Its been a LONG time since I have posted anything here, and felt it was time to.

Here is a snippet of my journal entry for today.
The shrinkage of my penis from its larger "built" state, is very real, and will happen to you all as well.

Its been over two years since ive done any pe'ing, but even before I stoped, there was noticable shrinkage of my unit, but no where near the accelerated rate that is happening now.

This is rediculous and heartbreaking....I just hope you fuckers realize what you are doing to yourselves.


Well, I suppose its time to write about the thing that has been my obsession for the past five years. My penis.

I started penis pills and enlarging exercises which progressed into testosterone cream application, DHT cream and eventually injections of IGF-3 (with bacteriostatic acid) *unknowingly.

While the increase was very nice, the recession hasn’t been worth the agony. I think often that I wish I never would have started jelquing- and other penile tissue destructive exercises, as the increased girth is obviously temporary swelling and accumilation of blood coagulation..

Wow, this has really been a burden on my physiological well being. I witness DAILY the shrinkage of my penis, and it kills me. To think that I am loosing the penis which sprung so many girls and made them cum so easily, to the penis I had before. I really hope it doesn’t get to that point, as the loose skin that is accumulating right now is very annoying and unsightly.

I don’t know what to do about it makes me want to cry each and every time I look at myself, or masturbate, and am fully aware of the shrinkage that has occurred.

I do regret fully some of the things that I had done to get that “large cock”…..

I wish I never would have."
so wut are ur stats now ha jp ummm so are u back to where u started or u shrunk even less than that.. and if so how much and how long did it take untill u noticed the shrinking. and what abhout "cementing the gains" how mby u didnt do it long enough idk
I don't want to discourge you but are you sure that is the reason you are "shrinking"? I find that many men as they get older, just get out of shape physically and also in the penile area. If you don't use it you will lose it. The size is shrinking because of some other reason than just nothing. Men need to do whatever possible to keep blood into the penis. If not, of course it will shrink. Any part of the body that is not used will shrink. If you have big biceps, and don't use them, they will shrink. A penis is no different. That is why a "couch Potato" loses his sex drive. All the rest of him quit too. GS
Please explain more on how your Penis Enlargement carrier ended and what you were doing? You think jelqing made your unit shrink in the long run? It could have been all those creams and injections you tried. There have been people in the Penis Enlargement game ALOT longer than you have and are still gaining... Please don't scare people into quiting Penis Enlargement when you don't even know the REAL reasons that caused your shrinkage, just assumptions. Advice for you though is find some good herbs that I forgot what theyre called but I know of two that work really well and are in most sexual performance supps. You can buy them for really cheap online, sorry I don't know the names I'm going to look them up and order them though along with some powder V...
yamaha11 said:
Its been a LONG time since I have posted anything here, and felt it was time to.

Here is a snippet of my journal entry for today.
The shrinkage of my penis from its larger "built" state, is very real, and will happen to you all as well.

Its been over two years since ive done any pe'ing, but even before I stoped, there was noticable shrinkage of my unit, but no where near the accelerated rate that is happening now.

This is rediculous and heartbreaking....I just hope you fuckers realize what you are doing to yourselves.


Well, I suppose its time to write about the thing that has been my obsession for the past five years. My penis.

I started penis pills and enlarging exercises which progressed into testosterone cream application, DHT cream and eventually injections of IGF-3 (with bacteriostatic acid) *unknowingly.

While the increase was very nice, the recession hasn’t been worth the agony. I think often that I wish I never would have started jelquing- and other penile tissue destructive exercises, as the increased girth is obviously temporary swelling and accumilation of blood coagulation..

Wow, this has really been a burden on my physiological well being. I witness DAILY the shrinkage of my penis, and it kills me. To think that I am loosing the penis which sprung so many girls and made them cum so easily, to the penis I had before. I really hope it doesn’t get to that point, as the loose skin that is accumulating right now is very annoying and unsightly.

I don’t know what to do about it makes me want to cry each and every time I look at myself, or masturbate, and am fully aware of the shrinkage that has occurred.

I do regret fully some of the things that I had done to get that “large cock”…..

I wish I never would have."

