
Jan 30, 2008
Just registered. But I've been visiting here for a small while and I sort of felt at home. Penis size is just one of the many natural flaws men can have; some can be overweight, some can have muscular problems, some can have a lot of acne, some can have their teeth fall's a mess. Penis size is most humiliating though, because it's the part of our bodies we don't show off. But on top of that, the size of our penises have nothing to do with our health, although it may hinder fertility. But that's beside the point.

My situation is a tad strange. My girlfriend and I, we've never had sex, partly due to her religion and partly due to other complications in our lives. But I love her with all my heart and while most guys would say "Everybody says that", there's no other way to prove that I honestly believe with all of my heart that I love her and she loves me and we are planning to get married sometime after college and any problems our lives have will rarely be due to issues with us as a couple and more like we'll be working together to overcome the problems of life more of the time.
I also brought up the penis issue to her. I'm comfortable with her enough that I can tell her, I have a 5" penis (4.5" girth) and I feel inadequate. It could be worse, but we are given what we are given. And she said she really doesn't care...and I believe her. I think, knowing how in love she is with me and everything our sex will be just fine. I told her I found the Penis Enlargement site and she said "I really don't care either way. Sex is really not all that important aside from the romance of it. But if you feel you must, then go ahead and I'll support you." That's probably the best thing you can hear from a girl you're in a relationship with, the way I see it. And I know her more than anybody; she's telling the truth.

So then I asked myself...if our sex is going to be just fine with my penis as it is, why would I really want to do Penis Enlargement? I started comparing it to things. I'm slightly overweight; not exercising and simply keeping my body in fair shape won't hurt our relationship either. But I'd still want to do it for myself because...well, it's healthier. Changing my hairstyle wouldn't hurt either; I think it would just be cool. But well, if my girlfriend, the only woman I'm probably ever going to have sex with, likes my penis as it is, then why change it? Men don't display their penises to people so it's not like it's something I show off. But I'm weird...sometimes I don't feel as confident even when I just look at �naked people movies� because I find it difficult to imagine myself as the guy (We all do that when we masturbate to �naked people movies�, if we do) if my proportions are totally off, weird as that may sound. Also, penis size doesn't have anything to do with health (or does it?), so I wonder to myself.

Sometimes I think I want to do it because I think it will simply be more fun for me and my girlfriend, but I don't want to risk hurting myself permanently...I am only 19 after all. On top of that I worry that I may end up with a foreign-looking penis since I've been with this one my whole life, after all. I don't want to gain a bigger penis at the cost of time and lose something else in my body, as if I had surgery or something. (I am planning on just doing the jelqing. I keep hearing about how it can be harmful and not as good results to use machines or weights) Sometimes I think that it's because I'm afraid of being caught with my pants down and humiliated by all the people my age around me. Even worse, my girlfriend put this interesting thought forward: "Are you planning on showing your penis to other women?" Which I hadn't thought of. I'm obviously not, so why would I care? After all, as men with small penises, we know a kind of pain that no man with a big penis nor woman knows about; if we can't pleasure the woman we love, then no matter how much they love us and tell us it's our heart that matters, we still want to give them the world, OURSELVES. (Curse those ridiculous men that humiliate themselves by hiring stronger men to sleep with their wives so they can have a good time. Doesn't the wife even know that that destroys the point of intimacy? And no guy wants to use a strap-on or he feels like a dumbass.) But also as men with small penises, we've more clearly learned the point of romance to how good we are at sex. Kind of makes you wonder if bigger men have more of a difficult time finding a woman that cares about them as a person, and sometimes I worry that if I had a bigger penis that women would consider me a sex object; I guess the average guy would say "Hell yeah" to an offer from lots of women, but hey...we have morals. Not trying to make any judgments or anything. I'm just saying that on the off chance I broke up with her, or hell...maybe I just like to feel what it is like to have a bigger dick just to IMAGINE myself in the situation of dating other women without being in fear all the time (because it's very easy to get a judgmental woman in this day and age) of how awkward it will be afterwards. I can't see myself doing that, but I met my girlfriend through luck. Call me crazy, but sometimes I like to prepare for scenarios that I know won't ever happen in my life, just to see if the same solution would work for less fortunate guys that were born with worse circumstances than a mere 5". Some guys will always feel that there is not a thing we can do to change our penises, and for those I feel bad since if there exists sites like these then it has to work. So maybe I want to do it and experience results for the sake of being equipped to deal with the problem if a friend ever asked me.

