I have penoscrotal web discomfort (not pain) after 5 years of doing PE (quite intensively sometimes even 4 months in a row with 2days on 1 day off 1,5 hour each day then 3 months off and than again few months on)
I have not documented my PE journey with pictures but I presume that the skin from my scrotum moved up the shaft which causes unbearable discomfort. It feels like my shaft wants to wriggle out but it cant but I am still not 100% sure wheter this turkey neck is causing the issue.
I post some pictures. What do you guys think, does it look abnormal? I definitely feel unbearable discomfort.

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It does not look terribly bad, it is kind of average as fares webbing goes. Your help correct this by using the Testicle Health Massage and Stretch found in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]Newbie Routine[/words]. It can also be stopped from becoming worse by anchoring one hand at the base of the pies, holding back the skin while you stretch. As far as girth goes, I suggest using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SlowSquashJelq[/words] instead of the regular jelq. The Jelq can produce more webbing sue to the hands sliding up the shaft, the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words] does not slide skin up the shaft, expansion is gained by compressing hands together.
It may not look terrible but that junction at the down side of the penis where penis shaft should end and scrotum begin feels very uncomfortable as a matter of fact it feels like there is no junction and there was one before I started PE. When peeing I need to pull out some of my scrotum skin (the web part) out of my underwear to feel comfortable like this:
View attachment 30137

My web in full blossom looks like this
View attachment 30136

I am considering surgery (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZpaCx8Eoq8 - this is not an advert!) to fix this issue because it messes with my mind too much, I can't focus on anything but this, I masturbate (orgasm) at least 5 times each day (yesterday it was 7 times) so that my mind is off the penis for a little while after orgasm.
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Dr Elist does a implant that may help you with evening out your penis. The after pics may help you decide if you can use his service. Jmo
AKAI;632605 said:
Implant sounds like a non relevant thing to my issue. My issue is connected with scrotal skin excess. A simple surgery can fix skinn excess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZpaCx8Eoq8.

In cases where it causes pain or impedes your ability to have sex insurance will pay for surgery. It is a very simple surgery and recovery time is rather quick. This may be something you could get fixed for $0.
never ever get surgery for that area and a reason like that....mine looks worse..... once your penis grows the webbing will look smaller......it may not look very good but it will look decent....its better than facing the risks and irritations of surgery if they arise.....
pogzee;632845 said:
never ever get surgery for that area and a reason like that....mine looks worse..... once your penis grows the webbing will look smaller......it may not look very good but it will look decent....its better than facing the risks and irritations of surgery if they arise.....

in some cases it gets worse and it can become painful for some men. I agree with you that surgery can be dangerous but in cases where the webbing is extreme sometimes the only choice is surgery. With that said the type of surgery to rid one of webbing is very simple and can be done outpatient and will heal up within a month. always try natural methods like the testicle health massage and stretch or other exercises that can help reduce webbing. But if these methods do not work seeing the doctor sometimes is the only remedy. You guys know how against surgery I am but sometimes there are situations that cannot be remedied with natural work.
First of all, I will consult an urologist and a good one I just wanted to consult you guys on PE forums to see what you have to say.

Secondly, pogzee it does not come down to how it looks like but how it feels like. Although my web visually does look average it certainly does not feel so, it feels unbearable to the point of not being able to think, does your web feel so? Typical shaft hanging onto the scrotum causes discomfort it feels like the shaft glues strongly itsef to the scrotum with super glue and the shaft is trapped not able to move, I need to pull my shaft from my scrotum to feel the relief it became a habit now, I do it once every 15 minutes.
The mild surgery (grrrr nasty word but if you saw that video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZpaCx8Eoq8 you might see it does not differ much from tooth removal) is not complicated if you saw that video. What is more I do not understand the fuss about the irritation, it is a mild medical procedure.

Thirdly, doublelongdaddy to be honest I have no patience to do for the next few years Testicle Health Massage and Stretch reverse the web which has been achieved through 5 years on jelquing and stretching, just too much work and I am sceptical I will get rid of that skin which has moved definately too far onto my shaft mainly due to hardcore classical jelqing sometimes 1000 per day I remeber in the past I did wonder why there is that much loose skin from scrotum which I pull so much onto my shaft while doing jelqing but I did 1000 per day anyway. Yeah, the jelques caused that problem.

