>i read a post on the bpfsl,and how the gains on that measurement almost always precede/lead to the erect gains.and after i read it i found i was 1/2" shorter than past measusements.CYBERSHOT suggested taking the measurements after a heat wrap.i did,and got a 1/4" back.<
Gains measurements are like the stock market. They go up and down, but the general trend is up.
>anyway,i am gonna experiment over the next few days and hang only at one angle to fatigue,then measure after each session(and a warm down)to isolate which angle is giving me the 1/2".once i figure that out the i am only going to hang at that angle.does this sound like a good strategy?<
Well, I have never heard of that before. Could be interesting. But if I were you, I would find my LOT, a good reading, and hang accordingly.
>if what i said sounds right,then heres my next question:
assuming i found my most productive angle,how do i determine when it is time to move to another? will there come a time that my penis just says "NO" right from the start of my set,or do i just wait until no more gains come from that angle?<
Two different things: You should have a primary angle that you start the day at. Then a secondary angle that you work when too fatigued to hang at the primary angle, even at much lower
weights. Start your
hanging day at the primary angle. Then, even if it is the first set, switch to the secondary angle when you cannot hang at the primary angle, even a much lower
Now, a different topic: When to change your primary angle. That would be when you go for a couple months without measureable gains. You can also check that with your LOT, to see if there is a defineable reason. You want to wait at least six weeks to two months without gains so the gains you have made will hopefully be cemented.
>not to be a pain in the ass,but i have another question.
i have been
hanging "high"(near the penis base) almost exclusively.i think this is what has been giving me,helping the girth gains i mentioned.do you think that i should alternate
hanging high or low,say every other day,or could you tell me what are the pros and cons of
hanging high,or
hanging low?<
The lower you attach the
hanger, closer to the base, the more likely you will stretch only skin. If that is what you are trying to do at any given time, that is great. The closer you attach to the head, the more likely you will stretch the internal structures. That is what truly gives the gains. But you must always stretch some skin first.
It is easy to tell what is being stressed while you are actually
hanging. Just reach down and pull on the skin a bit. If it is tight, you are probably stretching skin.