
Aug 8, 2011
okey so i have had the Bathmate X-40 now for 45 days,used it every day for 20 minutes,either before school or after practise and now after 45 days i havent gained AT ALL. After my Bathmate sessions my dick is really thick and big and i fkn love it but after about an hour it gos back down to it puny little self...why am i not gaining?

ps. i have made progress though. when i started u could only get to 150mm but now o max it out at 175mm but still no gains when not in the Bathmate
Well lets see your first mistake is wishful thinking of thinking your gonna gain with just putting a device on and doing the same repetive thing over and over again and thinking your just gonna gain from that. If you havent gained with just the Bathmate already then your not gonna gain with just the Bathmate. You will gaon with doing manual work and the Bathmate. Intensity is the key thats the answer. Stretch more, jelq more and superset your routine man. What are you aiming for right now? length or girth? Focus on the one you want more than the other. Effort consistency and experimenting will get you gaining. Just the Bathmate=temp gains. Manual work and Bathmate has been proven to work for girth. Strecthing and extending after your manual stretching will give you length gains. I suggest searching around and read read and read some more. Find out whats working for others and put that into practice.
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