What’s been going on? How’s life going?
Well i can say that i am ok. 2018 was not the best year that i can remember. I had a big dream, i had the dream in my hands but lost it. I am being positive and will do my best to make my family life better.

So life is basically just taking care of kids, work and try to try to make my relationship with my wife better ( thats the hardest part ).

Good things could come in the future. I am at least working on it.
What a great disposition you have! Sure we all make mistakes in the past and I think the biggest thing we need to do is forgive ourselves so we can move on. To me the order of my inner circle is God, family and the brotherhood. I come here to also get help when I am struggling and boys the brotherhood ready to help. I’m so proud of what we have created here, a large family of brothers helping one another❤️

I pray for you my brother that good things come in your future and they continue to get better and better. And if there’s anything in the world we can do to help you just let me know.
What a great disposition you have! Sure we all make mistakes in the past and I think the biggest thing we need to do is forgive ourselves so we can move on. To me the order of my inner circle is God, family and the brotherhood. I come here to also get help when I am struggling and boys the brotherhood ready to help. I’m so proud of what we have created here, a large family of brothers helping one another❤

I pray for you my brother that good things come in your future and they continue to get better and better. And if there’s anything in the world we can do to help you just let me know.
Thanks so much.<3
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Well today was the big day. Went in & first thing was a gainswave treatment followed by drawing two vials if blood. Next was numbing cream & 10 mins later I got a nerve blocker shit. 15 mins later a series of shots on both sides of my penis. Left with a 2.25 wide 9 1/2 inch pump tube,pump & sleeve. 10 on 5 off & 10 more mins per day for 12 weeks. In 8 wks go back for second shot. Will keep you all updated
Keeping an eye on this. ❤️ Be careful
I will share any results in 12 wks.
Pumping 10 on 5 off for two sets
Siliring for 1/2 hr
Then it’s time to attatch the SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger for a few hrs.
DLD Blasters followed by
Pyramid hanging 3-4 sets. Depending on my mood I’ll use the hanger for heavier sets. Lighter sets I use the silo hanger.
Back in the silistretcher
10 mins in the pump or bathmate.
Big Al is an advocate of girth before length training so I don’t feel it’s an issue training girth early first thing.
In two wks I’ll add the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging into the mix.
Thanks for sharing!!!! this is of HUGE importance for our community. Please make sure you have those measurements very clear on paper AND photos!! Take pics of every measurement with the ruler for future reference.
I will share any results in 12 wks.
Pumping 10 on 5 off for two sets
Siliring for 1/2 hr
Then it’s time to attatch the silistretcher for a few hrs.
DLD Blasters followed by
Pyramid hanging 3-4 sets. Depending on my mood I’ll use the hanger for heavier sets. Lighter sets I use the silo hanger.
Back in the silistretcher
10 mins in the pump or bathmate.
Big Al is an advocate of girth before length training so I don’t feel it’s an issue training girth early first thing.
In two wks I’ll add the LM into the mix.

I am so happy that you’re going to be doing the Reverse Pyramid Stretching you’re going to see some incredible game is very quickly. In this way of training link or come at speeds we never realized before. I can’t wait to see your updates as you grow.
Noticed this site is pretty chill on Priapus Shot aka P-Shot. After doing lots of research and at least 3 consultations with MD's in my area (SF Bay), I decided to take the jump into the world of science and medicine to pursue a bigger "johnson". I also combined Gainswave treatment with P-Shot for greater results. I can say I'm very pleased with the results. After 5 months I've registered gains close to 2 inches flaccid in L and G (see attached pics). Erect I was 6.5" in length before, after treatment I now sport just under 7.75" erect length and a girthy 7". My wife who was very supportive of my obsession is now a little afraid of the girth (backdoor action is now off the menu for sure!) Cost totaled about $3800 which includes the $1300 for the P-Shot and 5 Gainswave treatments at $500 each.
How many cc's of blood did they draw?
I disagree. You can call it a shortcut, but my results are undeniable and are sustainable all without chemicals. As a VP of Sales for a well-known Internet-based tech company in silicon valley, I travel 3 weeks of the month easily and run an organization of 800 people. I simply don't have the time as time is money... I'll put my so-called "quick fix" obtained gains against anyone on this forum. In fact, most people who post on this site and speak of their incredible gains won't even post the pics to back it up. As well PRP therapy goes beyond just making your dick thicker. Father time will take the winds out of sails of all of us. If you aren't 55+ just wait and see what I'm talking about. I'm 57 years old and this therapy has my cock as hard as an 18-year-old. No need for the blue pill.

Not bragging but with the money I earn the 4k I paid is a drop in the bucket and the gains are well worth it. As much as I was obsessed with making my dick bigger, I put my time towards education and working countless hours to become very highly paid and have disposable wealth instead. To each their own but I'm good with my way of having reached a 2inch gain in less than 5 months and by summer I'll have another half to 1inch +.

