Invest most of your time mainly on your stretching especially BTC for this month, and less on girth exercises, as they can cause blistering and other minor injuries for newbies, that can easily prevent you from doing Penis Enlargement for a month or give you some interesting marks on your penis your girlfriend might question.

There is a great thread on Premature Ejaculation, and visualization to rock your girlfriends world.

You will gain a stronger feeling of your manhood in this month, and most likely will grow some and have stronger erections.

It will be a month well spent!!
do an hour of wet jelq everyday for the mouth aswell as 30 minutes of dld blasters and i reckon you could get that inch
doublelongdaddy said:
Gonna eat dinner and when I am through I promise to post the exercise.

Get your bathtubs ready:)

It's been 3 hours. That must be one hell of a dinner. LMAO LMAO LMAO

But seriously, I'm really looking forward to seeing it.
doublelongdaddy said:
Gonna eat dinner and when I am through I promise to post the exercise.

Get your bathtubs ready:)

damn :O i feel like staying up all night, calling in to work and maniacally hitting refresh all day for this :)

i think thanksgiving will have a new meaning around here from now on LMAO

thank you, Mike. my first two Penis Enlargement purchases were VigRX and then the Jes-Extender for 300 bucks. my common sense knew better about the pills. i just couldn't believe the ingredients would know how to find my dick, put little hard hats on and begin penis-construction work hammering away and singing songs in funny cartoon voices like the good little oompa-loompas they are. but i wanted to believe it. months passed and these companies started telling a different story about how the pills can't really enlarge on their own but can aid in enlargement in conjunction with exercises. probably because people like you would speak up about them. always changing their stories. the scumbags. i had doubts about the extender but i thought that was more believable.

the only way i can feel that the dent in my wallet was worth it was that the Jes-Extender came with a Penis Enlargement exercises CD that allowed me to get on Big Al's yahoo group which allowed me to get on ForSize. there i saw a video of one exercise crediting DLD. i googled DLD thinking,"damn who is double long daddy and what can i learn from him?" i found this site and bought the DVD. that made it worth it. it still pisses me off sometimes. i would have rather spent the same amount and only have bought the DVD or website membership and donated you the difference but at least i got here and there are people who have wasted thousands.

my penis doesn't really hurt anymore even though the white spots are still there. it's been two weeks and i'm starting again this weekend. it looks like i haven't lost anything considerable in the interim, thankfully. i look forward to adding this exercise.

thanks again sincerely, not just for this exercise to come but for all your dedication, hard work, sharing of yourself, selflessness, generosity and being a shining example to aspire to. not everyone thinks you're a fake you know ;)

i hope you had a great holiday.
Why not just commit a whole month to Penis Enlargement and report back the results?
If you gain 'only' 1/2 an inch is still better then keep thinking how much you can gain and spending next year choosing the right routine.
Hey , PR , you should be thankfull you are posting here and not on �other PE site� , as not only would you have gotten the "unchilled" feedback , as you put it , but a Mod or two would have jumped your stuff about your lack of proper punctuation , caps , and use of abbreviations ! It all boils down to the reality that your only limitaions are your own mind , and your own body , each are unique to you , and you alone . This applies to most things in life . You want it bad enough , you get it ! Do the work , invest the time , be ready to sweat and bleed for what you want .
Thanks Harmonic169. I wasn't trying to be negative at all.

harmonic169 said:
Something's been bugging at me since I checked this thread lastnight, and I feel it needs to be said:

PR69, Provider wasn't being negative at all. If anything, he was simply making a statement. I could ask you: How much weight can I lose in a month? But you really could give me a straight answer without knowing my age, height, gender, metabolism, medical condition, medications I'm taking, level of physical fitness, etc.

Just about everyone on the forums will give you the same answer: Is it possible? For sure. Is it probable? Not really. But in the end, you're the one who decides how much you do or don't gain from Penis Enlargement. It's your body, it's your exercise routine, it's your decision how much effort you put into the work out. It's up to you.

There's a saying: Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.

I am trying to make finish my web page lead in to the exercise. It is important to me how I present this exercise as I want my intentions with ALPHA-BLADE to be very clear and I want people to understand the exact tie in to the new company.

You guys will be very happy with the exercise but I want you to see this as a reciprocation. I rarely ask for your help, and I have not done so for a very long time. Just as I love to help you guys I know you would love to help me and with that said let it be known that indirectly (something you guys will find out allot on with AB) you will ultimately be helping yourself. I need your help and I am asking for it.

The ball is in your hands, the ball is ALPHA-BLADE and where you throw it, where you play with it, the energy you give to that ball will determine where it goes. I am asking you to throw it and throw it far. But, please throw that ball with direction, to your friends and tell them to do the same.

We have built a corner of the world to be reckoned with, they are listening, they are ready...lets give them another mind-fuck to deal with. We did it with our dick now lets scare them with the rest of our bodies and mind:D. My bag of tricks is deep, sooooo fucking deep and all I want is some friends to share it with. Support me and I will support you.

Exercise will be up at 5:00 Eastern time
PR69 said:
thanks for the feedback Cool. As for the other one, okay then, you dont have to say anything else. A simple MAYBE could of brightend things up, but then again thats Pokey for ya. I kno you have the right to say wut u feel but theres no reason for you to act like an ass. I think many people here can agree with me. okay then to make it simpler, on average, how much can one gain in length in a month? I know it can depend on the amount of gain one has made already but can anybody give a guess?
don't disrespect me child I was agreeing that no one knows for sure.
First, why are you calling me a child Pokey? You are 19 yourself. Second i didnt disrespect anybody and i apologized to who i thought i needed to apologize to. I asked if it was possible to gain 1 inch in one month and many said that no one really knows, but on other hand DLD among others said that it is possible. I was just curious to know if it is, and even if it werent possible i would still give it a shot, meaning that im going to :) And now that DLD said that he is going to post an excercise that can help I bet it has given many the motivation to try it as well including myself.
PR69 said:
First, why are you calling me a child Pokey? You are 19 yourself. Second i didnt disrespect anybody and i apologized to who i thought i needed to apologize to. I asked if it was possible to gain 1 inch in one month and many said that no one really knows, but on other hand DLD among others said that it is possible. I was just curious to know if it is, and even if it werent possible i would still give it a shot, meaning that im going to :) And now that DLD said that he is going to post an excercise that can help I bet it has given many the motivation to try it as well including myself.

You guys got the exercise, are you gaining?
after i do the exercise it feels and looks stretched out pretty good, also i feel that i get stronger erections, but i havent checked if ive gained yet. Im planning on measuring at the end of the month :)
PR69 said:
after i do the exercise it feels and looks stretched out pretty good, also i feel that i get stronger erections, but i havent checked if ive gained yet. Im planning on measuring at the end of the month :)

Beautiful! I get the same results and from my vast experience this is a definite sign of growth.
PR69 said:
All i asked was if it is POSSIBLE, why do you have to go negative about it? If nobody has gained that amount in that time then i would think that it would be hard to do it, and im fine with that. But if someone has, then that would atleast give me some motivation to make that a solid goal for me, if not then Im willing to do it untill i reach my goal. Any other thoughts?
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