
Apr 14, 2012
Hello everyone,
this morning I had one of those sex dreams that I used to have quite often couple years ago. Well, as always I woke up with a wet pant, and this happened once again 3 days ago. Now, I think the reason behind it is I basically masturbate everyday but it's been 2 days I planned to stop doing it. I think that's why it happened overnight because my body was used to doing it...

I stopped masturbating daily cause I read in different threads about how it slows down gains and stuff. It's hard to not masturbate after Penis Enlargement though :)

So anyways, I've been doing Penis Enlargement for past 2 weeks 100% focused on length so no jelqing or none of that. So I was wondering if this will slow down gains because there's a theory I read in some forum that after Penis Enlargement the body wants to get everything back to the way it used to be so it masturbates...
Will this have any effect on my length gains (not that I gained anything so far!) if this keeps happening in the future as well?
And also, what approach can I take to not slow down gains and also masturbate to stay in control?
masturbation the one handed jelq
any blood flow is good for your penis so masturbation or jelq (2 hand) shouldnt hinder your excersices
over doing your sessions this might hinder your gains but maybe its time to turn up your sessions if you been doing since April 2012 or longer
adjust your power strokes
as to anything that has to do with penis warm ups and warm downs should be administered alot lol
with Penis Enlargement your penis is going to be fatiqued i would masturbate before Penis Enlargement and see how that works for ya i do mine in the shower and then put on the Penis Enlargement
i also believe a wet dream is healthy if we didnt get them occasionally then i would start to worry as in meaning of my prostate and or cancer
I been doing Penis Enlargement since 2 weeks lol...and people on the forum advised me to do less Penis Enlargement because I was doing to much of it for a newbie...
I tried masturbating before Penis Enlargement it helped me get a way better pull sometimes...

so is it ok to masturbate after Penis Enlargement (stretching) on a daily basis?

appreciate the response
helpseeker;525888 said:
I been doing Penis Enlargement since 2 weeks lol...and people on the forum advised me to do less Penis Enlargement because I was doing to much of it for a newbie...
I tried masturbating before Penis Enlargement it helped me get a way better pull sometimes...

so is it ok to masturbate after Penis Enlargement (stretching) on a daily basis?

appreciate the response

i would masturbate an hour after your Penis Enlargement i sometimes have my time to masturbate after Penis Enlargement and it helps just i suggest not close to Penis Enlargement ending excersice
i been doing it this way for a little while now and i believe its helped in my gains for the end of first month
2 hour Pro Extender wear is good time as the month came by i began a new 4 hour plan now and this will be my norm for bout 3 months then i will see what it brings me
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How long you been doing Penis Enlargement and what are your gains ShaggyRat? I have an extender at home that I can not even use. The size genetics. I still couldn't figure out to this day how to use it. Just hurts my penis. I just go with stretching.
november 31 was my first day
i modified my externder instead of strap or noose i changed it up for a 1 inch fat shoe lace with a cord lock major difference in holding ace bandage wrap in extender 15 minute cycles to hour watching for purple head
the tip of penis should be at the end of extender plate then strap in master lock 1 inch hasp
your wrap under strap is important your penis at first weeks will be tender but this will go away with daily use constant
my gain is 1 inch pics included and blood flow iam ED certified by a doc but he just didnt get it when i told him i slowly now can get it up
my journal link is in signature line first link
i also jelq before Penis Enlargement to help it get into extender the pull and tension 900g i started and moved up to 2 inch bars now on extender
on my signature line DLD or someone made a video to putting the Extender on the noose was too problematic
with your extender i suggest as DLD suggests a tugger i havent found that link yet i want to cause im going to get it
I masturbate every day before I stretch because like you said, I get a better pull and my penis is more stretchable. From what I have read it is only girth that masturbating before effects because you need allow at least 6 hours to be able to get hard enough to do girth work again. I'm still pretty new, but I was reading about it in DLDs SRT routine.
JohnnySisco;525902 said:
I masturbate every day before I stretch because like you said, I get a better pull and my penis is more stretchable. From what I have read it is only girth that masturbating before effects because you need allow at least 6 hours to be able to get hard enough to do girth work again. I'm still pretty new, but I was reading about it in DLDs SRT routine.

