
Aug 5, 2006
I've noticed a few traits in DLD that are similar to myself such as I can be quite obsessive he is quite philosphical and has an interest in string theory to name but three. This got me thinking about the type of people that were in to Penis Enlargement especially on this forum. We are all looking for answers not just about Penis Enlargement maybe some of the answers to life the universe and everything can be found here. I have found some of the posts here to be very insightful especially from DLD. Maybe a new set of principles could be drawn up. For example the aim of first aid is to save life and prevent the casualties condition from worsening without becoming a casualty yourself this is taught first so we dont lose sight of the objective. When people are asked what they would want more than anything they often say to win the lottery because they perceive that money will make them happy. What they really want is to be happy, perhaps the same is true of Penis Enlargement but will a bigger dick bring happiness? This is why I suggest a frame work of ideals and principles be forged like the very techniques that we do every day to gain girth and length so that we keep the real goal of living a fruitful and happy life. I didnt expect to find a lot of things here that I did, may be we can find a lot more answers here than conventional wisdom cant give us. Anyway just wandered if anyone else had thought much about the wisdom that is on this forum and how it can help us as maybe getting a bigger dick is only treating the symptoms and we need to look deeper for the route cause. Have people that have reached there goals found it lives up to expectations? Would be particularly interested to here from DLD on this one although I suspect there is nothing new here that he hasnt already thought or discussed before.
na I'm not so worried about height, I will always look like a kid, but to be honest the size of my hands dude! I seriously g-fucked in this department, in some of my classes, a majority of the girls hands are mysize, some even bigger. We all know how important that shit is for girls, but to be truthful, It really doesn't bothr me that much, I would be fearfull to have a kid and know his hands are gonna be smaller than mine, if thats the case.... I probably shouldn't have kids. To bad theirs not a way to make them bigger, ya heard! To be honest, I know about growth hormones, by that time, its science. It's just to bad for me!
Great minds think alike I am working on my own theory that at death the strings of your soul detatch from the membrane of this dimension and become free floating like gravitons so we then live in the spirit world where we can move freely throughout any dimension we choose however while are strings are still attatched to this dimension we can't communicate with other dimensions. But scientist have theorised using the graviton this might one day be possible. I say that it is already possible and proof of this are Psychics although there are a lot of bogus ones. Also halucinagenic drugs may alter the state of our strings as many people in ancient tribes use these to go in to the spiritual world to ask questions (it is rumoured that Bill Gates did this to solve a problem with windows) and come back with the solutions. May be some one could take a trip in to the spirit world to gain some more info on Penis Enlargement.
Hey this is great news right here... I didn't have a clue that we had here people interested in the same wierd shit i'm into... Cosmology, space and universe, dark matter, ion drive engines, 11 dimensions, string theorie, theorie of everything, brane universes, hyperspace and paralel universes etc etc etc Man ohhh man i strive on this type of science... It really makes my day and are all perfect for my curious nature...

To think i'm not alone in this and that i'm no wierdo like some people make me feel when i start rambling about black holes, gravitational pulls and exoplanets...etc.......

Cool, now these are topics we should start talking about in the deep thoughts section? I'd really like to make people undestand that although we ( earth ) have many earthly problems of our own, in the long run we will have to escape from this planet into a new one. Most people have heard of The Big Bang and all they know about it besides the name is that it was some kind of huge explosion that gave birth to the Universe and not much else.
There really is much more to it than just that...........

NOW i understand the "insane in the memBRANE" line.... lol


it seems that I am not alone, always surprises me though that the places that these topics of conversation pop up are the least likely. But what is about our mindsets that makes us get in to Penis Enlargement?
hi all, i thought id post on this not posted for ages, have been lurking for about 2years (have not done much pe too inconsistent have gain 0.5inch in both length and girth [now 7.5nbpel 8.1bpel by 5.5 girth mid shaft]) anyway i too am interested in very different topics than most, as 8incHydromaxike put it most people just think your a wierdo or a geek when u mention things like FTL. So for me too its a very nice surprise to find like minded people here, and bigjim7 its true it is always in the most unlikely of place u meet like minded people. but i think we're here for more than just pe, i think deep down we are all on a quest for greater knowledge and understanding, but making your dick bigger by knowledge you've obtained is a massive bonus.

for me i read this forum almost daily not just for the pe side but for everything, gaining knowledge even if its not of great use at that moment, is at the very core of what i believe and by reading this forum iam bettering myself, by gaining knowledge.
I have a good answer to that mate...
We're just trying to "voyage" to new frontiers and we like to go against the established thought and make new breakthrough findings just like in human space exploration. We Humans have naturaly enquisiting minds so we always try to get that step ahead.


we just want a bigger wang... lol
Man this really is cool to have like minded people on here. I think i'll start a thread somewhere to find more like us so we can discuss quantum mechanics and it's link to general theory of relativity and stuff like that...These days i'm trying to figure out ( damn this was not humble of me to say but what the hey... ) the conversion of hydrogen molecules into heavier elements in a vacuum. Man you wouldn't believe the amount of energy released by this.