When I red that, you did convince me to try the P-Shot. Here is some background about my PE journey. Beside maybe better EQ, I started doing PE since almost 18 years. I have never given up despite having close to no results. I guess that I did consider the activity like a hobby and I have simply figured out that I didn't find out the right PE routine that would enable gains for me yet. Since last fall, I think that introducing hanging in my toolset, I started to do something that work. I may have gain 1/2 inch in length but then I had a frenulum injury that keep coming back (I'm betting big time on MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY to solve that condition...)

When I consider the enormous amount time along all those years and the money that I spent in various devices, the cost of the P-Shot, if it works, is well spent. It will allow me to move on, and finally free myself with the 'get bigger' obsession once I reach my size goal (well, I think...)

If gaining 2 inches in 5 months is easilly possible with P-Shot, why would I insist to take 2 years to do it the hard way?

I want to go to a nudist beach THIS summer and make heads turn when I walk by.

My current understanding of the P-Shot is that it puts back your penis in a state where tissue healing happens at hyperdrive speed. This is why part of the protocol they provide you a penis pump and ask you use it for 10 minutes twice per day for 30 days.

That is PE routine for kids...

Now imagine what is possible if you get P-Shot and basically acquire the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory bundle and do a full and serious DLD PE routine with a lot of discipline and commitment... That is what I'm planning to do. And I'm betting that the result might be agreably surprising...

Now, I have a question for Hungrydog (if he is still around).

Why did you take the gainswave sessions on top of the P-shot? Is there scientific evidence that it is beneficial PE wise?

Did you get your 5 inches with only the 2 10 mins daily pump sessions or you follow some more extensive PE workout?

So for the record, I'm currently 6x5. My shot is scheduled for Monday.
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@lano1106 5 inches???? he said 2... 5 inches would be like "ok, we need to go see you in person with a team of scientists to study your case" LOL

Anyways, all these procedures WORK. gains wave works too, it is scientifically proven. It is not advertised to enlarge the size, but it is advertised to restore teenager erections.

I completely support all these procedures and there is nothing wrong on trying them. If you have the money to spare, go for it. You only live once.

I oppose cutting ligaments, implants, fat injections, all that crap. But procedures that work with the abilities of our own bodies, go for it!

I WISH SO MUCH, as I have said before, if I had the money I would buy the equipments to gainswave myself at home, do my own p-shots and I would also do stem cell therapy that is already available in some clinics. That is not possible to do at home yet.

But I truly believe, multiple p-shots and gains wave spaced statically for a period of a year could lead to very noticeable nice gains.
My mistake. You are correct. It is not 5 inches.

We share the same position... I wouldn't risk my precious manhood with something risky such as surgery... but I feel like the P-shot is so close to be 100% natural... You just help nature to do its work just a little bit... It is safe to say that there is close to 0 risk to it. They say: There is no known risk. Of course they protect their asses in case something unknown yet happen but I feel like it very unlikely the case.

You can buy a Shockwave machine but those are still very expensive. I think that I saw something in the 6K range... Unless you start renting your machine to your buddies to get a positive ROI, I wouldn't get one.

but maybe in few years, MOS will sell one at an affordable price!

I feel like a DIY P-shot is certainly in the possible realm. It is not rocket science... There are videos on YT showing how it is done.

I just feel safer having it done by an urologist that I can call back in case something goes wrong.
this is done. I got my shot few hours ago. As I was walking out from the clinic, I was basically 100% up and running. They warned about possible bruises but I feel that if you have a well conditioned penis to PE, you can pretty much discard the possible side-effects as they are very unlikely for us.

So countdown starts today. Lets see what happens to my PE results in the next 1-2 months.
@lano1106 remember to do VERY accurate measurements for your record. Ruler, tape, take pictures with them, etc.
Sure I will. this is day 2. The shot is already starting to do its work. I did woke up with the mother of all morning woods. Next, I did some hanging session and my penis has become more sensitive. As I was setting up my hanger, I had difficulty to NOT get erect...

I feel going for it was a good move...
I have started a little savings fund on the side. Gonna PE for a year, see where I am, and if I still want the procedure, the money will be there.
Quitting is not an option! If you have plateaued it only means you need to add intensity, exercises or implement a whole new routine. SRT is the smartest program to follow as it covers every possible way of gaining in one routine. I would jump into SRT before packing your bags. How much more size do you want to gain? What kind of time do you have during the day? Let me know and I will help you with your progress and routine.

Quitting is not an option We all need to know that!!
Sure I will. this is day 2. The shot is already starting to do its work. I did woke up with the mother of all morning woods. Next, I did some hanging session and my penis has become more sensitive. As I was setting up my hanger, I had difficulty to NOT get erect...

I feel going for it was a good move...

How's your measurements now, brother?
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