
Jun 16, 2006
I have a 1/2 inch long skin bridge on the right side of my glans. Do I have to have it removed before I can restore properly?

Can I still cover with a latex nipple while the skin heals? I really do not want to take two weeks off.

Imagine my suprise when I found out the glans is a mucus membrane. What the fuck
Bruticus said:
the glans is a mucus membrane. What the fuck
Stages of grief ahead. Been there.

To use a tapeless device, you just need to be able to pull skin over the glans while flaccid and grip it. I guess it's for you to figure out if the device will cause a problem.

Just so you know, I offer a 3-month no-questions-asked refund period with TLC purchases, so you have nothing to lose by giving it a shot.

-Ron Low
Personally I had to have mine removed. sounds like the size of mine, mine was directly on top. and yes it was hindering restoration amoung many other things. Insurance will cover the procedure as is is a correction of a prior one. Youll probablly also notice after removal that the skin that was under the bridge is signifigantly more sensative and is going to be needed to focus on in order to even it out lenght wise with the rest of the skin.
ive always wondered about bridges that are less noticeable, that seem to 'blend' in w/shaft skin. for example, mine isnt visible unless i stretch it out a bit [dorsal under corona in center, doesnt bridge over onto glans but is adhering]....

ive restored over a year and id still like to see improvement therer...
cool. Did insurance cover it? take some before an after shots for your log.
Just had it done today. I forgot just how much I hate surgery. I lift weights and usuallly eat every 2 ~ 4 hours. I just want to freakin die when going without food for an extended period. My dick is all swollen on one side. I can't walk right because of the stitches.

(I'm having sensitivity issues so they went into the bladder while I was under also.)

My insurance covered it, but between specialty consultation and procedure co-pays plus meds, I'm out close to three hundred dollars. BS if you ask me, espicially since the fucking doctors cut me without even asking my parents.

Sorry, no before shots. It was a clean, meaty, half-inch bridge on the right side of my glans. I've gained about .75" in length from Penis Enlargement and it was pulling down on the head sometimes, and hindering restoration. Between the areas it hid and interfered with, I was missing out on a significant amount of stimulation. Three weeks of no women, ���� or jerking off. It'll be worth it.
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just becarfull with night time wood. I poped a few stitches cause of that.

Happy healin! should post some psot surgory pics! or start a yahoo group to track you progress. thats what ive done.
It's been one week since the procedure.

Around the 4th day my hormones started going crazy. I feel like I'm going to explode. Jesus, two more weeks?

The glans is starting to dry out again do to lack of coverage, fuck. I use shea butter, helps somewhat. I'm gonna try saran wrap.

I STILL have quite a bit of fluid build up underneath the shaft skin below the stitched up area.

Apparently, between Penis Enlargement and some FR, I've grown quite a bit of skin. The stitched up area on my shaft is almost two inches long. The coronal ridge is always covered, and the skin bunches up.

It appears they 'dug' out little bits of the coronal ridge section that resided underneath the bridge. I've seen this in other resolved bridges. Anyone know why?

I've gained around 1/4" + in flacid length. I suspect erect length as well.

I've got black stitches. Do they dissolve? Or are they taken out?
It's been two weeks since the procedure. Tried to see if I could jerk off, half assed, no go.

I popped and pulled a bunch of stitches. They're bio-degradable. There's a good bit of scar tissue along the shaft. I don't see this going away for at least a couple months. I still have significant fluid buildup, although it's getting steadily smaller.

Since the operation, my Circumcision scar (on the left side) and by the base of the balls (on the right) are dark and discolored. Strange.

Nightime wood is no longer an issue. The glans digs appear to be filling in, either that or scabs, but I doubt it.

I've been covering the glans with pure shea butter and saran wrap to keep it moist. Seems to work well. The inner forskin that was underneath the bridge is much more smooth and sensitive, red instead of fleshy. Is this what I can expect from being fully dekeratinized?
Sounds like everything is going about as you might expect. Good luck with your recovery.

It's been three weeks and I'm almost completely healed. I still have fluid build up, but it gets smaller every day. The remaing stitches were there one day and gone the next. The scar tissue is healing much faster than I expected.

I jerked off a few times when I really shouldn't have. I used very light pressure and it still hurt. Now it feels good, great or amazing. I think most of my sensitivity issues are related to keratinization, the previously covered dekeratinized sections are at least twice as sensitive.

Covering up with Saran Wrap and pure shae butter 24/7 has sped up dekeratinization IMMENSELY. The tip of my penis surrounding the urethra
is now red, shiny and sensitive. I use medical tape to keep the saran wrap on (don't tape all the way around so you can urinate). Baby bottle nipples and the Your Skin Cone work great during the day for skin retention but nighttime erections would knock them off and dry out the glans. Saran Wrap traps moisture FAR better.

As soon as the fluid build up goes away, I'm going to add Saran Wrap to my daytime retention routine.
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