I am from Poland so sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes.
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AKAI;632890 said:
First of all, I will consult an urologist and a good one I wanted just to consult you guys on forums to see what you have to say.

Secondly, pogzee it does not come down to how it looks like but how it feels like. Although my web visually does look average it certainly does not feel so, it feels unbearable to the point of not being able to think, does your web feel so? Typical shaft hanging onto the scrotum causes discomfort, I need to pull my shaft from my scrotum to feel the relief it became a habit now, I do it once every 15 minutes.
The mild surgery (grrrr nasty word but if you saw that video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZpaCx8Eoq8 you might see it does not differ much from tooth removal) is not complicated if you saw that video. What is more I do not understand the fuss about the irritation, it is a mild medical procedure.

Thirdly, doublelongdaddy to be honest I have no patience to do for the next few years Testicle Health Massage and Stretch reverse the web which has been achieved through 5 years on jelquing and stretching, just too much work and I am sceptical I will get rid of that skin which has moved definately too far onto my shaft mainly due to hardcore classical jelqing sometimes 1000 per day I remeber in the past I did wonder why there is that much loose skin from scrotum which I pull so much onto my shaft while doing jelqing but I did 1000 per day anyway. Yeah, the jelques caused that problem.

I am from Poland so sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes.

If you have medical coverage then it may pay for the procedure. Plus if pain is involved then forget pe and see a urologist asap. Good luck.
Disco Dave;632897 said:
If you have medical coverage then it may pay for the procedure. Plus if pain is involved then forget pe and see a urologist asap. Good luck.

Remember to tell them you're in extreme pain that every time you get an erection it causes much discomfort. if they think you have no discomfort or pain insurance probably won't pay for it but if they believe that you are in pain and it is impossible to have sex in this condition they will definitely pay.
Disco Dave there is no pain involved so there is no rush however I will go within next few weeks if not faster.
Medical Coverage - In Poland there are long queues for the refund operations I would have to wait at least 1-1,5 year or longer + I am not sure that public surgeons in Poland perform such operations as penoscrotal web removal I checked in the medical polish dictionary there is not even a Polish translation for penoscrotal web. But doing it privatelly is possible.
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AKAI;632902 said:
Disco Dave there is no pain involved so there is no rush however I will go within next few weeks if not faster.
Medical Coverage - In Poland there are long queues for the refund operations I would have to wait at least 1-1,5 year or longer + I am not sure that public surgeons in Poland perform such operations as penoscrotal web removal I checked in the medical polish dictionary there is not even a Polish translation for penoscrotal web.
Didnt you just tell Pogzee above that it feels unbearable?
I feel Unbearable discomfort which I kill with compulsive masturbation (to which I am addicted to at this point).
Masturbation kills discomfort, I do not know how it works but each orgasm takes my mind away from the penis issue. I masturbate 5-6 times each day to function normally, without masturbation my mind fixation on that discomfort would cause me to go see urologist the very next day (which I've seen 1 year ago and he said that everyhing is ok) I just would not be able to cope with that fixation so I masturbate.

Penoscrotal web issue is urgent for me (it depends how you interpret urgent), why otherwise would I post a thread with pictures but there is no PAIN. There is a difference between unbearable discomfort and pain. I can kill unbearable discomfort with compulisve masturbation which takes my mind away from the issue, but I would not be able to kill pain with masturbation.

It may sound stupid but who cares.
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Iam glad that you atleast have a relief method for the discomfort. Also; have you tried numbing cream?
i have the same thing and i will have it removed in the future too
my only question is if they cut away the scrotal skin from the shaft how will they cover it after
i mean not the under side but the skin with hair on the actual shaft
well you should do what you feel will work for you.....
i feel excessive masturbation is also bad but if it works for you then its good...
even i had felt awful when i got my webbing from incorrect jeqling......but then i was determined to fix it.....
i know you are sick of the manual work but TRY this for a week as you have time in your hands till you go for surgery...