As I re-read this and see the post another wrote, where you might have done some "stupid" stuff, it is not valid to lump all Penis Enlargement into what you might have done. You say that you regret fully some of the things that you did...injections are not part of a valid Penis Enlargement program. So, when you say you regret what you did, I don't regret anything I have done, and I have been at this for 6 years now. I am more active and have more penile strength than I have ever had. I do think this is a valid post. We need to be careful of what we do with our Penis Enlargement. Un orthodox Penis Enlargement or stuff that is unproven should not be done. Years ago when Supra was injecting his Penis, I wrote and others did too, that this is dangerous and could cause harmful results. Even in some of the creams etc. we need to use common sense and think before we act. Penis Enlargement is safe if done correctly and with carefulness.

Never, never move ahead in Penis Enlargement until you penis is conditioned and you know what you are doing is safe. If you have questions, please contact someone who has done it or knows about safe Penis Enlargement.

I have not found any medical people who would even talk about Penis Enlargement or the possiblity of penis enlargement. Having gone through the Peyronies trial, I have recently talked to a Urologist and he would not even give me the time of day in listening that there might be a way to help people with Peyronies. His reaction was...once you have peyroines, you are doomed to no sex and a deformed penis. How wrong he was. But, Penis Enlargement with Peyronies has to be sensible and safe.

Yamaha11, I am sorry you are having some problems. Most of us have never done what you did and so our Penis Enlargement is more natural and safe. I want to keep it that way. Perhaps there is some help for you. Also, when you say it is shrinking, just what does that mean? If you are going from 9 inches to 8, that isn't so bad. If you mean from 8 to 4 then I feel for you. I feel for you anyway, as I had a tramatic time to overcome too. Let us know how we can help you. GS
In most cases any boost in test... will have some negative effects. You see your body (testicles) regulate your test.. with added, they are not needed and they could shut down. Now that you are off things, this may be your reason. I have only gained so far, and I think you are the only guy out of thousands here that would say they are getting smaller. This post seems to be more of a discouragement to others than anything, so I am guessing you are pissed at someone. I wonder if DLD is shrinking. We should ask him to post new pics to make sure he isn't in the negative now :) I think members should know that this stuff works, but takes dedication. Do NOT do anything that is NOT described in DLD's phases and you will be ok.
Hey guys...sup?

Well, to say the least i was utterly shocked by reading this. I think for sure this will make P.E. suffer a lot and it may also sway people from even trying to enhance their units afraid it may be a waist of time and even worse, a dangerous adventure. This thread alone, will with no doubt bring doubt to many and may discredit penile enhancement alltogether if no reaction/comment comes from the big dudes like DLD for instance.
I really don't get why some people will do ANYTHING to get bigger quicker, like sticking needles with some weird hormone percursor like IGF1 in this case with acids and stuff. That shit just too dangerous to even think about.

I, for one, believe and have my own proof ( ruler ) to credit my gains. Haven't gained much cause i'm at the very begining but i HAVE gained and lost nothing of it for a month with NO EXERCISES WHATSOEVER. I wanted to check the losses by myself and noticed THE EXACT SAME MEASUREMENT i had last Penis Enlargement day i had.

Someone should clear this matter cause it managed to raise my eyebrows ( and i have read enough to know better) and it has many others i'm sure.



P.s. good luck dude, i really hope you don't put ANY shit in there anymore cause that alone could have ruined it for YOU.
I'll give a strong "I agree" to German Stallion. I'm 44, and tryin' to get back in some kinda shape (some of my other posts expound on this more fully) and I find that as my overall health and fitness improve, so does my penile health and so does my NPenis Enlargement gain rate.
I'm sorry to hear about your losses (real or imagined), but I don't think that any of us readers have anywhere near your full story. Nothing I've done so far since coming to this site has given me any reason to fear for the future or safety of my cock.
And my advice to anyone who may be scared reading this is this; ANYTHING can harm you, when misused or abused. Learn from the wisdom of the "Old Pro's" here on this site, take your time to "get it right" and when in doubt; chill out.
Personally, I'm really looking forward to havin' an 8x6 rock hard cock well before I start my second half-century. Good luck to the rest o' you guys !
Erections and flaccid size will vary from day to day any increase in penis size requires an increase in blood flow to the penis.

