidence? Perhaps. It really blew me away, though. I tried to figure out if I had perhaps heard her name somewhere, in connection with my girlfriend's audition or something, and didn't realize it, but my girlfriend told me that she didn't even know the name of the casting director she was to see before we had heard the message on the machine.

There were other, similar incidents that happened over the course of months. Things would happen, and then bam, I'd realize that I had been visualizing something to that effect. None of these things were totally linear; they were more like, well, suddenly certain things would show up in my life, and afterward, I would see a clear connection to the "work." (Sorry to use such a space cadet term. I just didn't want to repeat the word visualization again).

It was interesting, but I eventually stopped practicing.

Not surprising, considering how lazy I am, and always have been. Heck, I'm too lazy to even do my Penis Enlargement regularly. And trust me, the size of my dick is more important to me than any visualization about some girl I kissed in sixth grade.

But, because of my experience back then with Silva, I do believe in visualization can be a very useful tool in our lives.

Hey, maybe I can visualize myself as less lazy. Shit, I'm too lazy to do even that.

Oops, the wife just walked in the door. Gotta run.
I have read quite a bit on these methods and they do have similar techniques, consistent with some of the ALPHA+BLADE mental exercises. Mainly, meditation. I particularly enjoyed the consistent thought that we can create coincidence as reward when pursuing a goal. The mind is not only powerful but fertile very willing to exercise anything that may deliver a better sense of self.

ALPHA waves or the dreamy, awake state we feel each morning is a very valuable state of mind as it is where the reality and fantasy cross paths and in this state we can blissfully enjoy a aware state of the dream world.
Hey DLD would you mind helping me personally or is there any way you can help me personally gain another inch in length? I have tried everything in the book and different routine's and I haven't gained a millimeter in months.
Hey DLD, what exactually is the Alpha Blade, im really interested. You should really research Silva Mind Control it could help make your Alpha Blade project even better.
Simple question: can this technique help me add two inches to my length, or not? I'm not as concerned with girth as I am with length.
I'm not ex actually sure. I don't know if anyone has ever used the silva method for penis enlargement. I do know that DLD uses visualization before and during his Penis Enlargement. Silva teaches you how to visualize your goals, so i dont see why it wouldn't work. So i would say that it would diffently work in reaching your goals alot quicker. But, you still have to use intensity, dedication, and have a decent routine. There is a mental screen technique that you can learn to accomplish your goals. This is from the Silva method. You can go on a music search engine like napster and lime wire and download some of there tapes. I have just started last night actually of using it for Penis Enlargement. I use to used visualization in football and it helped alot. DLD has been working on a program similar to this. Its called Alpha Blade maybe you could try that out when it comes out. Im not affliated to silva in any way, im just here to help people out. So i would say if you dont go with Silva then maybe go for Alpha Blade when it comes out. It sounds really interesting and alot of people are excitted about it.

Here is the web site you can go to
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BODY BUILDER 05,could you write the things that you're supposed to do with this Silva method? You can do a brief overview or if you don't mind,you could write everything out. If you don't want to post the info in this thread for any kind of reason you could send is a PM.

Do you have kazza limewire or napster? Like what all do you what to know, be more specific? Silva Mind Control is very broad and there are alot of topics that go alone with it. It can help improve alot of areas in your life.

You need to ask yourself what you want to gain from this? Are you doing it to heal a disease? To be a overall better person? To overcome Smoking, lossing weight, cussing, ect. Are you doing this to improve your memory? Are you doing this to get rid of a certain fear in your life(snakes,heights,spiders,speaking in public)? Are you wanting to do this to relive stress?
nahananananananana leader leader

reading this made me think of that simpson episode where homer joins a cult.

sounds interesting enough. it good to see you've had good outcomes with this. me i'm more old school if i want something i'll go and get it or do whatever i need to get it. only thing is, i don't want/ really need anything.
No this isnt a cult, i wouldnt be do it if it was.?:( You dont worship or make sacrifices or anything like that. Its just mediation, visulation and postive thinking. Everyone always thinks it bad and that it is anti christian. And i am a christian and there are alot of christians that do this. Silva helps to make you better person, its not all about yourself, everyone bennifits. As christians you need to be a better person and help people out. This method helps you do just that it makes life alot easier and more enjoyable. And you can achieve alot more success in your life from doing this. You can greatly from this. Everyone should do it, even if you say you dont want anything.
No this isnt a cult, i wouldnt be do it if it was.?:( You dont worship or make sacrifices or anything like that.

i was joking about it being a cult probably put a lol in there
Thankx alot BodyBUILDER05!! Went on limewire last night and downloaded some Silva Tapes. Going to try these until Alpha Blade hits. I tried something like this in the first Penis Enlargement program I was in. It was a guide that had a detailed section on visualizition and breathing techniques that help you focus and put you in a driven trance like state. Doing you of the exercises I experienced something like what EQ244 experienced only without the drama and stress. I exercise would involve deep breathing and visualization of a ball of energy that grows within you with each breath. Now focusing and visualizing this ball was not were things got weird, but when I would visualize the ball leaving my body and traveling about 2 cities away and absorbing into my ex-girlfriend. After about a good 2 weeks of doing this, out of no where my ex-girlfrien caled me who I hadn't spoke to in about 5 years. FREAKY!!! If I can find the disk I put the guide on I will post it, but if I can't I will have to make a detailed post. I thought I has the only one who experienced anything like this.HOLLA BACK!!!
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