1. testicular health massage
2. stretch penis and balls in opposite direction
3. then stretch penis in upward direction and balls in downward direction......
the pressure should be felt at the point where the webbing ends at the shaft...see in pic.....so grip according
View image: Picture 76 2

do this for 20-30 minutes twice daily for a week and see the difference...trust it.. its worth it
pogzee;633115 said:
well you should do what you feel will work for you.....
i feel excessive masturbation is also bad but if it works for you then its good...
even i had felt awful when i got my webbing from incorrect jeqling......but then i was determined to fix it.....
i know you are sick of the manual work but TRY this for a week as you have time in your hands till you go for surgery...

1. testicular health massage
2. stretch penis and balls in opposite direction
3. then stretch penis in upward direction and balls in downward direction......
the pressure should be felt at the point where the webbing ends at the shaft...see in pic.....so grip according
View image: Picture 76 2

do this for 20-30 minutes twice daily for a week and see the difference...trust it.. its worth it

Great advice!
pogzee - why not, I will give it a try. however in point 2 you say "balls in opposite direction" and in point 3 "balls in downward direction" I've just noticed by doing this, that it is not so much about grabbing the 'balls' as it is about grabbing that scrotal web part of the scrotum - in this way I will stretch exactly the place which you showed on the picture with an arrow and with a very very strong force - so not grab all the balls because you will not hit and stretch that place showed with an arrow or you maby will but with very weak force. Maby I will post a picture tomorrow to show exactly what I mean basically you grab that web and stretch it. The other hand grabs the penis like you described.
I wonder what is the aim of exercises 2 and 3 - to stretch that web so it will feel better ? but it will be even more loose so in some extent it is a double edged sword one end being less sharp. What is the aim of exercises 2 and 3 ? What those ecercises (2 and 3) actually do ?
What about the aim of testicle health massage ? it brings no stretching so how can it help to get rid of penoscrotal web ?

I feel comfortable ONLY if I pull up my scrotal skin up the shaft - I secured it in that position with the rubber band to be able to hold the camera with the other hand (but if I left that rubber band on my penis shaft I would feel like like it is the way it should be, like there is no problem...). The pictures below are the proof of what I am saying. Is this caused by Penoscrotal webbing ? I need to pull my scrotal skin (also while peeing in the last picture) to feel comfortable I wonder why is that

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pogzee - why are you so strongly against even such mild surgical proceudre as penoscrotal web removal? Appart from irritation possibility are there any good reasons ? I do not think it can influence future PE.
AKAI;633175 said:
pogzee - why not, I will give it a try. however in point 2 you say "balls in opposite direction" and in point 3 "balls in downward direction" I've just noticed by doing this, that it is not so much about grabbing the 'balls' as it is about grabbing that scrotal web part of the scrotum - in this way I will stretch exactly the place which you showed on the picture with an arrow and with a very very strong force - so not grab all the balls because you will not hit and stretch that place showed with an arrow or you maby will but with very weak force. Maby I will post a picture tomorrow to show exactly what I mean basically you grab that web and stretch it. The other hand grabs the penis like you described.
I wonder what is the aim of exercises 2 and 3 - to stretch that web so it will feel better ? but it will be even more loose so in some extent it is a double edged sword one end being less sharp. What is the aim of exercises 2 and 3 ? What those ecercises (2 and 3) actually do ?
What about the aim of testicle health massage ? it brings no stretching so how can it help to get rid of penoscrotal web ?

I feel comfortable ONLY if I pull up my scrotal skin up the shaft - I secured it in that position with the rubber band to be able to hold the camera with the other hand (but if I left that rubber band on my penis shaft I would feel like like it is the way it should be, like there is no problem...). The pictures below are the proof of what I am saying. Is this caused by Penoscrotal webbing ? I need to pull my scrotal skin (also while peeing in the last picture) to feel comfortable I wonder why is that

well its good that you understand that the stretch is only to be felt at the area pointed by arrow.......
and yes you should grab the webbing area and stretch so the web is not stretched further and only that point ahead of it is...
well i guess you can avoid the testicular health massage also....
your MAIN focus is that point were the webbing ends on the shaft NOMATTER whatever way you stretch it ...
AKAI;633192 said:
pogzee - why are you so strongly against even such mild surgical proceudre as penoscrotal web removal? Appart from irritation possibility are there any good reasons ? I do not think it can influence future PE.