Things such as jelqing, B.T.B jelqing, Kegels horsesqueezes doing cardio will help to acheive this.

It is recommended that a mantaince program is to be done after u have acheive your goals.

It has also been said that hanging acheives the most permanent gains but weather this is true i do not know.
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I'll give a strong "I agree" to German Stallion. I'm 44, and tryin' to get back in some kinda shape (some of my other posts expound on this more fully) and I find that as my overall health and fitness improve, so does my penile health and so does my NPenis Enlargement gain rate.
I'm sorry to hear about your losses (real or imagined), but I don't think that any of us readers have anywhere near your full story. Nothing I've done so far since coming to this site has given me any reason to fear for the future or safety of my cock.
And my advice to anyone who may be scared reading this is this; ANYTHING can harm you, when misused or abused. Learn from the wisdom of the "Old Pro's" here on this site, take your time to "get it right" and when in doubt; chill out.
Personally, I'm really looking forward to havin' an 8x6 rock hard cock well before I start my second half-century. Good luck to the rest o' you guys !

nice post. his gains were not really gains they were like taking steroids and losing all the water weight after you stop. you got to bust your ass and be consistent with pe if you want gains and if you want them to stay. the world revolves around the quickest way to get to point a to point b no matter how dangerous it could be.
German Stallion said:
As I re-read this and see the post another wrote, where you might have done some "stupid" stuff, it is not valid to lump all Penis Enlargement into what you might have done.

Very true. I have NEVER endorsed any product or exercise that I believed to be harmful in any matter. Losing size is something I have never heard aside from those who have made very good gains and after they stopped they may have lost some size due to the fact that they did not cement these gains.

Experimental penis enlargement is something that I do not endorse nor will I participate in for the simple fact that my program of natural, safe, completely tested and approved exercises have worked for thousands of men. I never needed anything more than natural exercise to make gains greater than any guy out there.

Shrinkage, unfortunately, is something that could happen because of anxiety, negative thoughts and other suffering we may cause ourselves. Believe me, I have stood in the mirror many times, with the gains I have made and could not see them. After this negative episode I would obsess for hours about my penis, obsessively measure and inevitably made my penis shrink to the point is was congruent with where I believed I was supposed to be feeling due to the negative thoughts I was experiencing. After I calmed down and got my head together and remeasured or took another glance at it everything would be back to normal. Never underestimate what the mind is capable of doing.
doublelongdaddy said:
Believe me, I have stood in the mirror many times, with the gains I have made and could not see them. After this negative episode I would obsess for hours about my penis, obsessively measure and inevitably made my penis shrink to the point is was congruent with where I believed I was supposed to be feeling due to the negative thoughts I was experiencing. After I calmed down and got my head together and remeasured or took another glance at it everything would be back to normal. Never underestimate what the mind is capable of doing.

So true, I've lost 40 lbs since January and am not close to where I wanna be. The weight loss was very significant but my mind fucks with me like crazy when I look in the mirror. The more you get the more you want. FUCK! I gotta get rid of all mirrors in my house.
I've taken extended breaks before with minimal size loss, and I'm talking 4-6 months off with very little to no noticeable size loss.

In his post he admits he injected with bariostatic ACID. This could be a very significant reason for his problems.
Colossus said:
my mind fucks with me like crazy when I look in the mirror

We rarely see ourselves as we truly are. Psychologically there are many parts of the mind that effect our self view, things we picked up early in life. When we look in the mirror we see an image that includes all of the baggage from our past, every insecurity we ever felt, every negative comment, every perceived fault then we see ourselves attached to that image. This makes it difficult to see changes, I still think of my penis as it was my whole life, 6.5" even though I am so much bigger than that now. After my weight loss, well I am still having problems with the change and the mirror still reflects an image of a 260 lb. man even though my weight now is 140 lbs. This is the reason positive mental health is so important.
I'm sorry you've experienced the shrinkage. It could be from something uncommon like the injections, or maybe not. Either way, I don't think what you've experienced is very common, based on what I've read.

People should always keep everything in perspective and realize that Penis Enlargement or anything other major commitment in life such as a change in fitness/physique is a long-term venture that should be viewed with some level of caution and not something that happens overnight.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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