Let me think .............
Standard wet jelqs - Worked amazingly well for me back in the day (2001 when I started Penis Enlargement OMFG that long ago!!!!!!!!!) I do these clamped now and they are much more intense than standard.
Horse Squeezes (440's) - Great for thickening the shaft (Beefing it up)
Clamped Edging (Standard Constrictors) - Superb size builder and the backbone to my early success. This classic exercise I still use to this day with great success and the beauty is you can combine other methods with it such as wet jelqs which I do often.
DLD 'A' stretch with blasters - Arguably the most successful lengthening exercise in the world!! rumour has it that more inches have been made with this than any other manual method. When DLD was home at Thunders et el he designed this and the members loved it. Its always been one of his beauties.
Blue_Whale Mandingo Stretch - WOW this came on the scene back in early 2009 and threw the dirt up the air quite literally. This thing combines bundles and a stretch which truely gets you gains. Very INTENSE stretch I can tell you. Done manuel and made famous via the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]
Power Assist[/words] & [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]
Length Master[/words].
Blue_Whale mother of all ligament stretches - This again was another cannonball from the Blue skinned Whale

This truely got my mind going and from it I created an exercise of my own but this does work and it does that DIFFERENTLY than any other exercise (Manuel) before it, incl all of DLDs exercises. It works by hooking the suspensory ligament at the base and than stretching it. VERY INTENSE.
V-SES stretches - Created by myself from the theory on how the Blue_Whale mother of all lig stretches worked. This gem needs a piece of equipment such as wood or something that can trap the ligament. I made it famous with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]
Power Assist[/words]. The V-SES got me gaining again in length and guys who have never felt burns in the ligs HAVE with these! Can be as intense as you like.
SSJs - Very powerful jelq movement. I do these clamped. Often overlooked for the Horse squeeze but for me these are the 21st century variation to the Horse Squeezes. VERY potent
ATS Rollers - You want WIDTH? These are your man. ATS rollers created by the now deceased AfterTheShock (Was member on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]) to use a rolling pin lubed pressing down onto the erect penis. I used them and they fucking work! These are more enjoyable and easier to do than my more complicated but still useful Frendo's.
Clamped Boa's - Head enlargement via a tourniquet of sorts. Usually a clamp but a condom rim has been used. These do make your glans larger and if you have seen my pix over the years you will see that.
Erect bends - Gives a nice stretch and can work problem areas such as curves
Erect stretches (CTS/TCS) - Gripped underneath the glans while erect and stretch.