So, what do you guys think? I don't want to make a commitment to something I don't truly need to. But I'm very interested in the whole Penis Enlargement thing; sounds like it's just as fun as masturbating for some people, but more importantly that it gets them something that matters. I've already bought myself some baby oil and a nice washcloth (Funny, I never had a washcloth until now) for this, and I am looking forward to starting it.
I'd just like confirmation that, in my situation, is it worth doing for all the reasons I listed above? How much does it change your life? Would the life changes be scary to some? Should it really change your life much at all? Should I take a physical risk (and limit "me" time) for something that won't do much practically except boost confidence in something I won't even be able to tell people about afterwards? Or is it just fun to have one to do stuff yourself with? Should I be worried having a bigger penis would get me to be looked at by some people in a light that they consider positive but I consider negative (judged by your penis and being used in the exact same way as before but for a different reason)? Will I ever feel like I should go back or actually end up regretting it?

My girlfriend and I have been separated via distance. Here I am going to college in the Northwest and she's on the exact opposite side of the country. We're probably not going to get to have sex until a couple of years have passed. In this case, I was thinking I'd start now and keep the routine up for a few years and have a nice shiny penis for her when we're finally reunited. But besides that, there are the other reasons and questions listed above. I would really, highly appreciate feedback.

That was a great post and thanks for sharing. No one can answer this for you. Do you want to lace up the boots and pick up the sword to slay this demon in you? It is a long hard walk. You will get your ass beat down sometimes and wonder why. Other days you will see how far you have come.

In your soul, is this a fight you want to fight? Commit fully if it is, and if so you have come to the right place.

Is it worth it? I would have done it all over again, only sooner. But that is me. Will it change things? Of course. All change comes from within. I write this to you and can read it and smile for both of us, as it is a path I am taking you may walk too.

Best of luck brother
Word! Wow deep first post man real deep. We just have to do what is right for us. I lost a girl because of Penis Enlargement. Like you said, your girl even asked it you want to show your penis to another woman. My girl was doing the same, the difference is, we had sex many of times before I started Penis Enlargement. Then I told her, she was already playing dective on my ass before I got into Penis Enlargement. I was doing it for myself and nobody else. Its just someting that burns inside of me man, to have big, and warrior strong erections is what I wanted in the first place.

now if I would have quit Penis Enlargement for my ex? Hard to say, but right now 1 1/2 years after the breakup, hell I'm cool, plenty of pussy out there. Especially when your 19. Everybody has a life to live and your so young and seems like you have good things going for you. But the girl you love is far away? How are you for sure that you and her will really get married in the future? I'm for real. Just really think about what is most important to you.
Yeah man, not saying that you're clueless or anything, but it's awesome to see your passion for her *BUT* (as I said it's a good thing, also a catch 22 though) you're very young man. At 19, trust me, you're the way you are, but all I can say is that your life will change in ways you cannot now foresee within the next 5 to 7 years. Trust me on this one. Self improvement is always a good thing, also, working toward bettering yourself (whether it be weight training for your physique, or Penis Enlargement) is always a rewarding experience. Great post man, wish you all the luck in whatever you choose to do.

That was an honest, heartfelt post, and you brought up some excellent points there, worthy of consideration. I'm just starting on this journey myself, so while I can't speak from experience, I do understand your concerns... All I can really say is why I'm doing it, and I hope it helps.
(this is my first post too, btw :cool:)

So, I guess I have a pretty average penis, never really had any complaints... But, I'm a little more of a "grower than a show-er", so I've never heard "Oh my God!" when I take of my pants, or "Ouch, that's too far!" either. (well, once with a virgin, but that was years ago ;) ). While I don't suffer too much from insecurity over mini-me, I've always had difficulty with negative self-image in general. (And yes, I definitely feel inadequate when I watch �naked people movies�, thanks Ramon, LMAO)

I've never been happy being "average" at anything; I've always been competetive in that sense, I guess. So I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that wants to be "the best she's ever had." For 12 years, I've been doing my best to fulfill that claim with every woman I've been with, so I've been focused on developing the skills to do the best I can with what I've got. However, (and this is a recurring motto in my life), there's always room for improvement.

So, my reasoning may seem a little vain, but I guess that's kinda the point. I want be the best person I can, in every aspect of my life. I try to get 4.0's in college, I'm working towards a six-figure salary, I go to the gym whenever I can, I work hard at improving my spiritual life, etc. etc.

