Mines curve to the left. I try to do alot of kegels to get the size like in the pump

I'm not really bothered about my curve and I'm not trying to correct it. I believe it will correct itself as I max out the pump.
Also enjoying the process is important.

That is the reason I like modifying equipment and changing things up, with multiple cylinders for MityVac Hydro-Vac Penis Pump, other brand pumps and equipment. There is no boring time for me.

I did measure my girth after 4 months but that was after I had seen substantial changes with my eyes. In a way this put me down, because I stopped actively gaining and started to focus on maintenance.
If I hadn't measured I would still be obsessed and keep going for 6.5" to 7" inch girth.

But there is no reverse SRT as far as I know. So we need to understand that going to fast, is not always the right way.

Going a little bit slower in gaining can be beneficial as well. It's not just the Erected Girth (EG) and Bone Pressed Erected Length (BPEL) measurements that matters.

Shape, curvature, amount of foreskin and scrotum looseness/hang is also important to consider, in order to keep your penis beutiful and natural looking. Just some other perspectives on the matter.
You NEED to love the process in order to make sustainable growth
PE is like taking care of a bonzai tree, but with your penis. It may grow like a freaking bamboo at first, but it will slow down. Give it love, care, and maintenance, it remains strong, beautiful, esthetic, and functional. Feed it some extra love and nutrients, that bonzai-penis tree will break out the potting container (your pump), and need something larger to house it for extra vigorous growth. Stop taking care of that bonzai-penis tree, and it will end in a different direction.
damn. Wish I saw the noobie 'girth explosion'..

I measure fairly often just to see if I am getting good expansion by end of session. But I don't think I'll keep doing that. Just need to validate what I am doing. Once I establish that expansion is increasing consistently, I'll just let it play out.
damn. Wish I saw the noobie 'girth explosion'..

I measure fairly often just to see if I am getting good expansion by end of session. But I don't think I'll keep doing that. Just need to validate what I am doing. Once I establish that expansion is increasing consistently, I'll just let it play out.
A tip with girth work that have worked for me.
As long as you are getting bigger inside the pump, you will grow. In the beginning I had almost no expansion inside the pump.
After a session your EQ can be sluggish (do not always happen), so measuring expansion all the time can be detrimental to our mental state (this is the case for me). Trusting the process are the best thing we can do.

Hope this helps.
A tip with girth work that have worked for me.
As long as you are getting bigger inside the pump, you will grow. In the beginning I had almost no expansion inside the pump.
After a session your EQ can be sluggish (do not always happen), so measuring expansion all the time can be detrimental to our mental state (this is the case for me). Trusting the process are the best thing we can do.

Hope this helps.

I agree.
A tip with girth work that have worked for me.
As long as you are getting bigger inside the pump, you will grow. In the beginning I had almost no expansion inside the pump.
After a session your EQ can be sluggish (do not always happen), so measuring expansion all the time can be detrimental to our mental state (this is the case for me). Trusting the process are the best thing we can do.

Hope this helps.
It certainly helps!
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