I'm sure I've posted my routine somewhere, on a post of its own, but I'm too lazy to go and find it LOL.
So, to sum it up:
1 - First and foremost, remember, it was gradual, it took me two years. Please, don't expect overnight results, I cannot stress this enough.
2 - Did it every day just before hopping on my morning shower.
3 - 2 minute warm up holding penis under warm water (I kind of cup it so that the water remains around it, for better warming up)
4 - Worked it up to at least 50-60% erection and, with favorite lube, I just jelq it alternating between standard OK and reverse OK grips every 10 jelqs.
Started at around 60 reps.
5 - hit the hot shower as a warm down and, while at it, do the basic testicle health massage routine.
Note 1: I progressively went up to as much as 500 jelqs, with my erection varying between 60 and 80-90%. It took time to reach this intensity and number of repetitions SAFELY.
Note 2: I did not program off days, as I found out life always gets in the way and you will inevitably have unexpected off days.
Note 3: On the odd occasion, I overdid it and got the dreaded red spots all over my shaft. Those were a bummer, as they made me stop completely for a couple of days untill the spots went away and kind of got me back to starting from scratch intensity wise.
Note 4: Do NOT measure daily. If you can, don't even measure it weakly. If all you're doing is jelqs, best to leave it at monthly measurements. In between measurements, just enjoy your increased flaccid state on the mirror, the slight extra
weight you'll feel down there or the increase in your bulge.
Note 5: most importantly, always, ALWAYS listen to your body. If something feels off, stop. Taking an extra month to grow a bigger dick is better than ruining it forever.
Hope this helped.