goinfor11x7 said:
Let's see if I can put this in my own terms so that I can fully appreciate it!!!

Yes, yes, yes!!! This makes perfect sense to me.

And when we are in sync with this Great Mind, i.e. God, there is no past and there is no future!! No space!! No time!!--kind of like when I really get into my P.E. workout!!! Kind of like a child who only understands the now!! After all, the small children are closest to the Great Mind!! There is only the present--and when I am in the moment, in the now, the feeling is one of bliss--serenity beyond measure. Yes, yes, "measure."

The size of my dick no longer matters. He, he!!

Thank you, dear guru!!

Thank you.



You got it:) and in getting it you will live your life to the fullest!
bigjim7 said:
All this takes a lot of getting your head round as our physical minds are only a tool for navigating this simple world we live in, which is why analagies are always useful in understanding far out concepts. Religion can offer some answers although you have to look deeper than what is offered by the big three (Christianity, Islam and Judaism). There are perennial truths which run through the true meaning of all religion that some people believe comes from ancient Egypt. The dying and resurecting god comes from the Horus and Osirus belief of the ancient Egyptians and was later used by Christianity in the story of Jesus. It represents the journey of our soul when the horus ( our animal side) dies and our true higher selves the Osiris god is reborn and we become at one with God again. This is also symbolised by St.George slaying the dragon and in various other ways throughout various religions and customs. This battle has been raging since Eve (the feminine side that exists in all men and women) took the apple from the tree of knowledge and gave it to Adam in the garden of Eden. From that point on we became self aware and the battle with our animal instincts and our higher self has waged on. Through karma we learn the correct path that leads us back to god.
Therefore since the body always follows the mind it is maybe no coincidence that a Penis Enlargement practitioner with a flexible and open mind makes the most gains. Maybe Penis Enlargement could become the next great religion.

To see things as different and similar at the same time is to see how contradictories can actually be in agreement; a significant step towards an enlightened perspective.

This is all weird because lately I've been on some kind of quest, maybe soul searching, I've been trying to acquire all kinds of information about life, history, theories, etc. My views of this world have compeletly changed in about the last week or two. I've been watching video clips of David Icke, michael tsarion, and some others about life and how things really are. Many people find these guys to be crazy and con artists or whatever but actually everything they say makes perfect sense.

goinfor11x7 said:
There is only the present--and when I am in the moment, in the now, the feeling is one of bliss--serenity beyond measure. Yes, yes, "measure."

I find that when I drive in my car or am outside and look around and see all the trees or stars(at night) and I get a feeling of bliss or harmony too, like I'm one with nature or something. I try and examine and see everything for what it is, things I never take time to look at and realize because I'm busy thinking about things like work or college or my gf..

I think the reason I Penis Enlargement is similar to why I workout and eat healthy, try and always sound cool and am scared of ridicule. I constantly ponder and worry about how I'm going to make a living (I'm only 21 right now and have NO idea what I want to do for a living). It's because I have control over those things for the most part but I used to feel like these were the only things I have control over. I'm starting to believe that I have control over alot more than that and it has to do with my subconscience and the vibrations I give off. DLD was right when he talks about the power of the mind and how important thought is to gains etc. all of it stems from my EGO and security. I live in fear even though I'm in no immediate danger.
Originally posted by Hoffy200
This is all weird because lately I've been on some kind of quest, maybe soul searching, I've been trying to acquire all kinds of information about life, history, theories, etc. My views of this world have compeletly changed in about the last week or two. I've been watching video clips of David Icke, michael tsarion, and some others about life and how things really are. Many people find these guys to be crazy and con artists or whatever but actually everything they say makes perfect sense.

goinfor11x7 said:
There is only the present--and when I am in the moment, in the now, the feeling is one of bliss--serenity beyond measure. Yes, yes, "measure."

I find that when I drive in my car or am outside and look around and see all the trees or stars(at night) and I get a feeling of bliss or harmony too, like I'm one with nature or something. I try and examine and see everything for what it is, things I never take time to look at and realize because I'm busy thinking about things like work or college or my gf..

