Long Worm

Jun 4, 2003
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This chart shows the ideal penis size for a women. Also a few pages on it shows how big the average female vagina is.

Good site with lots of cool info.
Those numbers are "made up" by the author. They show nothing but his opinion. A lot of that site is interesting, but that page is pure B.S.
where is the dude with the 9" of girth? Damn...what is the deal with that?
Originally posted by MDC
Those numbers are "made up" by the author. They show nothing but his opinion. A lot of that site is interesting, but that page is pure B.S.

Exactly. Hell, even guys who have had a lot of success with Penis Enlargement would have a "complex" after seeing those numbers. Never mind what it is doing to us newbies!!

Having said that, the site does come right out and pretty well tell the truth. Now if just the numbers were more in reality land, this site would have more credibility.

Just my .02,

Well, I don't think the numbers are that far off. After all, the idea is that the larger the better (especially girth) right up until the point of pain. IOW, thinking that the ideal size for most women will be the maximum girth and length that she can comfortably take. I think the results may be a bit skewed towards longer lengths, but I think the girth ideals are very close to accurate.

I do take issue with his statement:

<i>At 5½ inches long by 7 inches around you will be enjoyable (too short but very thick) = D.</i>

Because, I'm sure much of this information was "interpolated", i.e. they did not test an actual cock/dildo 5.5 x 7. They probably charted more of a linear progression, when it really would be more of a bell curve concerning girth. If such a cock were real, I tend to think that a few inches of 7" girth would be pretty darn satisfying and get higher than a "D" rating.
The author classifies girth along these lines:

4-5" girth = small
5-6" girth = average
6-7" girth = big
7-8" girth = very big
8+" girth = huge

If his girth classifications weren't so far off, his site would be a lot more believable. But calling a 6" girth penis average, is like calling a Boeing 747 an average sized airplane.
Well, I think the guy is often a total asshole and much of what he says is crap. Still, I don't think that the numbers are that much out of line - and your observation of 5"- 6" girth = average, 6"-7" = large, then I'd say 6" is large not average - kind of like the glass is half full ;)
I somewhat agree with his theory on the right size. If you read on, he just says the same old thing "size does matter", he has no clear explanation and no evidence that all women think size matters, but I still think it is an interesting read about the size of womens vagina .
If the bozo would actulally get the 10 women together and do the test he outlined, he'd have some credibility on what he says.

Until he does, I don't see where he gets his opinions from. Sure, size matters, but his site is full of made up stuff.
Acording to this guys chart 3.5" of length with 9.5" of girth would not be enjoyable :confused:
This thing is waaay off in left field as usual. I dont care what might be the "ideal" size. My goal will obviously NOT be ideal. Sucks to be them...oh well.
stillwantmore said:
This thing is waaay off in left field as usual. I dont care what might be the "ideal" size. My goal will obviously NOT be ideal. Sucks to be them...oh well.

blackandwhite said:
Exactly. Hell, even guys who have had a lot of success with Penis Enlargement would have a "complex" after seeing those numbers. Never mind what it is doing to us newbies!!
I agree man that really hurt. Especially after having sex last night and i thought my dick looked smaller than usual.
The ideal sizes here are just huge... starting at 7 1/2"x 6 1/4"?! :O

This site goes by NBP, too. At 6 1/4" girth I doubt many women could take that orally. Their numbers are ridiculous and make me feel much smaller, and I already have issues with that. My goals aren't even as high as the lowest "ideal". Heck, my goal doesn't even get into "very satisfying but not ideal". I guess I'll just have to settle with only being "satisfying" and just accept that I won't be able to give a woman as much pleasure as I want to. <:(
Note: that's with a goal of 7.25"x5.5" relaxed (NBP, I don't care what my BP is, that doesn't matter to me), the girth goal is already achieved, and not a high goal for intercourse, but I don't want to become too big for oral. . .

Yet it's only a "c". I don't want to be too big for my girl but that chart makes me feel smaller than I already do. I shouldn't be so worried about it, but lately it's been getting to me more.
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These numbers were made up by a guy, so-ooo.... ;)

I would bet a million dollars if you polled women, the ideal size would be about 6.5 X 5.5...big but still comfortable for them. Guys, I started out at 5.5 X 5.25 and never had any complaints!

stuff, do not be taken in by this myth that you have to have a monstrous cock to satisfy a woman. It's just simply that...a myth. I want my 8X6 NBP...but I also know that that is incredibly huge. It's an ego thing, not a reality thing, not a female-pleasing thing. It's just for me. Penis Enlargement should be empowering and ego-boosting. When I look at my cock, I am happy with what I see. I don't think, Oh, if only I get to my goal, then I'll be happy... I was happy with my first .25"...and every gain I have made since. But I was happy with it to start with. Why? Cause I know the truth. Women don't crave outrageous horse-cocks...men do. Women will brag on 6" if you can use it halfway decent! :D
At 6.5x5.5 relaxed NBP (fully hard it's .25 longer), I feel a bit inadequate. Maybe it's from reading about women wanting more or something, I don't know. My girl is worried that it's too big and I'm worried that it's too small. Perhaps I should just stop worrying about it, it's probably not that big of a deal...
My advice:

Penis Enlargement because you want a bigger cock...not because you feel you NEED a bigger cock. For me, Penis Enlargement is about being more confident and enjoying sex more...not chasing after some magic number so that I can simply feel "adequate". I do girth work because it increases stimulation during sex for both of us...not because I think I need it. I do length because...well, it looks cool and makes me feel like a stud! :D I already hit my gal's g-spot...and sometimes I even bottom out, too, so more length is not a requirement. It's a bonus.

Don't believe anything you see, read or hear about in the media concerning penis size. 99% of it is utter bullshit. I would say 75% of "big" male �naked people movies� stars are not hung...they're just short, skinny guys with normal size peckers. Have you ever really looked at Peter North? He looks huge, but he's like 5'3 and small framed. If I was a foot shorter and 100 pounds lighter, I would look huge like that, too! All the stories you read about women wanting a big rod are true...but for a woman, a big rod is a 6 incher.

Finally, it's really not that big a deal. I approach Penis Enlargement from the vantage of it being cool and fun...not as a job...not as a means to becoming "adequate". For me, that makes all the difference in the world. I'm sure your lady thinks your ding dong's a king kong, too, so just do Penis Enlargement as a way to have more fun with your dick and her pussy.
I would agree Kong!! heck look at a ruler and see how big 6 inches is pretty big size (would think nbp measurements of course), for most that would make you around 7bp and that is big by anyones standards. I doubt you'd ever get any complaints if you were in that range unless they have been met by a guy like RED or DLD.
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