
Jun 4, 2003
Hey guys. Size gains have been a piece of cake but since Penis Enlargement'ing my erections have got a lot weaker. Can anybody who gets really god damn hard erections (and I mean *REALLY* hard) tell me what their PC routine is? I get discouraged when I work up to a lame erection. But when I see it rock solid I feel like all the Penis Enlargement is worthwhile.

Thanks a lot.
Kegel exercises are supposed to be good for erections. Exercise, such as squats are supposed to be very effective at helping ED, so I suppose it could help erections.

Other than that, Yohimbe seems to be pretty good. I remember the morning after the first time I took yohimbe. Diamond cutting strength morning wood.

And of course, Viagra works for most.
Arinine is better than yohimbe for erections. Well healthier. You can pic up a product called AginMax at GNC stores for around $14 a bottle. Should last a couple weeks a bottle. Pretty cheap. It's pretty much straight Arginine. Arginine releases nitric oxide into your blood and, nitric oxide is a key element needed for erections. Give it a shot if youre not already using it.
How long have you been pe'ing? If you recently started and had no erection trouble pre pe, give it time, your dick should adjust and things should be back where they were, only bigger :)
Originally posted by RB2
How long have you been pe'ing? If you recently started and had no erection trouble pre pe, give it time, your dick should adjust and things should be back where they were, only bigger :)

There does seem to be a short phase where there is a slight adjustment.
I've honestly had no erection problems. I believe that kegels & jelqs actually make the cock harder - or at least they have for me.
Hey, I have been Penis Enlargement'ing for about a year and a half and have seen some good gains. Perhaps the added size (about 1 3/4" length and 1" girth) have attributed to the weaker erections because my body was previously filling up a smaller volume with blood?

What kind of kegel routine do you guys have?
stillwantmore;1655 said:
Arinine is better than yohimbe for erections. Well healthier. You can pic up a product called AginMax at GNC stores for around $14 a bottle. Should last a couple weeks a bottle. Pretty cheap. It's pretty much straight Arginine. Arginine releases nitric oxide into your blood and, nitric oxide is a key element needed for erections. Give it a shot if youre not already using it.
I did take arginmax it doesnt do jack. I also bought maca-man that one does work for getting in the mood.
templnite;653290 said:
I did take arginmax it doesnt do jack. I also bought maca-man that one does work for getting in the mood.

I've taken damn near everything including of course viagra, cialis. The only thing that works for me consistently is Yohimbe. The secret to taking Yohimbe is not taking too much or it kicks up your adrenaline which is a boner killer.

I take the regular old Twinlabs capsules. I open the capsule and take half the powder. If you get too sweaty or jittery, that's too much. It definetly works for me but all people are different.

Adjust your dose to what works best for you.
I'm so lucky because I get erection easily and PE made it even easier for me to get an erection.
I hear good things about twinlabs/prolabs , rock hard erections.
I've noticed also that if I eat some raw eggs before bed on a training day my morning wood is excellent.

Cholesterol is what your testes use to make testosterone did you know?
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templnite;653410 said:
I hear good things about twinlabs/prolabs , rock hard erections.
I've noticed also that if I eat some raw eggs before bed on a training day my morning wood is excellent.

Cholesterol is what your testes use to make testosterone did you know?

When I used to own a gym my highest selling supplements were from TwinLabs. Very good company with very pure products.
Interesting he has gained good but his erections are weak..his penis needs to get filled whit more blood then..maybe some brothers here are dealing whit the same situation..Bathmate gave me temporary expansion..but the erections are lame.Damn
That doesn't sound right shortdick maybe your erections were already lame?:(
templnite;653957 said:
That doesn't sound right shortdick maybe your erections were already lame?:(
No Sr I had hard erections,n I still do just the feeling im not hard enough.but yeah I do ,in PE too much is never enough....
Kegelkegelkegel:) how much PE is too much? Trick question there's no such thing>:(
templnite;653960 said:
Kegelkegelkegel:) how much PE is too much? Trick question there's no such thing>:(

Too much PE is when you hit 10 x 6.5 inches and realize most women can't take something that big:)
doublelongdaddy;654081 said:
Too much PE is when you hit 10 x 6.5 inches and realize most women can't take something that big:)

And that's when you gotta hit'em.:)
templnite;654111 said:
And that's when you gotta hit'em.:)

With the cock?haha you could actually use a 10 inch cock as a baseball bat LMAO
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