I think the reason I Penis Enlargement is similar to why I workout and eat healthy, try and always sound cool and am scared of ridicule. I constantly ponder and worry about how I'm going to make a living (I'm only 21 right now and have NO idea what I want to do for a living). It's because I have control over those things for the most part but I used to feel like these were the only things I have control over. I'm starting to believe that I have control over alot more than that and it has to do with my subconscience and the vibrations I give off. DLD was right when he talks about the power of the mind and how important thought is to gains etc. all of it stems from my EGO and security. I live in fear even though I'm in no immediate danger.
Ridicule is something we are all scared of to some point. However the people most likely to ridicule us are the ones trying to avoid ridicule themselves so they attack others to distract others from there own securities. This creates a whole enviroment of fear which imprisons us in to behaving in a way that you think others should perceive you. At least you realise this so you are in a better position than the majority who walk around like zombies terrified of ridicule so behave in a way best to avoid it. We all have this insecurity to varying degrees but like any other problem the first step to being free of it is admitting it. Once you realise that the only person that can judge you is you it can be very liberating, but nobody likes to be different. Which is why I like this forum as I suspect we are a lot of people who feel they are different or don't fit in. In reality we are probably not that much different to anybody else apart from the fact we recognise and admit to our insecurites. Take a leaf out of DLD's book he stands up and openly admits who he is, what he has done on many subjects that could be perceived by many as inviting ridicule.
On the subject of your future follow your heart to truly be happy you need a job or vocation where you get home each night feeling as though you have worked hard and satified. Always follow your dreams and don't let jealous, bitter people who blew there chance hold you back if they try and ricicule you for your aspirations no matter how great they are. You might want to try meditation, when we learn to quieten our minds we hear and see things that before were hidden and a way will open up for you. I hope at least some of what I have said has been useful good luck in whatever you do.
bigjim7 said:
Originally posted by Hoffy200
This is all weird because lately I've been on some kind of quest, maybe soul searching, I've been trying to acquire all kinds of information about life, history, theories, etc. My views of this world have compeletly changed in about the last week or two. I've been watching video clips of David Icke, michael tsarion, and some others about life and how things really are. Many people find these guys to be crazy and con artists or whatever but actually everything they say makes perfect sense.

Ridicule is something we are all scared of to some point. However the people most likely to ridicule us are the ones trying to avoid ridicule themselves so they attack others to distract others from there own securities. This creates a whole enviroment of fear which imprisons us in to behaving in a way that you think others should perceive you. At least you realise this so you are in a better position than the majority who walk around like zombies terrified of ridicule so behave in a way best to avoid it. We all have this insecurity to varying degrees but like any other problem the first step to being free of it is admitting it. Once you realise that the only person that can judge you is you it can be very liberating, but nobody likes to be different. Which is why I like this forum as I suspect we are a lot of people who feel they are different or don't fit in. In reality we are probably not that much different to anybody else apart from the fact we recognise and admit to our insecurites. Take a leaf out of DLD's book he stands up and openly admits who he is, what he has done on many subjects that could be perceived by many as inviting ridicule.
On the subject of your future follow your heart to truly be happy you need a job or vocation where you get home each night feeling as though you have worked hard and satified. Always follow your dreams and don't let jealous, bitter people who blew there chance hold you back if they try and ricicule you for your aspirations no matter how great they are. You might want to try meditation, when we learn to quieten our minds we hear and see things that before were hidden and a way will open up for you. I hope at least some of what I have said has been useful good luck in whatever you do.

bigjim7 , Very good insight! When we are an open book it becomes difficult to be ridiculed.

Some may know that I am going back to school in hopes of getting my doctorate. A very long process but I feel it vital to who I am and what I do. This commitment requires a great deal of sacrifice but I know that many men have sacrificed themselves in order to bring knowledge to me.

Albert Einstein said, "A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving" This gives us a sense of purpose, a selfless understanding to what we may accomplish in life. I sometimes become scared to post my thoughts as I fear that they will be exploited, stolen, perverted, etc. But this is a extremely selfish disposition. When I am open I benefit, when others are open I also benefit and this is the great institution we call education.

