it all depends, just like DLD said. but i made my greatest so far, with his phase one, committing faithfully.
jekyllnhyde360;749637 said:
it all depends, just like DLD said. but i made my greatest so far, with his phase one, committing faithfully.

The order of progress is very smart and for good reason. We grow progressively. Originally the MOS program was 5 phases (which is still in place) but a much better method came to the top, being SRT. SRT starts out much like the Newbie Routine in the first 3 weeks and from there is takes off growing in intensity with each week.
theman6;749961 said:
When you say 30 min of hanging do you mean 30 min of lm and than 30 of hanging?

Whatever hanger you have you can use.
theman6;750876 said:
No that is not what i mean.
I mean do you mean 30 minutes of stretching with the lengthmaster and 30 minutes of hanging

That is a good workout. And the hanging will help aid in gains using the LM to stretch. 30 minutes of LM stretching is a great deal of time.
Okay. And can you please help me find a good 25-30 min lengthmaster stretching routine? Ive yet to actually make a new routine and nees the hep
One stretch of 30 seconds each way as described in DLDs newbie routine, 3 times a day. Each round should take about 10 minutes if you perform each stretch once in each direction. I like this variation and breaking up stretches instead of doing 30 minutes all at once!
i think if u add bundled and expressive stretching in replace or on top of the basic SRT directional stretches u will get sort of a 'bang for the buck' type of stretches just because of the angles and force of which they are used

and i'm also really getting convinced by the phallosan based on some of the users reviews here. i might have to get it myself considering i've never tried an ADS
ULTIM8GAINZ;750930 said:
i think if u add bundled and expressive stretching in replace or on top of the basic SRT directional stretches u will get sort of a 'bang for the buck' type of stretches just because of the angles and force of which they are used

and i'm also really getting convinced by the phallosan based on some of the users reviews here. i might have to get it myself considering i've never tried an ADS

Excellent advice!

You will love the Phallosan, especially with your new routine, you can get 8 hours at night added to what you are already doing!
Tbh i hate the phallosan. Its a pain to put on, the condoms break easily. And it isnt comftorable at night when your tossing and turning.
I used to have the same problem i got it and barely used it. I ordered the ab silicone sleeves that can be found online and silicone toe caps to replace the protection cap. The ab silicone is the game changer i can put it on in under a minute and take off in 10 secs. I have the silicon rolled upand only about 1.5 inch hanging over which helps for putting on amd taking off quick!! I have over 300 hrs in 2 months but still dont sleep with it. As it pulls on my foreskin ( i dont use caps amymore ) and after more than 6 hrs can leave lots of foreskin extended. But i will get there.
SupposedToBeBig;751134 said:
I used to have the same problem i got it and barely used it. I ordered the ab silicone sleeves that can be found online and silicone toe caps to replace the protection cap. The ab silicone is the game changer i can put it on in under a minute and take off in 10 secs. I have the silicon rolled upand only about 1.5 inch hanging over which helps for putting on amd taking off quick!! I have over 300 hrs in 2 months but still dont sleep with it. As it pulls on my foreskin ( i dont use caps amymore ) and after more than 6 hrs can leave lots of foreskin extended. But i will get there.

Very good advice from a very new Brother! I am impressed and look forward to you future in the Brotherhood.
Dld, over the course of the last two months i have asked you to help me assemble a quick workout with specific intense excercises so i wont have to spend as much time doing PE.
You have yet to actually respond to me about it.
Please help me
A 30 minute routine targeted on length? If your not using the LengthMaster then I suggest manual flaccid stretches using THERABAND for grip. What direction you stretch in matters very little so long as you are INTENSE throughout the 30 minutes (with proper warmup of course). I cycle between these four manual stretches

1.) Straight down
2.) A-stretch
3.) Bundled straight down
4.) Bundled A-stretch

Rinse and fucking repeat. I hold each stretch with as much force as I can handle with Both hands for 30-60 seconds each.

Edit: ok the direction not mattering thing needs some clarification... Stretching straight down and straight up will target different things. I just meant that of all the stretches we have available in our PE library, the most important thing about gaining is intensity. Keep your routine simple, intense and do it for many months without giving up. Too many brothers (including myself) stop at the 3 month mark and get discouraged with no gains.
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theman6;751216 said:
Dld, over the course of the last two months i have asked you to help me assemble a quick workout with specific intense excercises so i wont have to spend as much time doing PE.
You have yet to actually respond to me about it.
Please help me

I have responded in several places. If you choose to go for a routine that is quick I suggest doing the basics of the Newbie Routine and using a Phallosan for the remainder of they. The Newbie Routine can be reduced to fit into 30 minutes and from there you can use your Phallosan for the remainder of the day. Short routine will not bring gains at a pace that is acceptable that is why I have included the Phallosan.
doublelongdaddy;751156 said:
Very good advice from a very new Brother! I am impressed and look forward to you future in the Brotherhood.

Oh ive been around i had a differnt name back in 2012 forgot it and the email lol. But i will be around ive learmed alot and experienced alot since the start. The support of the brotherhood will help keep me consistent and persistant.
SupposedToBeBig;751277 said:
Oh ive been around i had a differnt name back in 2012 forgot it and the email lol. But i will be around ive learmed alot and experienced alot since the start. The support of the brotherhood will help keep me consistent and persistant.

I can find the name if you pm me your email at the time?
doublelongdaddy;749553 said:
Hanging can be different for men, some need hours a day to see gains and some can get by on a couple of sets. Hanging takes a lot of dedication, privacy and time. If you do not have the time to hang you can still work shorter sets in combined with manual work to quicken your gains.

Is staying elongated after PE an essential part of results?

Also, is there a less abrasive wrap that i can use for my penis for this purpose? I'm trying to dekeratinize my glans and inner foreskin mucosa, and want to minimize irritation.
theman6;748774 said:
For the last 6 months i have been doing basic pe stretches. The newbie routine and an hour of hanging. I have gained a good amount, i went from 5.9 nbel to about 6.5 nbel.
However that took a huge chunk out of my day, about two hours. And although I gained alot, i can no longer dedicate so much time to PE.
I already have so many things going on with my school and the extracurriculars i am involved with.
I dont want to give up gaining length, but I do need to make it shorter.

So can anyone help me create a short routine, about 30 minutes with very intense stretches that will help me gain atleast .5 invhes in 6 months? Thank you


I havent read over any replies to your question here, but what I would say, is to keep it simple, yet intense. This advice might not sound like much, or go in the face of what we think would be beneficial, but it does work. I'm even doing it myself at the moment, from a long break. It stimulates new growth in anyone, and what I have found with penis enlargement, is unlike 'muscles' of the body which have more limits to growth with what you can achieve, the penis essentially and in theory has much more to go with.

Perform 250-500 wet jelqs eadh day. Have a good intensity, at least semi-erect, dont worry if your not fully erect. Position your hands so that your index finger puts most of the force or milking into the penis side. So the right index finger will do that to the left side of your penis and vice versa with the left hand. Ensure you get as close to the base as possible, try not to jelq much loose skin from the base ... just a tip I didnt knwo about when I started, and got some growth in that area which became loose skin. No issue now, but still.

Use hard grips, and light ... keep it going at a nice pace. Once complete, perform about 100-200 behind the balls jelq. Essentially this is the portion behind the balls and between the anus. If you cant isolate it yet, not to worry. Skip over this until you can. Its excellent at bringing out the inner penis, really it is.

You can also do a few holds for several seconds at the end of every several wet jelqs.
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