Jan 25, 2005
Does creatine cause penis shrinkage, a pharmacist told me that creatine decreases blood flow to the penis or somethin like that and his friend was using a lot of creatine back in tha days and he couldnt get his dick up past 4'' and that depressed the fuck out of him, i knew the pharmacist i worked with him so he wasn't just talking the stay away from supplements talk,

My question for guys that use creatine have you ever had any shrinkage or problems getting hard from using creatine or any other supplements.
Nope, ive used creatine off and on for years and never had any penis problems from it that i've ever noticed.
That pharmacist need to go back to school again. Creatine will NOT shrink your dick.
he didnt say shrink that was 1 of my questions but he said his friend lost erection. got no bigger than 4''.
Ive been using creatine for years, and I am down to 1x1 (erect). But if anyone makes fun of my small penis, I get creatine rage and beat them up. :)
Ghosting said:
Ive been using creatine for years, and I am down to 1x1 (erect). But if anyone makes fun of my small penis, I get creatine rage and beat them up. :)
You serious it made you shrink, anyway is creatine good for building muscle fast.
dee3186 said:
You serious it made you shrink, anyway is creatine good for building muscle fast.
No. I thought it was a funny joke. :( Creatine (simplified) causes celluar hydration, IOW it causes muscle cells to fill up with water (which is anabolic), and allows for more nutrients in the cell. The penis is made of the same type of muscle cells that make up skeletal muscle (ie bicep), so if anything it would increase size while on it, since those cells are ballooned up with water.
Samething, you can just swallow a capsule. It will dissolve when it hits your stomach. CEE is better. Its creatine monohydrate that has been "esterfied". Ngorge is the best combo of NO and CEE at Cheezy ad : In the world of sports, fans often fantasize about having two of the greatest players in the game on the same team, at the same time. “Could you imagine having Sammy Sosa and Barry Bonds in the same outfield? Just imagine what a powerhouse that team would be!” Most times, having such a fantasy realized is simply an impossibility due to their being too many difficulties and factors to overcome.

In the world of sports supplementation the same mentality often exists, and with good reason! If “product A” works amazingly well, and “product B” also works incredibly well, perhaps together they could produce effects never seen before! Recently this idea has been applied to two of the most effective muscle-building/performance enhancing compounds in the industry...CEE (creatine ethyl ester) and nitric oxide (NO2) potentiators.
CEE: King Amongst Creatines!

Unless you have been living in a cave in some far off land for the last decade, you are fully aware of the astonishing muscle-enhancing, strength-inducing effects of creatine. After years of continuous tweaking and touch-ups of the creatine molecule the most effective creatine analog by far to be brought to the sports supplement market has been the creatine ethyl esters. This is obviously due to their very unique ability to be nearly 100% orally active (creatine monohydrate is about 30% orally active in the best of environments) and their very high affinity for muscle tissue even without any of the carbohydrates or other compounds needed to make it work. Yup, this means more muscle building and performance potential than ever before…and creatine ethyl ester is king here!

PS it should be NO (nitrious oxide), NO2 is nitrogen dioxide. Thats the stuff cars mostly emit. :)
i have taken creatine monohydrate for a month and i have seen only positive signs and i seem to have better erections since then
Whne i was on it i swear it gave be a better flaccid hang b/c of the cells filling with water.
Tell your pharmacist to stop giving advice that's over his head... he obviously doesn't know shit.
I just got some creatine capsules by weider it says take seven a day anyone know the best time to take them for best results or does it really not matter,
I just got some creatine capsules by weider it says take seven a day anyone know the best time to take them for best results or does it really not matter, will they work better if i take them before sleep or nap.
Starting out, take up to 5 grams (5000 mg) around an hour before you train or as soon as you wake up in the morning and the same directly after you train. Drink tons of water. Take it on an empty stomach. That's the basics.
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14 capseuls will be wat you suggested, too much want cause any liver problems will it.
creatine kicks ass!

I'm on creatine right now, and it hasn't affected my dick at all

Though I have put on some pounds, and not in a bad way
dee3186 said:
14 capseuls will be wat you suggested, too much want cause any liver problems will it.

If your livers already buggered or you got Hep ya. You have to preload for at least a week then you can cut back to 3 to 5 grams right after training.
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