My major will be in physics but a requisite of this major is mathematics and more importantly (as I will describe later) philosophy. In my opinion another requisite should be theology but sadly this is not important to the degree. To quote Dr. Einstein again, "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." This says it all and I think it brings much validity to bigjim7 early post:

bigjim7 said:
All this takes a lot of getting your head round as our physical minds are only a tool for navigating this simple world we live in, which is why analagies are always useful in understanding far out concepts. Religion can offer some answers although you have to look deeper than what is offered by the big three (Christianity, Islam and Judaism). There are perennial truths which run through the true meaning of all religion that some people believe comes from ancient Egypt. The dying and resurecting god comes from the Horus and Osirus belief of the ancient Egyptians and was later used by Christianity in the story of Jesus. It represents the journey of our soul when the horus ( our animal side) dies and our true higher selves the Osiris god is reborn and we become at one with God again. This is also symbolised by St.George slaying the dragon and in various other ways throughout various religions and customs. This battle has been raging since Eve (the feminine side that exists in all men and women) took the apple from the tree of knowledge and gave it to Adam in the garden of Eden. From that point on we became self aware and the battle with our animal instincts and our higher self has waged on. Through karma we learn the correct path that leads us back to god.
Therefore since the body always follows the mind it is maybe no coincidence that a Penis Enlargement practitioner with a flexible and open mind makes the most gains. Maybe Penis Enlargement could become the next great religion.

Since my time in the metaphysical world we call Penis Enlargement I have learned so much about myself, science, physics, religion, mathematics and philosophy. A certain encapsulation of all of these studies puts a face on our art, penis enlargement. But to go deeper, this encapsulation belongs to everything in life. Knowledge has always been congruent with proof and proof congruent with all of the above. Some may say religion and philosophy have nothing to do with proof but they truly do.

We as a all inquisitive species search for definitive answers to questions that have long plagued mankind. When we approach an infinite impossibility we still need to categorize, hypothesize, create theory, essentially we need to create an expression that describes this infinity. This brings and unsettling feeling to those who yearn to understand the meaning of life. I can sympathize with this hence my choice of education.

The reason philosophy plays such a vital roll in proof is it helps us put into words expressions we cannot put on paper. The Theory of Relativity relied heavily on the forth dimension, a dimension that is without true mathematical truth but nonetheless it has philosophical truth. It is needed to bridge the gap of incompleteness. Godel also saw this need to incorporate incompleteness as seen in his lifetimes, greatest achievement, Incompleteness Theorem. With this theorem axioms, the set of all true propositions of mathematics (being a vacuous supposition:)) By consistent, this means that the axioms, together with the rules of inference, must not allow the deduction of a contradiction, such as 1 = 2. (Math is doomed if we can’t satisfy this condition.) See my point? The need for philosophy to satisfy meta-mathematics.

We ponder the outskirts of our universe, we have relied on religion as a unsatisfactory description of this space. In many religions in is called heaven (as it is in astronomy). Religion is purely based on faith but even though faith has no basis in truth, philosophically it does to millions of religious practitioners. In so many ways religion contradicts itself and in the face of this contradiction religious beliefs are forged. This is what happens with all life, when we can't make a definitive solution we rely on faith, a purely human function. Thinking on the computer we use everyday, a machine that can solve many of our human problems will always lack certitude.

The beginning of time, that first inkling of life that divided and divided brings us to this very moment. You, me, plants, animals, every living thing is part of us because we all are siblings of that first spark of life. Do we know this for sure? Of course not but until that time, a time where mathematics can write an equation that proves our existence we must rely on denomination.

Your conclusion about coming to Penis Enlargement with an open mind and with no biases may well explain my initial gains, which were quite dramatic. I had no doubts in my mind regarding potential penile growth. I approached P.E. in a totally unbiased, (pro or con) way. My mind was completely open and ready to receive whatever physical accomplishments I had set out to achieve.

Unfortunately, as I continued to gain, I ran into many negative voices and got caught up in this negativity. It was at that time that I lost half my gains!!! Interesting coincidence!!!

Many great thinkers have discussed what it means to understand this contradiction you talk about and to live a life filled with contradiction and paradox to its fullest. It is not an easy path to follow. I think most people shun it. It means sometimes living on the edge of "insanity," as it's usually defined.