Long story short, I wish I would've found out about Penis Enlargement sooner. For the longest time, I thought it was a myth. I didn't believe the hype put out by the pill manufacturers, and I wasn't impressed with the surgeon's results or price tag. I thank God and Google for coming across this site, lol. There seems to be a huge community of guys who are as motivating and inspirational as any people I've ever come across, with results that speak for themselves. So regardless of what you decide, you came to the right place.

As far as your reasoning goes, I think you downplayed the most important point of this whole Penis Enlargement idea:​

"Should I take a physical risk (and limit "me" time)for something that won't do much practically except boost confidence in something I won't even be able to tell people about afterwards?"

That's essentially why I'm doing it. I think that's probably why most people do it. If you're really that worried about risk/injury, take it slow, don't overdo it, check out the "boo boo's and band aids" forum, and don't be afraid to ask questions. These guys seem more than willing to help. And you can tell people about it... Right here ;)

So, hope this helps a little, sorry for writing the book, lol.

Best wishes for you and your gf, I know that long distance thing is tough, but you know what they say: "Absence makes the dick grow harder," err, or was it something about another body part? I can never remember... LMAO
Sit and try to visualize your life 5 years from now. You may be married to your girl, single, or with another girl(or girls). Either way put yourself in all those positions in your mind. Now when you're there see yourself with the cock you have now and feel what that feels like. Register that feeling. Then put yourself back in those positions with a 7 inch cock or whatever your goals are and feel what that feels like. Compare your feelings and you'll know what you have to do.

If you made a commitment to Penis Enlargement I doubt you would ever look back and regret gaining an extra inch or two.
Thank you all for your feedback. It's good to know there are those out there that have posed the same questions as I.

I suppose I was worried about a few things. I would say to myself "If I deserve to have a bigger penis, better body etc then why wasn't I born with it?" That's the question that destroys a lot of confidence and it also puts people into dark and brooding moods that last for god knows how long. (I've been a victim of this.) And then in rare cases if a guy is born with a small penis to the point of being unusable, but is still given a good-enough life and a lot of girls thrown at him, it's like nature played a cruel joke on him; giving him all the necessary means to survive but none of the necessary means to reproduce which is, by the way, WHY WE'RE HERE, and he'll start to feel like nature played a joke on him. No matter what our size we can ask these questions to nature but what sucks is that we'll never get an answer. At least, if you believe you have a small penis because your life is about the journey to change via Penis Enlargement then by all means take the journey to change. But lots of men have been led to believe that they have to "accept what they're given and live life" as if they were put here to experience social joys but not natural joys, BY NATURE? No way. What if bones produced semen instead? Those are pretty hard to change even by surgical standards. It'd be the same problem; bones producing less semen than others and having different size bones etc.
Lots of men are very passionate. They'd look at a girl and say "I want to STUFF her" but in reality they've no idea what it's like to actually "stuff" a girl because they don't have as big a penis. That's not a very pleasant thought either.

Most would say you're not always born with great fortune, because sometimes the purpose of life is to fight to get that fortune.
I think of how I just hate the very principle that there even exists different penis sizes out there. In today's day and age, it feels like we are judged on our penises no matter what the case; guys born with big penises simply like the fact that they were given an easier time. It feels like if we have a small penis, we are judged in a superficial bad way. If we have the average penis, we're considered boring. If we have a large penis, we are judged in the superficial good way; but it is still superficial. I read a lot of erotic stories and they always put the guy's size in there, and it's usually big unless it's a disturbing story about humiliation. I mean I guess I can appreciate that our penises are a collective of what makes better performance in bed, whereas a woman has many factors...and when a woman doesn't have all the factors you never hear someone say they're "compensating" which, unfortunately has acquired a negative connotation of "Well you may have redeeming qualities as a person but you're still a lesser person." We can choose between having a small penis or a big penis, but there will always exist the principle of being laughed at or humiliated by greedy, cruel and heartless women, and if I was one of the random guys with a bigger penis they picked to replace him, my dick and I would be scared of these women no matter what the size. It is that principle that has always bothered me, regardless of whether it happens to me; having a bigger penis will simply ensure that it doesn't happen to me. But I do have a lot of empathy. It's hard to get over that idea and that's actually been the true cause of my strange moods for a while. I know that there's nothing we can truly do to change that except introduce them to this site. It was even worse since this problem existed much longer ago before these new techniques showed up.
Any time I talked about the philosophies of change to someone I couldn't use penis size as an example, and I did it because we all know it's a secret concept. But it made me feel bad because to me penis size had a symbolism for the fact that we can never be completely honest with who we are to the world around us. We all have secrets that we know can be judged by people who may be afraid of you upon hearing it and we accept that (Like, people who are into BDSM for example). But there are some secrets that we cannot let the world know for the very reason that we shall be looked at in a lesser light than we believe we should be looked at upon hearing the secret. That was another thing that got to me about, not having a small penis, but small penises existing and having that effect on people.

