
Oct 10, 2008
For those of you who have both...are there any big differences between the two? I was thinking about doing DLD's girth blaster routine with my regular pump until i can fully pack it before i move on to the Bathmate. I want to see if it'll work before i go around spending money i don't have.

Any advice would help. I've been pumping off and on now for many years. I've also been pe'ing for a 6 years now off and on. As soon as i have some free time i'm going to start a thread of my 6 year journey.

I pump with both usally on seperate days. I find it works better than one or the other.
elcapitan1;392564 said:
For those of you who have both...are there any big differences between the two? I was thinking about doing DLD's girth blaster routine with my regular pump until i can fully pack it before i move on to the Bathmate. I want to see if it'll work before i go around spending money i don't have.

Any advice would help. I've been pumping off and on now for many years. I've also been pe'ing for a 6 years now off and on. As soon as i have some free time i'm going to start a thread of my 6 year journey.


Main differences is what I'll cite. First, the Bathmate only comes in two sizes. No custom fit options are available. Most "air" pumps are just that, or you need to buy a special reservoir adapter for them to use with water without destroying (eventually) your hand pump. Bathmate does not show you how much actual vacuum is being used inside of it. Even though they say that you can supposedly NOT exceed a certain amount of vacuum, I've seen at least a handful of posts from overzealous newbie users (Bathmate) who have complained of bruises, markings, and a couple blister reports. Those are ALL signs of using too much vacuum. It's a lot less likely to occur though with a Bathmate, but not impossible. Again, no gauge to show how much vacuum you are using. The Bathmate is an all in one device. That's good for the most part, especially for the guy who's not a pumper or new to Penis Enlargement. He's just trying it out and/or looking for an "easy" option for Penis Enlargement. He's not going to be the type (usually) who does Penis Enlargement for years and actually sees big gains. He's the tinkerer, toe in the water type who will probably quit Penis Enlargement in a year or less and never do much more than use a Bathmate. Most sites that sell quality pumps have sizing charts. Most also have great customer service. Bathmate has great customer service and a great product. Bathmate is more directly marketed though (like I said above) to the ''newbie" or guy who just wants a toy to use for a quick size increase before sex or to fulfill a fetish. There's nothing wrong with any of that of course.

I'm not biased one way or the other for or against the Bathmate. I've also seen many serious Penis Enlargement guys use it and give it positive reviews. I'm one of them. I like more options than the Bathmate gives me though. I like to know how much HG (vacuum) I'm using for one. I also like my custom sized pump tube. Also, if I later on decide I want two more tubes in "stepped up" sizing for progressive pumping, I can do that with my pump tube from the manufacturer I bought it from. Bathmate does not have that option. Bathmate, while it IS an all in one device, (minus the hand pump/gauge) there are still potential issues that can render it useless and require a replacement. The release assembly at the front of the device can wear out or break, the gasket/seal at the base can come off with overly aggressive use...for examples. Again, Bathmate does have great customer service from what I have seen and they are quick at their replacement turn-arounds.

Bottom line, Bathmate is a great product, but my thoughts are all valid. ;)
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elcapitan1;392564 said:
For those of you who have both...are there any big differences between the two? I was thinking about doing DLD's girth blaster routine with my regular pump until i can fully pack it before i move on to the Bathmate. I want to see if it'll work before i go around spending money i don't have.

Any advice would help. I've been pumping off and on now for many years. I've also been pe'ing for a 6 years now off and on. As soon as i have some free time i'm going to start a thread of my 6 year journey.


One of the biggest differences is that the Bathmate uses water while an air pump uses air. I find the Bathmate and it's hydro system to be extremely comfortable. The expansion I get with the Bathmate opposed to the Boston Pump is much different. For me the Bathmate expansion is much more internal while the dry pumping is surface (with loads of fluid buildup).

Go for the Bathmate, easy, effective and comfortable.
I love my Bathmate. I think I have a unusual view of pumping bc I started with the Bathmate and I think I jumped into loving it. When I started using the Bathmate I didnt like it. I wanted an air pump. I was disappointed and the first 2 weeks I thought I was tricked! Now 7 months later I do not fucking fit in my Bathmate- So much that since I started using the Bathmate this is the very first time I have skipped long hours and days with out pumping. And I hate it. I would do almost anything for a X-40 and right now I am learning a lot about life.

I want to get an air pump eventually aswell as regularly using it in a routine that consisted of what I do now. I just dont feel like getting water some times and other times I've read you can pump for hours and hours with an air pump. I've gotten up to that with the X-40 model and I'd like to with the X-40. With the Bathmate though a couple hours is less often and with an air pump I'm assuming it is more common. That's how I like my dick Always like I just pulled out this foreign object in my pants of beef hung cock that used to be my dick!
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Turnover;401891 said:
I love my Bathmate. I think I have a unusual view of pumping bc I started with the Bathmate and I think I jumped into loving it. When I started using the Bathmate I didnt like it. I wanted an air pump. I was disappointed and the first 2 weeks I thought I was tricked! Now 7 months later I do not fucking fit in my Bathmate- So much that since I started using the Bathmate this is the very first time I have skipped long hours and days with out pumping. And I hate it. I would do almost anything for a X-40 and right now I am learning a lot about life.