I just finished reading "A Beautiful Mind," the biography of John Nash Jr. Maybe it was just the passage of time that brought Nash out of his psychosis, (paranoid schizophrenia), but I think it was also his acceptance of his debilitating mind/emotional schism, and even the creation of a safe haven and a "quiet time" at Princeton (by some loving colleagues), where he could "entertain" his delusions . Once he began to understand his irrational side (delusionary thinking), he slowly, ever so slowly began to improve and to return to a functional life.

Good luck with your Ph.D. program. I know you will succeed!!! Any man who has created what you have created in MOS, will find a Ph.D. an easy matter to undertake.

Good luck with the doctorate it is something that I wish to do but I am going to have to wait until my kids are grown up and left home as they are still young (2, 4, 6yrs) so they require my attention at the moment. I hope one day I will be watching a science programme on tv and it will be about how Dr. Mike Salvini has made some revolutionary leap forward in our understanding of the universe. With your background in Penis Enlargement it would really highlight the paradox that is in all of us, why we can't be labelled as just one thing. I think your unique perspective of life we enable you to see things that others who have followed a more conventional path can not.
Yeah man good luck with it all and please just enjoy the heck out of it cause it will, for sure, be a lifetime experience for you.

Also i have something to gain with this you are doing, i can finally talk to someone such as yourself about all the hugeness of the cosmos in all of it's complexity.

Please keep both feet on the ground even though your mind will be travelling the stars.


goinfor11x7 said:

Many great thinkers have discussed what it means to understand this contradiction you talk about and to live a life filled with contradiction and paradox to its fullest. It is not an easy path to follow. I think most people shun it. It means sometimes living on the edge of "insanity," as it's usually defined.

I just finished reading "A Beautiful Mind," the biography of John Nash Jr. Maybe it was just the passage of time that brought Nash out of his psychosis, (paranoid schizophrenia), but I think it was also his acceptance of his debilitating mind/emotional schism, and even the creation of a safe haven and a "quiet time" at Princeton (by some loving colleagues), where he could "entertain" his delusions . Once he began to understand his irrational side (delusionary thinking), he slowly, ever so slowly began to improve and to return to a functional life.

I thank those who support me, it will be a miracle to see me obtain a doctorate, aside from overcoming heroin addiction, mental issues not to mention having dropped out of 8th grade I still struggle with lack of belief in my ow intelligence. It's funny you mention Princeton because thats where I hope to attend and if this happens my own self-parodox will become a truth. :)

Anyway, getting back on point, paradoxical conclusions, contradictions and direct defiance are the reasons physics exists. Science, being the only proven truths, does not interest me. I find my self-worth in the meta-physical. My love of philosophy and my distain for mathematics are contradictions in the face of physics and this is where I feel most comfortable. Religion, being the introspection of self, feeds my philosophical desires. I think my saving grace, the reason I don't fall into that rabbit hole is my ability to allow somethings to be unproven. Somethings belong to God and this is where man needs to find his boundaries.
This is one of the best threads ever, I would love to see it get more attention and insight...Anyone?
Trying to think of something really deep and insightful to say but nothing is coming to me at the moment. The stuff I say is very spur of the moment and intuitive and if I try and force it it seems to lock up the flow a bit like a freestyle rapper I suppose. I am going to go to bed and sleep on it and keep a notepad by the bed so I can remember it in the morning. I will contemplate life the universe and everything and were Penis Enlargement fits in to it. I keep thinking of those tribal fertility carvings with the huge erect penises and other phallic objects that represent fertility. Does us wanting to bigger penises mean we want to be more fertile, attract a mate and have a stronger survival instinct than other men because of this. Or are we just more animalistic for the same reason because the sexual urges that all life has serves to continue that life. And in the great scheme of things why is it so important that life continues long after we are dead. What consequence would it be to the cosmos if we all died with no one to replace us. Maybe we all as a whole are the collective awareness of the universe. If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one there to hear it does it make a sound, if there is no life in the universe does it cease to exist. Another great pardox is life itself we believe that each and everone of us is a seperate entity and most of us unenlightened head down that path of seperation but we can't escape the fact that we are a part of the cosmos as much as a every cell we are made of is a part of our body. Ironically, maybe once we no longer crave this seperation only then will we be free and the strings of our soul can detach fom this membrane of limited existance and float freely like the graviton and become at one with god again. Just a few thoughts like I said I am going to sleep on it for now

