Avacor will not work. You could try proscar/propecia/finasteride or avodart/dutasteride, but this will not likely grow back much. Minoxidil will growback some (supposedly what you have lost in the last 2 years) but you would likely have to use the higher dosages (12-15%). These can usually be obtained from a compounding pharmacy or an online site like regrowth.com.

I have tried all these except avodart, and they do work somewhat, but you will NOT get back a full head of hair. Eventually I went and had hair transplantation done, and while this has given me the illusion of not being bald (I've been told I have a full head of hair by people) it also does NOT give you a full head of hair. If you can afford it, the new folicular unit transplantation is probably the best thing out there.
cdarro;350585 said:
Avacor will not work. You could try proscar/propecia/finasteride or avodart/dutasteride, but this will not likely grow back much. Minoxidil will growback some (supposedly what you have lost in the last 2 years) but you would likely have to use the higher dosages (12-15%). These can usually be obtained from a compounding pharmacy or an online site like regrowth.com.

I have tried all these except avodart, and they do work somewhat, but you will NOT get back a full head of hair. Eventually I went and had hair transplantation done, and while this has given me the illusion of not being bald (I've been told I have a full head of hair by people) it also does NOT give you a full head of hair. If you can afford it, the new folicular unit transplantation is probably the best thing out there.

Cdarro, so you would recommend HT as a solution for hair loss? I know that it doesn't give you back your original hair, but does it at least make it look like you have nice hair? Thanks.

I have been suffering from hair loss since the age of 13...I'm 28 now...

I used to lose a lot of hair, it would fall out in clumps...

I tried everything there was ever made for hair loss, oils, creams, vitamins, herbs....nothing worked..

So I would shave my head a lot to preserve as much hair as I could...

3 years ago I came across finasteride. I started taking it and to my surprise my hair stopped falling completely...

Infact over the last 3 years I have noticed that i have regrown some (only some) of the hair that I lost...

So to all those that are suffering from hair loss...I suggest drop everything else and get on finasteride now....you won't regret it...
Too bad you did not find this earlier. How much hair has grown back?
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