doublelongdaddy;645586 said:
That is about the size of it:)

i was playing it yesterday and clearly the theory came to my mind and i realized i made a mistake
doublelongdaddy;645466 said:
Chess is all about planning many moves ahead of where you are. Game Theory works perfectly with this way of thinking. You want to estimate where your partner will be and have alternative plans if he does not. I found this quote which brings Nash Theory into the Chess process:

"The games of chess can't last forever because of certain rules, so its a finite game. It doesn't involve chance to decide the outcome, so its a deterministic game. Its obviously a sequential and non-cooperative game, and assuming you know the entire history of the game when you go to make your move, its also a game of perfect information.
So is there a best way to play chess? If the best strategies are used, every game will end up the same way. Therefore, one of these three statements is true:
1. Chess is a guaranteed win for white - there is nothing that black can do to stop this unless white makes a mistake (white goes first).
2. Chess is a guaranteed win for black - there's nothing that white can do to stop this, unless black makes a mistake.
3. Chess is a guaranteed draw - like tic-tac-toe; neither player ever wins unless someone makes a mistake.
It seems that there are more possible strategies for chess than there are sub-atomic particles in the universe. Perhaps one of those strategies is the perfect one, one that would never lose, one that would in fact win every single game...if a winning strategy exists. Just like tic-tac-toe, unless you screw up, every game ends up with the same result. Its humbling to realize that chess, for all of its exactly the same."
this chess theory or quote can relate to how good and bad are apart of our life. Where the white is the good in life positive(Yang) and the black is negative(Yin). You get to choose what move you make In life be it positive or negative. If you make a mistake you have made a negative move and attract negative. (Which is the black chess piece moving in to take you out). So do you wanna beat negativey or do you wanna stay negative. You have to make the right moves more often than not in life. Impossible to be all positive probably in life; but negaitive is in life and a positive move is a 100 times stronger than a negative move. So we have to learn to accept it and move forward to better things in life. I'm not sure if this is what you mean DLD but this is what stood out for me. Its a great quote.
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GirthGains;645666 said:
this chess theory or quote can relate to how good and bad are apart of our life. Where the white is the good in life positive(Yang) and the black is negative(Yin). You get to choose what move you make In life be it positive or negative. If you make a mistake you have made a negative move and attract negative. (Which is the black chess piece moving in to take you out). So do you wanna beat negativey or do you wanna stay negative. You have to make the right moves more often than not in life. Impossible to be all positive probably in life; but negaitive is in life and a positive move is a 100 times stronger than a negative move. So we have to learn to accept it and move forward to better things in life. I'm not sure if this is what you mean DLD but this is what stood out for me. Its a great quote.

Definitely in line with my thinking. Nash Theory is a very complex economical theory that much of the bigger business world uses to further their growth in any one field. But, even though this is an economic model it still remains very relative to all parts of life. For instance, lets say you are in a bar and there are 10 men and 10 women. You are first observing this as an outsider, meaning you are not part of the count. Lets say this is a Friday night and the bar stars pretty much the same on Saturday. So as an observer you look at the patrons on Friday to see the hierarchy of what is happening. You notice the most beautiful woman there and you notice the best looking male there. From this point each person drops in value based on their looks. So number 2 will be slightly less attractive than 1 and it follows this order through all 10 men and 10 women. Making note of this hierarchy you go home and crunch these numbers. So Saturday night rolls around and you hit the same bar. Your goal in all this is to get with the number 1 women, beating out the 10 men that are there. You see that the number 1 female is getting attention from all 10 of the men. Now you know being the 11th man is not going to help much, there is already way to much demand for this female. Now you notice that the #2 woman is sitting next to the #1 woman and she is not happy because #1 is getting all the attention. Nash Theory comes into play at this point. Instead of going for the #1 female you go for the #2. Since you are close enough to #1 she is thinking, why is #2 getting all the attention from this guy, he should be giving me the attention. Something amazing happens here and #1 ignores all the other men to find a way to woo your attention. You start to talk to #1 now and all of a sudden you not only have number 1, but you also have numbers 2-10! So that night you leave with the woman of your choice. This is the best example of Game (Nash) Theory I can think of. This same thing happens in the business world on a different level but all the same it is relative.
Depression alone can make you sleep more. Along with stress and bad habits. It is normal when the penis is fatigued from stretching to lose morning erections. If you take a day or two break they should come back if this is what you desire.

This happens to be true.
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