I want to get an air pump eventually aswell as regularly using it in a routine that consisted of what I do now. I just dont feel like getting water some times and other times I've read you can pump for hours and hours with an air pump. I've gotten up to that with the X-40 model and I'd like to with the X-40. With the Bathmate though a couple hours is less often and with an air pump I'm assuming it is more common. That's how I like my dick Always like I just pulled out this foreign object in my pants of beef hung cock that used to be my dick!

Air pumps have always scared me, mostly from pictures I have seen with extreme pumpers, but no doubt, I was standoffish. The air system always worried me and when the Bathmate came out using water as it's main pressure it just seemed natural to me. Whenever I pumped with air it always felt itchy and alien, the Bathmate was just so much more natural and it feels like a blowjob:)
I still have my old conventional pump which the cylinder, pipe and pump. Made good gains with that and had fun with it as well but since using the Bathmate I just couldn't revert back to using a conventional pumping method i.e. without water (Hydro).

You have to try both to know the difference and I'm in no way shape or form going to insist anyone buys a Bathmate but from my experiences they have been champion in comfort, safety, quality and effectiveness.

Many very good conventional pumps exist and offer brilliant results to the users and the Bathmate isn't the be all and end all, but until you make that decision to give one a go and also have experience with conventional pumping I'm sure many will choose the hydro-route.
I appreciate all the feedback from all of you guys. I've been looking through the thread for a couple years now and can tell that many of you guys are very knowledgeable in the art of Penis Enlargement. I was already sold on the Bathmate before I started the thread. I just wanted to get some input because my current situation does not give me the opportunity to buy the product right now. I wish it was priced a little better :Op but i do know that a good product deserves a good price. Anyway you guys will be getting a "Journey blog" from me this coming month! Thanks again fellas!

I like my Bathmate, but I dont love it. I think if you're really going to get into the pumping thing you're better off spending your money on a good quality custom sized air pump with a hydro feature and a pressure gauge. I find that unless I'm in the bath using the Bathmate, I can only get a good seal about 50% of the time. It also annoys me that the water pumps out of the top, whereas if you had a regular air-pump that had a hydro spout on the handpump you could pump it straight out into a bucket or whatever. You can do this with Bathmate too but its a bitch trying to aim it. And you cant know the pressure youre pumping at with a Bathmate which is a pretty big drawback to me, even if the makers say it cant go over a certain amount.

It's easy to get caught up in the Bathmate hype. Dont get me wrong, I think its a good product but it is pretty basic. I'm always wary of things sold online where the people reviewing the products gain financially from its sales (affiliate marketing). AANNDD that's because I work in affiliate marketing, and I have done that exact same thing for sales. :)

If you need a basic pump that is portable, looks good, and you use the bath fairly often (every second day?) then I'd say its a great choice for you :)
If you are going to use pumping as your main girth work, want to use the pump primarily out of the bath, want to know the pressure your pumping at, dont have time to fiddle around getting a seal etc... get a proper air pump with a hydro spout. I'm not sure if you can get a pressure gauge with a hydropump but if youre serious about pumping I'd look into it.

Thats just my view, as someone who has used an air pump with and without water, and a Bathmate.
Hey,Captain Planet

I would go for the Bathmate due to the fact that i had a Dr.Joel Kaplan pump and you get more of a fluid build-up donut effect,I am sure you could do some SSJ's to get rid of build-up,
But with the Bathmate it is more comfortable and within 30 mins you could a more natural looking pump session than you would with 2-3hrs of air-pumping,I have been pumping on and off since the late 90's.
Bottom-Line you save time and hassle with the Bathmate and DLD has excellent prices on his Bathmate products,
Plus it help support DLD for all the hard work he has done for us:)

Superdick;404033 said:
Hey,Captain Planet

I would go for the Bathmate due to the fact that i had a Dr.Joel Kaplan pump and you get more of a fluid build-up donut effect,I am sure you could do some SSJ's to get rid of build-up,
But with the Bathmate it is more comfortable and within 30 mins you could a more natural looking pump session than you would with 2-3hrs of air-pumping,I have been pumping on and off since the late 90's.
Bottom-Line you save time and hassle with the Bathmate and DLD has excellent prices on his Bathmate products,
Plus it help support DLD for all the hard work he has done for us:)


I really want to buy a Bathmate in the next couple months. Right now the funds are running short so i've been hydropumping with my regular pump..it's been amazing but i bet that it would be better with the Bathmate.. I'll keep you guys updated!
I received the Bathmate a couple of weeks ago. I haven't tried it yet...but I will soon. I'm pretty excited about it. I'll let you know how it goes!
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