
Nov 4, 2011
Hi, gains have been a combination of slow,inconsistent and non existent so far.
On 21/11/11
Bpel just under 7"
Girth just under 5"
4weeks later
Bpel 7.25"
Girth 5"
And at presnt that hasnt changed although I have been measuring girth with a toilet roll occasionally and it varies between not being able to even get the head in one day; to slipping in easily and my dick rattling around in there like a twiglet in a pringles tub.

My length gain could be down to poor initial measuring but I remain hopeful.

The current routine is:
1-2x per day:
Btc stretches with kegals 1-2mins
Cranks 15-25 each way
Dld blaster 15-20x2
Stretches to sides with kegals 1min x2
V stretch x2-3min
Sometimes a couple __________ stretches to finish

And then 3-5x per week (depending on eq)
Warm up with rice sock 5-10min
Jelq x400-600
Then a couple uli's and a horse squeeze here an there

I have stopped gaining as far as i can see& dont want to start hanging or using any devices so any modifications to the routine would be greatly appreciated
Go back to newbie routine with DLD Blasters. Done twice a day like you're doing now. Up intensity, reps or time. Going back sometimes helps you move forward. One day jelq morning and night. Next day, length. Back and forth man. If you can't get the energy to get erect, you may need a pump. Or, stop girth and gain solely length or vis versa.
Your routine looks fine so i would suggest that you work on form and make sure you are at peak intensity (dry jelqs rather than wet jelqs ect..).

Are you getting the aches in your ligaments and shaft? If not, then you probably need greater intensity.
Thanks fellas, good advice!

I don't want to go backwards on training as my work capacity has improved quite a bit so I'm hoping to make the most of it.

I have tried today increasing the intensity a little and substitiluted a few wet jelqs for dry but i'm not familiar with them so a bit of research is needed I think:)
Ok I've been going a bit harder on the stretches and adding a few dry jelqs
And my new measurements are
Bpel just over 7.5
Girth much the same(depending on the day)

So i'm pretty sure there are some improvments:)

Now the new problem is I wont have chance/ privacy for the
jelqing so was thinking of keeping the stretching my priority and maybe
Two-three times per week dry jelqing.

I shall keep everyone up to date
Congratulations on the length gain, not too shabby! Remain consistent and the girth will come. I gained length before girth in the beginning but it eventually balanced out.
Hi, gains have been a combination of slow,inconsistent and non existent so far.
On 21/11/11
Bpel just under 7"
Girth just under 5"
4weeks later
Bpel 7.25"
Girth 5"
And at presnt that hasnt changed although I have been measuring girth with a toilet roll occasionally and it varies between not being able to even get the head in one day; to slipping in easily and my dick rattling around in there like a twiglet in a pringles tub.

My length gain could be down to poor initial measuring but I remain hopeful.

The current routine is:
1-2x per day:
Btc stretches with kegals 1-2mins
Cranks 15-25 each way
Dld blaster 15-20x2
Stretches to sides with kegals 1min x2
V stretch x2-3min
Sometimes a couple __________ stretches to finish

And then 3-5x per week (depending on eq)
Warm up with rice sock 5-10min
Jelq x400-600
Then a couple uli's and a horse squeeze here an there

I have stopped gaining as far as i can see& dont want to start hanging or using any devices so any modifications to the routine would be greatly appreciated

Get yourself a LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging brother. The gains will come quicker than you think.
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