As of late i'm getting myself interested in the whole "is the universe finite or not" deal. As in my opinion i think that space time exists in pockets ( branes ) and it just "disconects" from the physical universe outside of a membrane in hyperspace. I also think "space" is infinite while the Universe is finite. It's a matter of available matter and energy. Matter, as of now, is still expanded through space and some may say that galaxies super clusters gravity pull will lead the universe into the "big crunsh" if it outstrenghts the dark matter push. So as of now we are expanding and matter is filling the emptyness BUT the space was there already, with ZERO atoms, zero time.

I'd really like to discuss these matters with all who are interested.

Ps. I will leave a question right now for you to think about.

Do you think neutrinos have mass ? If so how can they travel at close to C ( speed of light) without gaining huge mass like Einstein's theory of relativity predicts ???


LMAOmao i agree with both of them 8incHydromaxike

I do agree thou that we should start some great threads in the deep thoughts section about topics we are all interested.
8InchMIKE said:
I have a good answer to that mate...
We're just trying to "voyage" to new frontiers and we like to go against the established thought and make new breakthrough findings just like in human space exploration. We Humans have naturaly enquisiting minds so we always try to get that step ahead.


we just want a bigger wang... lol

sorry i didnt quote on my last post it looked abit out of place.
This is all high powered stuff wish I had the IQ to be able to do all the maths that goes with it. A lot of the universe can't be comprehended with the human mind it would be like a car trying to 100mph in first gear it would just blow up but we have computers these days to do the number crunching. You have to use your intuition or what some people call the heart mind to understand and comprehend the full workings of the cosmos. For example if you tried to catch a ball by saying to yourself that ball is travelling at 20 m/s and it is 40metres away so if I count to two and calculate the trajectory then close my hands just like a robot would you would never catch it. Instead we get a feel for it as it flows though the air we dont think we feel. This is what we have to do to really understand although science will go some way to predicting and calculating it will never be as effective as your own built in computer.
I have quite a bit to add, when I get home tonight I will contribute to this.
Polynomial Expression, Perfect?

We must also recognize the limitation of mathematics when approaching the divine. What is infinity? We have a feeling that there should be a universal truth and yet we can't describe it, mathematically or philosophically, quite simply, it is in the realm of impossibilities, some call this faith.

Mathematics is in no way truths, numbers are never perfectly correct. Kurt Godel, a life long student of mathematics and physics, was most famous as a logician. (I see him as a complete philosopher.) His most notable work, Incompleteness Theorem, explain these incredibly complex truths and untruths in numbers. It would take a very long time to explain Incompleteness Theorem, if interested by a very THICK BOOK:). To try to put it into a couple of lines, Incompleteness Theorem(s) proves that any consistent formal theory that proves basic aritHydromaxetical truths, it becomes possible to establish an aritHydromaxetical statement that is true and even though this sounds impossible, it is unprovable in the theory. Meaning, any theory capable of expressing prefatory aritHydromaxetic can't be both consistent and complete. This puts a beautiful face on numbers as it shows the vulnerability of mathematics itself. Why do I see this as beauty? Only with imperfection does the mind grow.

The reason I site Godel is that Penis Enlargement also relies so heavily on proven, unproven mathematics. I guess you could say we are all a proverbial mathematician on a quest to express the perfect number. The fallacy here is that numbers are never perfect. I am basically asking you to accept that 2+2=4.001...hard to swallow but true. Our obsession with numbers is quite akin to the great mathematicians of our day. As Penis Enlargement'ers, we need to embrace imperfection as perfection. We need to see our penis as a beautiful, imperfect perfection, not a numerical, inaccurate measurement.

So what do numbers have to do with String Theory? Everything and nothing.
We see all but then we see nothing. It's real then it's fake. String theory, so primitive in it's equation, so complex in it's image while at the same time complex in it's equation but primitive in it's image. The only mathematical expression that express's every mathematical equation while at the same time expressing none exists only through contemplation, in our mind where we are free to interpret without proof.

Strings, loops and lines, we can see them with such understanding while not understanding them at all. Strings when described are essentially "1, 0 and, ( in shape and they occupy all of space and time. A place where there could be 11 dimensions, moreover, an alternate universe(s). When understood it is so complex that if you explained it some one, they would say your a genius while at the same time insane. But, as most eloquently summarized, String Theory are the Chords of life plucked to create the music of life.

For most mathematicians, scientists, physicists, theologians or any other extension of the such, exists a meta-physical belief. A belief that relies on unproven data, explaining the unexplainable. Godel and Einstein were very close. They shared a friendship in almost complete, academic, disagreement. This did not stop them from working on one of my favorite theories, one where time does not exist. In fact our past, present and future are happening in the present, according to this theory. If true, space and time may not exist at all. Time, space what is it really? An unproven set of numbers? A present eternity? A matrix? So much to comprehend while at the same time so easy to understand. What I mean is "the Theory of Everything" may be as simple ABC-123, six symbols so easy to understand but our own complex, mathematical mind may be in the way.