well i said till you get surgery you can try this...all i am afraid of in any surgery is the after effects....like itchiness comes, redness, infections...etc that will hinder in PE....but its not that it will come 100%....i rather avoid and use a natural way....
Surgery should always be the last resort. We can offer quite a bit of help with this issue as you have read in the is thread but there are times when surgery may be needed to accomplish what you desire. I would love to see you take doe of the ideas we have given you a try them for a few months and see where you are then, theres no harm in that. But if they do not work surgery may be the last option.
mza - there seems to be another way to get rid of turkey neck described by trunksdarklord on another forum namely stretching the shaft skin, I found it HERE

It might work but, as it is with PE, one would have to devote at least 1-2 months to see any results. I have been doing shaft skin stretching described in the threat linked above for the last 2 weeks and so far I feel no difference.
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yes i read that thread
btw i dont know if there is a difference but me and you we dont have that of a big web i think our problem is that due to the fact that our dicks have grown the ball skin has been used to cover the new dick and i think we have formed a penoscrotal fusion not a web and the link to the surgery you have send would not correct our issue maybe there is another procedure for our problem like positioning the sack back where it belongs and than putting some artificial skin where there is not enough ... i dont know
ok i just ckecked there is no difference between penoscrotal web and penoscrotal fusion but still the surgery only treats the ventral side of the penis
mza - The question is whether the issue is exactly the same for you and I.
For ME there are 2 areas causing discomfrot:

1st area: loose skin on the ventral side of the penis - picture:
View attachment 30213

2nd area: skin on the upper side in the pubic area which I believe moved from scrotum - picture:
View attachment 30214

Those 2 areas are causing the problem for me which manifest in different body positions (for instance while walking I only feel numbnes in the 1st described area).
Having said that, I do not so much agree that removing penoscrotal web would not change anything, because it is the area exactly where I feel my discomfort I can only agree that when erect that penoscrotal web moves up the shaft.

Have you tried trunksdarklord routine from that thread?
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AKAI;635391 said:
mza - The question is whether the issue is exactly the same for you and I.
For ME there are 2 areas causing discomfrot:

1st area: loose skin on the ventral side of the penis - picture:
View attachment 30213

2nd area: skin on the upper side in the pubic area which I believe moved from scrotum - picture:
View attachment 30214

Those 2 areas are causing the problem for me which manifest in different body positions (for instance while walking I only feel numbnes in the 1st described area).
Having said that, I do not so much agree that removing penoscrotal web would not change anything, because it is the area exactly where I feel my discomfort I can only agree that when erect that penoscrotal web moves up the shaft.

Have you tried trunksdarklord routine from that thread?

I believe some PE exercises can really help this. The testicle health massage and stretch is one but looking at the pictures I am thinking about some long term correction. Example would be while stretching anchoring a hand at the base, keeping all skin back as you stretch forward in various stretches. It would take time but as you correct you will also be gaining length. The more length you gain in this position the less the TN will appear.
all i have rralized is that once your internal penis grows the skin will become a bit proportionate to it.......ONLY GROW THAT DICK AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE.......the webbing wont go but will surely look smaller.....
pogzee;635455 said:
all i have rralized is that once your internal penis grows the skin will become a bit proportionate to it.......ONLY GROW THAT DICK AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE.......the webbing wont go but will surely look smaller.....

Exactly what I meant.
pogzee;635455 said:
all i have rralized is that once your internal penis grows the skin will become a bit proportionate to it.......ONLY GROW THAT DICK AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE.......the webbing wont go but will surely look smaller.....

...provided that you are doing PE exercises correctly namely you are ALWAYS paying attention to stretching shaft skin as well while doing PE what I failed to do for 5 years and I see the results now. Still to this day do not know how to stretch correctly so that I do not pull the scrotum skin onto my shaft skin. There should be some instructional video how to make PE exercises with simultaneusly stretching shaft skin . Most explanatory videos, for instance bounded stretches or basic jelques fail to put any emphasis on stretching your shaft skin as well...In MY OPINION most PE internet sites do not put enough emphasis on that shaft skin stretching issue while doing PE.
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AKAI;635661 said:
...provided that you are doing PE exercises correctly namely you are ALWAYS paying attention to stretching shaft skin as well while doing PE what I failed to do for 5 years and I see the results now. Still to this day do not know how to stretch correctly so that I do not pull the scrotum skin onto my shaft skin. There should be some instructional video how to make PE exercises with simultaneusly stretching shaft skin . Most explanatory videos, for instance bounded stretches or basic jelques fail to put any emphasis on stretching your shaft skin as well...In MY OPINION most PE internet sites do not put enough emphasis on that shaft skin stretching issue while doing PE.