bigjim7 said:
Trying to think of something really deep and insightful to say but nothing is coming to me at the moment. The stuff I say is very spur of the moment and intuitive and if I try and force it it seems to lock up the flow a bit like a freestyle rapper I suppose. I am going to go to bed and sleep on it and keep a notepad by the bed so I can remember it in the morning. I will contemplate life the universe and everything and were Penis Enlargement fits in to it. I keep thinking of those tribal fertility carvings with the huge erect penises and other phallic objects that represent fertility. Does us wanting to bigger penises mean we want to be more fertile, attract a mate and have a stronger survival instinct than other men because of this. Or are we just more animalistic for the same reason because the sexual urges that all life has serves to continue that life. And in the great scheme of things why is it so important that life continues long after we are dead. What consequence would it be to the cosmos if we all died with no one to replace us. Maybe we all as a whole are the collective awareness of the universe. If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one there to hear it does it make a sound, if there is no life in the universe does it cease to exist. Another great pardox is life itself we believe that each and everone of us is a seperate entity and most of us unenlightened head down that path of seperation but we can't escape the fact that we are a part of the cosmos as much as a every cell we are made of is a part of our body. Ironically, maybe once we no longer crave this seperation only then will we be free and the strings of our soul can detach fom this membrane of limited existance and float freely like the graviton and become at one with god again. Just a few thoughts like I said I am going to sleep on it for now


Beautiful! This type of elegance inspires me.
doublelongdaddy said:
Beautiful! This type of elegance inspires me.
Thankyou it's nice to know not everybody thinks I am talking bollocks. I was thinking last night about some of the thing I had said in my previous post. Life exists in the physical dimensions but if it were to cease it would still exist in others at it moves on to the spirirt world. So why does life need to manifest itself as matter in the four dimensions that we live. Maybe it is part of a refining process and like the carpenter who works to smooth a rough edge he first starts with a rough file to remove the harshes edges and then on to sandpaper. The good news is that I believe this is the lowest plain of existance, a living hell. This is the battlefield where we fight our demons and only when we are victorious can we be elevated to a higher level. Through Karma like the rough file it refines the strings of our soul until they vibrate in harmony with our surroundings and we no longer desire to go the path of seperation. Only then will we see the true Kingdom of heaven in all its glory and like a philharmonic orchestra our strings will be in tune and we can then join in the great symphony of life. Do not despair if this seems unattainable to you at the moment for the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step (Confuscious) every now and again a great soul is sent to shine a light in the darkness to show us the way. Some people call them prophets e.g. Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, The Budha and there message is only understood by a few but it if there real teachings can be fathomed then they are excellent starting points. Unfortunately if you were to shine a light in a dark room briefly and asked different people what they saw you would get very different answers, as with religion sadly we have seen what some people believe they see in the great teachings. This is were a need to be objective and impassive comes in. For example the bible, is it the word of god? Of course not, first of all it is the word of the publisher which has been translated from Greek to English and before that from Hebrew. So straight away you have a bone of contention, I have seen academics argue that Jesus wasn't a carpenter because the Hebrew word for carpenter is very similar to the word for scholar or learned man. So how do we know what to believe? Well I believe like some that there are perennial truths that resonate in all religions and teachings of great men such as Socrates, Plato and Arisotle. The dying and resurecting God is something that I have discussed in a previous post on this thread. There are many others such as Homer's The Odyssey in which our hero Odyseus's journey represents the torrid journey of the soul and when he returns home he must rid his home of the suitors to his wife. Like us when we have arrived at our journey and have mastered our actions we must then master our thoughts, our inner desires and although we no longer act on them still nedd to be rid of them. So like Odyseus's wife (this is the feminine side in all of us that is our wisdom) we are besieged by the suitors in our deepest thoughts only when we have purged these from our hearts and homes can we be free.
I've said enough now, I would welcome some feedback no matter what your opinion. Even if you don't agree with what I am saying I liked to know other peoples views.

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