CobraStang;430198 said:
Nice work fellas!! My leg workout is tomorrow so I can test this for myself. So do you think taking a testosterone supplement before routine would yield similar results? Or is it just the increase blood flow from the leg workout?

Thanks Cobra. Please do that and let us know.....As far as the workout (bloodflow) and Testosterone goes, my feeling is its a combination of both. It could also be that other androgens (released as a result of leg work in particular) are playing a role as well. I don't know, just a hunch. I know that during my Bathmate sessions, I can "feel" when Testosterone levels are high and it has a GREAT impact on the session. If you have access to a good Tongkat Ali product, I would HIGHLY recommend trying that. I'm sold on the stuff. I've been using Tongkat that's an extract and from a good source, its by far the best supplement I've ever tried. If you'd like a trusted source, PM me.

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