It needs to be held back. One hand should always be at the base holding the skin firmly back while the other hand stretches the penis.
do exactly what DLD says.........if you have a problem with manual exercises then buy a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]sizegenetics[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] or try a few styles of gripping and anchoring hand at base....what ever that works for you and benefits you
I have had mine all of my life. It starts half way up my shaft. If I was ever stranded on island, I could use it as a sail. It was a result of circumcision however (at birth not by choice). It is much worse than yours as well. I wish I had the balls to get mine removed, but just going in for a vasectomy (next week) scares me. Let alone having my sack trimmed up. If I am being honest, I think losing some weight may help a bit. Your fat pad looks like mine (I used to be 270 lbs now 190 lbs) That fat pad pushes everything forward. Even at my thinnest 145 I still had that crap, so sometimes losing weight does not help <:(. I am going to look into lipo and with the extra 2 inches I can gain it will not be pushing all of that skin forward.
givemegirth;635786 said:
I have had mine all of my life. It starts half way up my shaft. If I was ever stranded on island, I could use it as a sail.

lol that was the funniest shit I have hear in a minute.
pogzee;635455 said:
all i have rralized is that once your internal penis grows the skin will become a bit proportionate to it.......ONLY GROW THAT DICK AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE.......the webbing wont go but will surely look smaller.....

I do not agree. Skin will not be proportionate to the internal penis if shaft skin is not being stretched during PE instead what you would have would be scrotal skin gradually going up and up the underside of the shaft. If shaft skin is not being stretched during PE the internal penis will indeed grow but the outer shaft skin will not stretch and scrotal skin will gradually move up the underside of the shaft what happened for mza and for me. Therefore skin which you call "proportionate" will actually be the scrotal skin gradually through PE going up and up the underside of the shaft.

DLD said something which seems to be a good solution however some video or drawing would be cool to exemplify this "One hand should always be at the base holding the skin firmly back while the other hand stretches the penis."
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AKAI;636061 said:
I do not agree. Skin will not be proportionate to the internal penis if shaft skin is not being stretched during PE instead what you would have would be scrotal skin gradually going up and up the underside of the shaft. If shaft skin is not being stretched during PE the internal penis will indeed grow but the outer shaft skin will not stretch and scrotal skin will gradually move up the underside of the shaft what happened for mza and for me. Therefore skin which you call "proportionate" will actually be the scrotal skin gradually through PE going up and up the underside of the shaft.

DLD said something which seems to be a good solution however some video or drawing would be cool to exemplify this "One hand should always be at the base holding the skin firmly back while the other hand stretches the penis."

do this then....
AKAI;636061 said:
DLD said something which seems to be a good solution however some video or drawing would be cool to exemplify this "One hand should always be at the base holding the skin firmly back while the other hand stretches the penis."

I will grab a screen shot to show you guys.
doublelongdaddy;636169 said:
I will grab a screen shot to show you guys.

Can't wait to see how it should be done.

I also think that standard way of doing "bundled stretches", among other PE exercises, seems to be incorrect because this exercise stretches scrotum onto shaft. Here is the PROOF - look at "More Pictures" at the bottom of that page. I am not trying to be pretentious etc. just wanting to make out why does scrotum move onto shaft as a result of incorrect way of doing PE exercises.
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It does not look terribly bad, it is kind of average as fares webbing goes. Your help correct this by using the Testicle Health Massage and Stretch found in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]Newbie Routine[/words]. It can also be stopped from becoming worse by anchoring one hand at the base of the pies, holding back the skin while you stretch. As far as girth goes, I suggest using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SlowSquashJelq[/words] instead of the regular jelq. The Jelq can produce more webbing sue to the hands sliding up the shaft, the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words] does not slide skin up the shaft, expansion is gained by compressing hands together.

I've always been scared when compressing hands together for SSJ. How intense do you think the compression of both hands should be?