i think a strong desire for a bigger penis as well as a positive environment are very important.
PE is all about cell division and blood flow which completely depends on the health of person also which effects the rate of growth. Now as we know tension is the biggest cause of many diseases till now and it subconsiously changes the biological function of the body and detoriorates your health. So a poor guy with lots of issues in life with also have lower emotional quotient which i feel will effect speed of gains BUT at the SAME time desire is counterfeiiting it in a manner....lol
Well that is quite true,tension and stress is killer and effects PE terribly,a bad enviroment is a quite terrible thing along whit negative vibes around,One of my Dreams is building my own PE gym hope i can do that someday ;)
Having your mind in the right place is very important in training and gaining. I think finding a peaceful place that you will not be bothered is the best way to train. Sometimes this means getting up earlier or going to bed later. Sometimes it could men changing your entire living situation. For me, when I was having issues with finding a place like this at home I searched and found an unused bathroom at my old job, a place that no one used and I could be in there for as much time as I needed without distraction. It does take creativity but if one desires a bigger penis it is worth finding the most peaceful place you can to train.