Wow, this topic did become philisophical didn't it.

I thank you all for proving to me that this is a battle I have the option of fighting but that the results are worth it no matter what the situation. Looks like I'm ready for it. I now believe that self-improvement is good in all forms. I guess I just worried if I really would consider it "improvement" or not, but I suppose it is since larger penises have their place in nature too. My friend I also talked to showed me that doing any kind of change will not mean you become any more or any less of who you are. (I of course used exercising and hairstyle changing as my examples but all of you here show me that penis size applies in the same way) I think I'm ready to begin the journey after learning that the journey is indeed worth it. And hey, I have a girlfriend that supports me, and I know that she's a woman that would accept me with a smaller penis and love me on exactly the same level with a big penis, so I know she's not being greedy or anything, heh. So thank you for helping me with that, and what do you think of the above, by the way?

To provide a bit more detail, it may sound really embarrassing but I still feel single. This is because, even though I met her in Alabama (no worries, we're nomads) she had an aunt she lived with that was basically Uncle Vernon from Harry Potter...not letting her use any kind of media (including internet, phone, chatting media) and generally wouldn't let her enjoy anything that her aunt didn't, which included not letting her draw her own comics. And when my parents told me we were moving up to Washington, I thought I'd never see her again. But this, I knew, was love, because I kept thinking about her even though I never thought I'd see her again; a feeling I'd never felt with any previous crush in the messed up life that was high school. But one day, she called me and told me she'd gone back to live with her normal parents, and they're much nicer. So we kind together over the phone, and we haven't seen each other since a couple years. It sucks horribly. Both of us can handle it though. So as to why I believe we'll still be married after all the time that passes in our young, fragile lives, I say this: Imagine the perfect woman. Go ahead, imagine. Is she beautiful? Is she intelligent? Is she strong-willed? Ambitious? Peppy? Cute? Solitary? What are her interests in relation to yours? Does she like what you like and hate what you hate? Does she have fetishes you have? Does she accept you for who you are, and how much? Imagine the perfect woman with all of those factors and any more than would make her into THE perfect woman. You would do anything for that kind of woman, wouldn't you? Well in this case, the "anything" was having to wait for what seems like forever during the prime of my life. A sucky sacrifice, but a price worth paying to be happy for the rest of my life. And she thinks it too. What a world, huh?
wait a second, so you don't ever get to see her? let me get this straight, you live in different states and have no means to visit one another, but u know u want to marry her, correct?
Getting in great shape makes a bigger impact on your life than Penis Enlargement. A good haircut might make less of a difference than Penis Enlargement, but it takes almost no time so it's more value for the money.
My personal opinion is that you should make the most out of your time on earth, and that means improving your life in every way possible. If you truly have feelings of inadequacy, then you should give Penis Enlargement a shot. With that said Penis Enlargement is not necessary, and the shortest path to a great sex life is to focus on technique. Technique is easier to develop than size, more fun to develop, and will make more of a difference.
Thank you, I do write some stuff, aviator11...>_> (lesbian fiction) (Also hoping to publish comics one day)
But anyway...
And yes, alwaystrying, it sucks ass. In fact I seem to be this tragic hero to my friends; the one who can actually take being in a relationship where you don't ever get to see her, and trust her to the fullest, and the relationship succeeds in the end! We're doing our best to see each other, but every plan we've made has failed because we're just too poor and our schedules are so damn cramped.

Anyway, knowing the risks and everything, it sounds pretty worth it from what I hear. It also sounds like it'll be a nice relaxation time, perhaps? I need that, that's for sure.
I just wonder if, when this is done, will I feel like I have a different penis? I mean, of course I have difference to my penis, but will it feel weird? Or is the process so slow that it becomes part of you like childhood? Do you ever look back on the experience and say "I remember my smaller penis days..." or does it ever instill feelings of strangeness because you made your penis what it is but someone else was born with a big penis?
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