what the masturbation gives is true what you said above
if you do before Pro Extender yes it gives extra pull and an extra stretch like a rubber band
warm up before and warm down after wrap or small weight to keep the healing in an elogated state
when we masturbate and shoot our load it takes the body at least 6 hours to reproduce the next load reading on how the sperm works
So you gained an inch in just a month...thats crazy good gains congratulations! And yeah I seen the video liek a year ago but still I'm planning on using SG after a year or two of manual Penis Enlargement...unless I plan to get a hanger cause hanging is supposedly faster...
helpseeker;525905 said:
So you gained an inch in just a month...thats crazy good gains congratulations! And yeah I seen the video liek a year ago but still I'm planning on using SG after a year or two of manual Penis Enlargement...unless I plan to get a hanger cause hanging is supposedly faster...

im scared of the hanging the way some of these guys do it i just dont see it anything past 2000g in tension to me is like ouch to me
the sudahes <--spell check hang to get rid of there feelings in there penis's so ill stick with my master lock 900g equal to 2 pounds of weight
and a master lock plus the excersizes extender has gave me something to look at every day with more cheer in my heart and head i just added something new to my arsenal of doing Penis Enlargement
its infared heater pouch warmer for animals fits around the Penis Enlargement device while working it and it doesnt burn low heat is good i sit and enjoy mornings :D
helpseeker;525905 said:
So you gained an inch in just a month...thats crazy good gains congratulations! And yeah I seen the video liek a year ago but still I'm planning on using SG after a year or two of manual Penis Enlargement...unless I plan to get a hanger cause hanging is supposedly faster...

my ED blood flow is returning this was my best gain the inch is a plus gain
Did you gain NBPenis EnlargementL or BPenis EnlargementL more or both? And what were your starting status?
and I've seen your thread. Did you gain flaccid lengths as well?
im not good with some abbreviations and i lost the MOS abbrieviation page i understand i think what your asking let me give run down from begining to now
i started with a turtle 1 inch out of fat pad
flaccid 2 inch
5inch errect if could get it ED
with 3.5 width in girth
now at the end of my month i ended up with doing with master lock to cement gains
the flaccid relaxed is 5 inches no turtle length
the girth size width 4.5
with length size 6 1/2 pelvic bone to end errect
the master lock helped in elongating the penis flaccid down
Penis Enlargement gives micro tears under tension the wrap didnt help me much but the lock did it heals in elongated state not a slinky state so size is going to show better
So you were 5 inch erect when you started and now you are 6 inch erect. and if measured to your pelvic bone you are 6.5"...that's really graet results in a month. I am 5 inch erect as well and my flaccid is 3" when relaxed. I just wished everybody got newbie gains :)...What do you mean master lock? I might try that out to make flaccid gains. By the way whats ED?
helpseeker;525942 said:
So you were 5 inch erect when you started and now you are 6 inch erect. and if measured to your pelvic bone you are 6.5"...that's really graet results in a month. I am 5 inch erect as well and my flaccid is 3" when relaxed. I just wished everybody got newbie gains :)...What do you mean master lock? I might try that out to make flaccid gains. By the way whats ED?

yep to the 5 and 6 1/2 to the month pic gains with measuring device tape measure
i just added new pics on my master lock hang it was a cold night you will find these in my journal link in signature line
ED ='s Errectile Disfunctional so when i couldnt get it up for my wife i looked into finding ways to get my blood flow back
Hello everyone,
this morning I had one of those sex dreams that I used to have quite often couple years ago. Well, as always I woke up with a wet pant, and this happened once again 3 days ago. Now, I think the reason behind it is I basically masturbate everyday but it's been 2 days I planned to stop doing it. I think that's why it happened overnight because my body was used to doing it...

I stopped masturbating daily cause I read in different threads about how it slows down gains and stuff. It's hard to not masturbate after Penis Enlargement though :)

So anyways, I've been doing Penis Enlargement for past 2 weeks 100% focused on length so no jelqing or none of that. So I was wondering if this will slow down gains because there's a theory I read in some forum that after Penis Enlargement the body wants to get everything back to the way it used to be so it masturbates...
Will this have any effect on my length gains (not that I gained anything so far!) if this keeps happening in the future as well?
And also, what approach can I take to not slow down gains and also masturbate to stay in control?

The only times I experienced ejaculation was many years ago. And it happened because I abstained from ejaculation for a long time and I was extremely horny the night before I slept.

Make sure you are wrapping your penis with the Uncle Jim wrap whenever you finish your length session because the penis would want to turtle as a means to protect itself.
I can barely do it while I'm awake😀
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