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Apr 21, 2007
I was reading this post of the amount of time requiered to gain half an inch in length, and my conclusion is that it usually takes between four and six months.
But is it possible that it took longer? I think Im one of the slowest gainers ever, and perhaps would take longer to gain that half an inch.
Ive established 10 months as the ultimate deadline for me to gain half an inch, cause I think that if I have moderate golas, I wont get disappointed if i dont reach them.
That is certainly a good plan to avoid disappointment.

At the moment I've decided to try out a different routine for every month, and if no growth occurs, then it is no matter - because even if I don't gain, I have gained knowledge about what routines do and do not benefit me.

What routine do you have planned to gain your first half an inch?
P.S. I also must add: Even though the average appears to be X months before gaining half an inch, don't let that make you down-hearted. It is certainly possible to gain quicker than that. And you might just be able to do so, if you pick the correct routine. :)
I remember reading the ledgendary BIB's post about his Penis Enlargement experience and for Four months he thought it was all just a bunch of bullshit. So BIB eventually gained like a mutherfucker from hanging all day, but for the first four months.......nothing, and I think that is noteworthy for anyone attempting to make gains.
My current routine takes up arround an hour and it consists of the following:

600 jelqs
3 sets of stretches to all directions 25 sec each
3 sests of clock and counter clock stretches 25 sec each
BTC 3 sets of 30 sec
Bundled A stretch 30 sec for 3 sets
Bundled Tunica Stretch 3 sets of 30 secs
dyablo said:
I was reading this post of the amount of time requiered to gain half an inch in length, and my conclusion is that it usually takes between four and six months.
But is it possible that it took longer? I think Im one of the slowest gainers ever, and perhaps would take longer to gain that half an inch.
Ive established 10 months as the ultimate deadline for me to gain half an inch, cause I think that if I have moderate golas, I wont get disappointed if i dont reach them.

Attitude, motivation, belief and dedication...These things are so important, so overlooked. We get into penis enlargement and put time schedules on what we believe should happen, gains we should make based on what everyone else has made. This is only a deterrent, a way of limiting our own ability to make the gains we want.

There is no difference between you, me or any other man that has pursued a larger penis. If I could make the gains I have made then you can make the same gains. I think that many men make penis enlargement complicated. They believe that gains are somehow magical when they are really a right we deserve to have. Making your penis bigger is easy but we tend to make it complicated. Our mental limitations are so powerful and the ease of gaining becomes difficult.

The physical portion of Penis Enlargement needs to be intense, powerful and explosive...I think many men fear that they will hurt themselves or even worse, they believe that they somehow are not deserving of the gains. Mentally we need to understand that making the penis larger is simple, it only takes comprehension of the exercise and the consistency to follow this understanding.

I guess I had it easier as I never really thought about making my penis larger, I only wanted to get better erection. The original program I followed, phase one, was based on tried and true exercises that have helped thousands of men become the size they desire but I was only interested in making my penis harder during sex. I followed the Penis Enlargement program with dedication to accomplish my goals and low and behold I even made my penis larger.

There is so much to be said about the mental portion of penis enlargement and if you are not gaining it is more than likely due to this stigma. If you are performing the exercises correctly with the proper form and intensity and you are still not gaining your mind is stopping you from doing so.

Spend some time in the mental penis enlargement forum. Read the threads and apply the knowledge. I promise you that the gains will come. A penis is a penis. There is no difference between my penis and anyone else's. It is skin, blood and tissue. It is not like making your arm longer, it has no limitations to enlargement. If you stretch it it will become longer, if you force blood into it it will become thicker...there is no complicated science. Get your mind around the impossibilities of Penis Enlargement and dedicate yourself to the mental structure that will make the gains easy.
yeh when i read about members gains here in the begining i got so excited and beleived in it so much. Gains came quick with this mind-set. hopefully i can continue making further progress. i wont stop until 8x6
doublelongdaddy said:
Attitude, motivation, belief and dedication...These things are so important, so overlooked. We get into penis enlargement and put time schedules on what we believe should happen, gains we should make based on what everyone else has made. This is only a deterrent, a way of limiting our own ability to make the gains we want.

There is no difference between you, me or any other man that has pursued a larger penis. If I could make the gains I have made then you can make the same gains. I think that many men make penis enlargement complicated. They believe that gains are somehow magical when they are really a right we deserve to have. Making your penis bigger is easy but we tend to make it complicated. Our mental limitations are so powerful and the ease of gaining becomes difficult.

The physical portion of Penis Enlargement needs to be intense, powerful and explosive...I think many men fear that they will hurt themselves or even worse, they believe that they somehow are not deserving of the gains. Mentally we need to understand that making the penis larger is simple, it only takes comprehension of the exercise and the consistency to follow this understanding.

I guess I had it easier as I never really thought about making my penis larger, I only wanted to get better erection. The original program I followed, phase one, was based on tried and true exercises that have helped thousands of men become the size they desire but I was only interested in making my penis harder during sex. I followed the Penis Enlargement program with dedication to accomplish my goals and low and behold I even made my penis larger.

There is so much to be said about the mental portion of penis enlargement and if you are not gaining it is more than likely due to this stigma. If you are performing the exercises correctly with the proper form and intensity and you are still not gaining your mind is stopping you from doing so.

Spend some time in the mental penis enlargement forum. Read the threads and apply the knowledge. I promise you that the gains will come. A penis is a penis. There is no difference between my penis and anyone else's. It is skin, blood and tissue. It is not like making your arm longer, it has no limitations to enlargement. If you stretch it it will become longer, if you force blood into it it will become thicker...there is no complicated science. Get your mind around the impossibilities of Penis Enlargement and dedicate yourself to the mental structure that will make the gains easy.

"Intense, powerful, and explosive." I like these words, Mike. I too made the biggest gains without ever thinking about getting bigger. No goals--nothing, other than to get my old woodies back. And I followed a very simple routine.

It's kind of like a gift that is given to you when you least expect it. I'm truly convinced that the more you want something, the less likely it is that you will receive it. It has something to do with the "karma" you're sending out. It's not that you shouldn't take the necessary steps, physically and mentally, and you surely have to get the right attitude.

It's just that such gifts often come unannounced. So we do what we have to do, enjoy the ride, and the gains will come in their time.
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