Yea, us evil binness owners just in it for the $$. I'm the reason your life sucks and you will always stay in the hood.
MaxRichards;698904 said:
Discussions aren't just questions and answers Kyo.

It's about people's actual, real experiences which they can contribute about the topic. Not just rehashing info they've seen on the internet yet haven't put into practice or tested.

I've tested Extendering for a few years and think it's way too slow in terms of progress but it does work safely with the catch that it roughens up your glans a bit.

I haven't had as much experience with hanging (seems dangerous), that's why I want to enter a discussion about it and see what sort of real progress people have made and what injuries they have sustained (not being able to get an erection included).

If you haven't tested either method, please respect the idea behind this thread and refrain from posting.

I did expressive stretching for some time and gained almost an inch in length from just working the ligatures near the exit point (base of the shaft).
See bra, the base is different from the rest of the shaft, its built more like suspensory ligaments than the rest of the tunica. That's why clampers get exponential enlargement on that section and hangers/extenders as well. Its like an oasis of gains there.

Stillwantsmore exploits this oasis to finesse his clients into thinking his failhanger acquired them all these gains when they could have just taken up dld expressive stretches. In fact, dld's stretches are way more effective at reaching all those base structures since you would do well to work the whole circumference of them. Granted the suspensory ligaments (swm's ace up his sleeve) are the first and easiest structure to stretch (that's why he's always "oh I always hang strait down trrr") .

Poor stillwantsmore's average and basic clients. If only the brotherhood would have reached them first<:( they wouldn't have to endure such abuse of their ignorance (sniffle) why god why
templnite;698960 said:
Mountain Brook street littered with 'deplorable' KKK fliers on transgenders |
Deeploreuble! Unreadublu! okaykaykay!
Who's is the ak to decide if i want trannys getting freaky or not, in the girls bathroom? Gotta tip my hat at the "use a tree" part xD fuckin brutal :p Too bad I'm black doe if not they'd totally let me join. Sigh, hey at least we got trannies doe :D

I just wish some people would respect someone's legit post to help others and not ride it for their benefit!!! This was posted for those that get discouraged with PE..... not for haters!

Get off this thread if your not hear to learn.
templnite;698960 said:
Mountain Brook street littered with 'deplorable' KKK fliers on transgenders |
Deeploreuble! Unreadublu! okaykaykay!
Who's is the ak to decide if i want trannys getting freaky or not, in the girls bathroom? Gotta tip my hat at the "use a tree" part xD fuckin brutal :p Too bad I'm black doe if not they'd totally let me join. Sigh, hey at least we got trannies doe :D

What are you talking about? I am confused with this tranny shit?????
That tranny shit confuses me too ?:( bra. I guess its ok that I sexually identify as a bathmate, since were all here to get a hard-on for PE :D and chub each other up for gains (yes homo). And to learn from stillpumpingmoreiron
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templnite;697529 said:
^Well there you go you just admitted that the op is you. That's the person I alluded to was a pirate account of yours and ascribing fake gains. You really are nailing yourself bra

Jekyllnhyde just got your hanger and if he fails to gain a millimeter even I only for one millisecond (and you know he's pretty much gotten all he could out of PE but sold him your hanger aimlessly either way ) it will be the ultimate proof that hanging sucks.

And yeah I know some dudes cant gain anything from PE, they're all registered at mynewsize, which is where �other PE site� goes to scout their talent

I am on your side, I don't like people marketing their stuff on here. But to state that hanging sucks, Idk. I personally gained almost .5" almost exclusively from hanging in just a few months, you can check out my journal on my signature. And theres many other journals around of people making awesome gains from hanging. Ive been off PE for some time, and now I am back with a vengeance. Nice to meet you.
Yeah like wise. Ithink it succ :/, nah all PE is good PE but sometimes people get into working likea mule and don't gain too much. You gotta calculate the right amounts of main stress, passive stress, and resting in order to make the most of your training hours.

There's many facets to PE not just "buy my hanger because its affordable" or "no, buy mine! Its pricey but you can use it for days without break" the main part is to stay trans *ahem* I mean stay in the brotherhood :) amen %D
templnite;701722 said:
I mean stay in the brotherhood :) amen %D

That alone you will grow!
Munto;702017 said:
As a human being :)!

Exactly. We grow in many ways outside of PE. Were learn to be real men. Become disciplined and consistent with something until it is accomplished. The mentality we have, the greater understanding of men in general. We become compassionate and loving in this as we help our Brothers make the goals they want.
jekyllnhyde360;697623 said:
WTF, bro i haven't even started hanging yet???? temp you're fucked dude

This was the last known activity of jekylnhyde, a foreboding of what caused him to turn away from PE. Rest in peace brother <:(
templnite;702403 said:
This was the last known activity of jekylnhyde, a foreboding of what caused him to turn away from PE. Rest in peace brother <:(

Remember that many people come back in the beginning of September. A BUMP might bring him back!
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