Hey Guys,

I always get better stretches after Jelqing, so thats how I've been doing it for the last little while.

However, I find that when I stretch before Jelqing that

1) my Jelq session goes much better and

2) my erections seem to be bigger and fuller if I save the Jelq until last in my workouts.

For the people who have had great gains, which do you do first? And would it be advisable to do sretching one day, then jelqing the next?

Thanks in advance for the help.

11/16/06 - 6.25 inches NBPL
i always used to stretch 1st then jelq!!! got me an inch.

Now, i do them straight after each other and i think i am having great results!! i can see the difference!

I do AM and PM, stretch then jelq. then hang then jelq.

I find the stretching 1st then jelqing keeps the penis stretched out longer and when the cells heal they are healing in an extended state!

hope that helps.
I think in theory, stretching after jelqing is best but the reality is that it's hard to stretch after jelqing because grip is an issue. You just can't wipe off all the lube after jelqing to allow a good grip to stretch.
You could try to split it up. Stretch some before you jelq then after. I don't know about you guys, but I'm really skinny, in my opinion. I weigh 150 - 155 soaking wet (although I bench 185 on the last set of bench so its only 6 times, I haven't maxxed out in a long time). My forearms and hands get sore as hell from stretching. So, I'm going to do two sets of stretching before I jelq and two sets afterwards... as soon as I start into a regular schedule of Penis Enlargement that is.
Dr_Hugenstein what principle(s) is your doctrine?

In your post you mention the results you have gotten with the routine(s) you applied. What I like to know is ... "What outcome (goal) are you trying to achieve in Penis Enlargement?"
Threak said:
Dr_Hugenstein what principle(s) is your doctrine?

In your post you mention the results you have gotten with the routine(s) you applied. What I like to know is ... "What outcome (goal) are you trying to achieve in Penis Enlargement?"

I'm at 6.25" right now NBPenis EnlargementL. My goal is 7" NBPenis EnlargementL. My routine has basically been 400 jelqs and 20 minutes of stretching every other day. Very close to the DLD beginner routine. I gained .25" on this routine.
Dr H you seem to have a sound program thats working for you. Have to remember that you are breaking down the tissue(s) with micro-tears and recovery time is where you make the gains. The time it's needed for rebuilding and repair. Everyone is slightly different on recovery time. Along with Vitamins, Amino-Acids and keeping good blood flow to bring in the nuturients to do its job for that.

Overview on your Forumla of Success:
You set your outcome and are very precise (7inch) ...good mind set
You have great massive action(s) in place ...(your regiment and Penis Enlargement program)
You have sensory acuity... you notice results (positive/negative) you're getting
Just change your approach when you gave it ample time and don't get the results(outcome) you wanted.

Have you been keeping a journal with starting pics and measurements? What's the time line for your quarter inch gain? Also, have you gotten any compliments from the woman in your life?

Stay focus and keep up the good work ... hope this helps you
Dr. H, Threak made some good points about where you're currently at and how to continually evaluate the process. I'm going to suggest a few things for your routine: Don't worry about what you do first, but do it either way. Thinking too hard about Penis Enlargement will cause problems for you or anyone else here. However, I would make sure to stretch before simply because even after you've washed you might have vaseline residue making it difficult to get a consistent grip. Another issue is the increased blood flow into the penis post jelq session will cause problems with grip as well because gripping a flaccid penis is much easier than grabbing a post-session pumped penis.

You'll do just fine with a stretch and jelq routine, but you may want to look into things like a-stretches, bundled stretches, squat stretches, and look into getting an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] (autoextender.com). For girth work your way towards using more intense exercises like Ulis, horse 440s, clamping, or even pumping with manual work in between sets.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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