bigtyivier;431119 said:
I notice that in the how to use video for the Bathmate the guys in it are using the Bathmate on a flaccid penis.

What will be the difference in results using Bathmate flaccid vs. erect?

That is a very good question bigtyivier. I don't think it can definitively be answered, only guessed at. I go in flaccid, but it has not been because I've wanted to, only because its not been practical for me to do otherwise. Most guys here go in erect. Mike has said: "go in erect". I feel going in erect makes a difference in the size you get to during the Bathmate session. I would guess that going in erect will give quicker results overall, but maybe not larger results in the long-run. Hope that makes sense? Bottom line is: I bet no one knows the answer at this point.

I mean by logic I guess I can assume going in erect gives faster erect gains whereas going in flaccid will give you a better flaccid dick. I hoppe more people can chime in on this.
bigtyivier;431174 said:
I mean by logic I guess I can assume going in erect gives faster erect gains whereas going in flaccid will give you a better flaccid dick. I hoppe more people can chime in on this.

Yes, I would agree likely faster gains. But, overall gains through time, don't know about that. There should be a lot of people that have had many months of experience that can chime in.

As I stated in my last post:) Guys really need to experiment with their workouts as it seems to be split between users going erect or flaccid. Keeping a monthly record of each would prove to show which is more effective for you. Perhaps both would work best, maybe one day erect, next day soft.
the problem is going in flaccid is that instead of my dick getting suctioned in straight it gets stuck to the left wall of the Bathmate
Hit it 100% erect. It's easier to measure progress that way. If one day you're quite loose and large when flaccid and another day you're not, you'll get different readings. 100% erect makes it much more constant.
I use it flaccid, can't always go in erect. I think it is more effective to stretch flaccid, you should try both ways and see what you find is more to your liking.
bigtyivier;431263 said:
the problem is going in flaccid is that instead of my dick getting suctioned in straight it gets stuck to the left wall of the Bathmate

bigtyivier, if you haven't tried this yet, you might. Give the Bathmate a few kind of light flips (and let go of it, letting it flop over) to see if you can straighten your penis out in it. When I use the X-40, I sometimes run into this same thing and I just let go of the end and let it flop. What happens is usually it will align the penis if you do this a few times.

Does doing length exercises help with girth too, I was just wondering because right now I want to do length the most then girth after i come close to my goal. The only worry I sorta have is having lets say a 9 inch penis and like a 4.5 or 5 inch girth or something like that lol.
I go in soft, because I can do it when ever I want. I don't have to watch �naked people movies� or think about the last chick I hit, I just put it on and pump. Easy day.

Important thread: I would really like to see MORE input from Bathmate users, such as do you use it erect, semi or flaccid on entering and then for the duration what is your EQ(Erection Quality).
How are your gains, don't need to go into specifics but have you gained and on a score of 0-5 with 0 being none and 5 being great(allot) mark it along with the state of erection for the session.

Building up a profile of users experiences with the Bathmate will help us all. I find erect work is best but I want to gather data so a proper conclusion can be reached.
Weird thing, my pumps never last long when I go in flacid. When I go in erect, my pump can last up to 8 hours. I have also gained in length, about .25. I have not gained in girth though. Still working on it.
9inchtail;455859 said:
Weird thing, my pumps never last long when I go in flacid. When I go in erect, my pump can last up to 8 hours. I have also gained in length, about .25. I have not gained in girth though. Still working on it.

I've had that happen too. For some reason when I go to pump sometimes i lose pressure.
9inchtail;455859 said:
Weird thing, my pumps never last long when I go in flacid. When I go in erect, my pump can last up to 8 hours. I have also gained in length, about .25. I have not gained in girth though. Still working on it.

What is your time in one session?
9inchtail;455859 said:
Weird thing, my pumps never last long when I go in flacid. When I go in erect, my pump can last up to 8 hours. I have also gained in length, about .25. I have not gained in girth though. Still working on it.

So go in erect.
Yeah i would think erect is best, because the pressure is expanding the already expanded erect penis. My question is what a better time 5 or 10 minutes or more? I feel i'm pretty conditioned so how many minutes should i go in before doing jelqs afterwards? Also should i Bathmate everyday? Thanks
IMTHEMAN1990;455864 said:
Yeah i would think erect is best, because the pressure is expanding the already expanded erect penis. My question is what a better time 5 or 10 minutes or more? I feel i'm pretty conditioned so how many minutes should i go in before doing jelqs afterwards? Also should i Bathmate everyday? Thanks

I like 5 minutes then 5 minutes jelqing x 2-3
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