Believe it or not numbers have never made sense to me, I never got math until I read my first book on Geometry. But when I realized I could put a shape, a symbol a letter to numbers my mind opened to unbelievable levels. Everything I could not understand prior to this became crystal cleare. I finally joined the ranks of those on a quest to completely understand life. But when I finally got here I realized I may not want to know. Such struggles one has with God and Science!

My mind becomes confused when looking at numbers, while at the same time I see such beauty & potential. I wrote something that always remains at the forefront in my quest for understanding.
.....There is only Black and White, the colors are there to confuse us. We have searched so hard to find who God is....when all along God was us. We all came from a single living organism. We are one even though we are separate. God is you, God is me, the original creator.

Polynomial Expression? How about 1Ă·oo=ooĂ·1:D (oo=infinity)
I like the concept that past present and future ALL exist and ONLY exist in the now--and that past and future are fictions created by the limited human mind. In some "primitive" languages there is no future or past tense. Are the people who speak these languages really that "primitive?" I think not.

For me the "primitives" are those who refuse to reach out beyond their rational minds for answers.

I like to imagine that when I die, my spirit will escape my human shell and join this "present" rush of energy released at the big boom. What a journey that would be!!!!!
goinfor11x7 said:
Are the people who speak these languages really that "primitive?" I think not.

Perhaps, but to twist your mind a bit, what if the reason we speak this language, a language that encapsulates all of science, is our primality?:)

I would LOVE to comment on this line of thought, just temp me....I'll bore (or intrigue) you for days.:D
doublelongdaddy said:
Perhaps, but to twist your mind a bit, what if the reason we speak this language, a language that encapsulates all of science, is our primality?:)

I would LOVE to comment on this line of thought, just temp me....I'll bore (or intrigue) you for days.:D

Tempt! Tempt!! He, he! Tempt! Tempt! Be my guest!!!

goinfor11x7 said:
Tempt! Tempt!! He, he! Tempt! Tempt! Be my guest!!!


Primality is so complex that we forget it's so simple. The reminder that we are so primal is our basic, inquisitive nature. It is our very need to apply a number to everything in life, essentially measure, document and place into perfect sets. That is what causes us to become disillusioned with what truly is reality. Our only grasp of time is the clock. It is our very need to classify and prove that creates this thing called time. So if time does not exist, do we? Again, this is subjective, but if time does not exist the only reality is the now...this very point of time is the only consciousness that feeds our actuality. Why is it impossible for mathematics to be perfectly correct? Why is it impossible to sequence every clock in the world? Why did Grodel find that 2+2=2.00001, simple, it all took place now, in this very moment, in our conscious brain, which falls behind as this "thing" time goes by. If this be true our very future affects our past, while our present affects our past. Very hard to comprehend as we see only on 4 dimensions (3+1). Our existence we travel through is endless, and is built on our total experiences, occurring all at once. A singularity too difficult to understand as realizing it is the ultimate uncertainty. Each of us are part of the same body, the same mind, and we all contribute to a beautiful thing we call time. As living things, we not only share space and time in this single moment but we also share everything that has ever happened past, present and future in this single moment. We can be, do, experience or encounter anything, as we control our world, our moment our destiny.
Let's see if I can put this in my own terms so that I can fully appreciate it!!!

Yes, yes, yes!!! This makes perfect sense to me.

And when we are in sync with this Great Mind, i.e. God, there is no past and there is no future!! No space!! No time!!--kind of like when I really get into my P.E. workout!!! Kind of like a child who only understands the now!! After all, the small children are closest to the Great Mind!! There is only the present--and when I am in the moment, in the now, the feeling is one of bliss--serenity beyond measure. Yes, yes, "measure."

The size of my dick no longer matters. He, he!!

Thank you, dear guru!!

Thank you.


All this takes a lot of getting your head round as our physical minds are only a tool for navigating this simple world we live in, which is why analagies are always useful in understanding far out concepts. Religion can offer some answers although you have to look deeper than what is offered by the big three (Christianity, Islam and Judaism). There are perennial truths which run through the true meaning of all religion that some people believe comes from ancient Egypt. The dying and resurecting god comes from the Horus and Osirus belief of the ancient Egyptians and was later used by Christianity in the story of Jesus. It represents the journey of our soul when the horus ( our animal side) dies and our true higher selves the Osiris god is reborn and we become at one with God again. This is also symbolised by St.George slaying the dragon and in various other ways throughout various religions and customs. This battle has been raging since Eve (the feminine side that exists in all men and women) took the apple from the tree of knowledge and gave it to Adam in the garden of Eden. From that point on we became self aware and the battle with our animal instincts and our higher self has waged on. Through karma we learn the correct path that leads us back to god.
Therefore since the body always follows the mind it is maybe no coincidence that a Penis Enlargement practitioner with a flexible and open mind makes the most gains. Maybe Penis Enlargement could become the next great religion.
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