Congrat on the pulicity DLD. hope it all goes well and you make a gig wad of $$$ from it lol.

just an idea find out the night of the show how many members we have and then the next day check it to see how many new dudes joined.

just an idea to see how much action the programme got;)
Somebody that knows what they're doing please record this and make it available to those of us in the U.S. If there is any nudity, odds of it being available for broadcast over here are very remote.
I think worrying about others learning about these techniques is a very selfish frame to come from.

If it helps another guy feel better about himself and help him walk through the world, then I think that's a good thing.

However, for those that are concerned or don't subscribe to that view remember don't just wake up the next morning after reading some articles or learning a new technique. Enjoying the fruition of anything worthwhile takes a healthy dose of a) the right knowledge or map to guide the individual toward the chosen goal and b) simple persistence manifested in action over time to realise it...

For better or worse people are inherently lazy...while I am all for people getting what they want out of life, it is not a suprising observation that most people don't (or alternatively backward rationalise what is happening to fit their experience).

In other words, even if I did subscribe to the aforementioned perspective, I don't think the numbers will be raised to an extent to affect a common statistic such as the "average size". the worlds men will know and all of you with complexes will have so much more to worry about, muah ha ha...muah haa haaa....muaah....muaaah...haaaaa!!


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This talk about not wanting Penis Enlargement to go more public is mostly just wishful thinking. It's nearly impossible to stop the flow of information in todays world. The only real variable is the rate of flow. The truth will have its way. Besides, Penis Enlargement has hurt some of us more than its helped.
swolejah said:
Thanks for being negative about it...

I suffer from depression and I think that has to do with alot of it. I am also insecure. Random teasing about my size has done it to me!

I'm sure there are a handful of guy's that large on this site.

Hey man, the trick to cure the depression isn't getting a bigger one (although that's also coming, but improve the perfermance of what you already have. That's the important thig. If you get good and hard, and learn how to wait on the orgasm, that's the first step.

Then if you study how to tantalize a woman, she will get so turned on that she wouldn't care what size it is. It's only when a guy is narcisistic about himself that he gets the size hangup. Thats effeminate, and it's also self-destructive. Its the "look at me, but please don't look at me" syndrome. That's why it's so frustrating! You contradict good sense and don't even realize it.

So if you would just think of the other person, first! Then you won't care so much what she thinks of your body. If a woman loves you with a smaller dick, then you won't have to worry-- EVER-- if she was a size queen and picked you because you have a big one!

That's a bad deal anyway, because there is never satisfying a size queen for very long. They have a wandering nature.

You've seen these movies where a really rich guy plays the part of a poor fellow so that his pick of women isn't impressed first with his money? Well, like the old saying goes, He's either rich or he's got a big wanker. So now don't put the emphasis on your wanker. Put it on an unselfish desire that you have to make a woman happy. Be outgoing and kind, and thoughtful, and let her want to fuck you. Decide to be so sexy by being poutgoing and respectful and happy toward her, that she comes on to you, and you'll forget all about your hangup.

I guess what I'm saying is, get yourself another hangup!
swolejah said:
For sure...

I am happy that it's getting out, it is pretty exciting and all of course, but gaining has been seriously rough lately. I get pretty upset over my size and won't even get married until I am at least 10x7 as well as fixed pre-ejac and the turkey neck.

Does someone think I am taking this to the extreme? I'm not really thinking suicidal over it that much, but it does make myself feel insecure like many of the dudes on this forum (heck that's why we do Penis Enlargement is to feel better about ourselves!).

I think it's important to deal with your issues separately from Penis Enlargement. Don't rely on it to solve all of your problems because that won't happen. It will, in time, with the right amount of effort, get you a bigger dick but if your mind is in the same state then you will find something else to worry and feel bad about.

Deal with your psychological problems first, then get a bigger dick.LMAO

I think that Penis Enlargement becoming more accessible is great. It has been discussed many times before here and my opinion is that men will treat it much the same as exercising. They'll do it for a while and then hit a plateau and give up and that's if they even believe it in the first place. Remember when you started. It was very difficult to believe it.

Also, it's a great and deserved thing that DLD be the one to break it to the masses.

Fitness and Penis Enlargement are two different things. Penis Enlargement, some people don't have to spend that much time and still gain. With weights, it's harder because you need nutrition, rest, etc. With Penis Enlargement you can just stick to the basics.
swolejah said:

Fitness and Penis Enlargement are two different things. Penis Enlargement, some people don't have to spend that much time and still gain. With weights, it's harder because you need nutrition, rest, etc. With Penis Enlargement you can just stick to the basics.

What you've stated is true that some people don't need to spend a lot of time in Penis Enlargement and still gain. That could be said for working out as well. The similarities between Penis Enlargement and working out is that they both require a lot of dedication to reach the 'next level'. Anyone that has worked out knows that your largest gains are roughly within the first 3 months then after that you start to plateau.

Time may not be the only factor - intensity and shocking your body with different routines are something to consider as well.
Monday,Tuesday, and i think Dld is on the wednesday but its three espoides.


23:00 The Perfect Penis
The penis is the organ most central to a man's sense of self, and the quest for penile perfection has driven some men to extraordinary and dangerous lengths.


23:05 Chopped Off: The Man Who Lost His Penis
In 1993 John Wayne Bobbitt's wife Lorena sliced off his manhood with a kitchen knife, drove off and discarded it in a field. Twelve years on, film-maker Vicky Hamburger went to find out what happened to the man with the world's most famous penis.


23:10 The World's Biggest Penis
As women have always maintained, and men have always thought, size matters, but not in the way that most of us imagine...
Alot of guys out there dont really care that much about having a large penis. Of coarse there are guys out there that do. But, you would be suprised how many dont care. Iv told a few of my friends about it and they dont seem to care about it. They feel fine with there penis size, they dont think of it as any importance. And one of my friends is 5.25 and one of the other is around 5.5, that is what they told me.
Alot of guys out there dont really care that much about having a large penis. Of coarse there are guys out there that do. But, you would be suprised how many dont care. Iv told a few of my friends about it and they dont seem to care about it. They feel fine with there penis size, they dont think of it as any importance. And one of my friends is 5.25 and one of the other is around 5.5, that is what they told me.
if they are truly comfortable and dont care then right on for them. that can only be a good thing and thats where i want to be.
Alright, is anyone here going to convert it onto the MOS website? because I could record the programs on DVD than rip them onto my PC and than if given a host, upload it to that.
REDZULU2003 said:
Alright, is anyone here going to convert it onto the MOS website? because I could record the programs on DVD than rip them onto my PC and than if given a host, upload it to that.

Dude! That would be so KICKASS!!!
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