I know that everyone is different and results will vary from person to person. For all the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] users out there, what routine has worked best for you?
Has it been DLDs routine, a variation of DLDs routine, a combination of Supersets with manual exercises interspersed between, straight pumping for 20 minutes, multiple sets, 2-4 sets per day, erect, semi-erect, or flaccid pumping, Dan's routine 6 sets of 6 flaccid, followed by jelqing 2-3 times per day?
What combination have you used to make gains? Any hard and fast rules you've noticed? For example, always pump erect, or always superset manual with pumping, or always do multiple sets, etc?
Has it been DLDs routine, a variation of DLDs routine, a combination of Supersets with manual exercises interspersed between, straight pumping for 20 minutes, multiple sets, 2-4 sets per day, erect, semi-erect, or flaccid pumping, Dan's routine 6 sets of 6 flaccid, followed by jelqing 2-3 times per day?
What combination have you used to make gains? Any hard and fast rules you've noticed? For example, always pump erect, or always superset manual with pumping, or always do multiple sets, etc?