It'll be 2 years in a couple weeks that I received my [words=]Bathmate[/words] [words=]X40[/words]...started at 6.50" by 5.50" and the last time I measured (with about 85%-90% EQ) I was 7.875" by 6.875" (yes, I measure to the eighth). I expect to be a shade over 8X7 when I take another measurement at the end of this month.
My routine is ever-changing/evolving, but currently I warm-up and stretch for about 10 minutes under a hot shower, then 10 minutes in my [words=]X40[/words] at about 75% of my max w/the VacuVin Mod, then stretch/jelq for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes in my [words=]Goliath[/words] at 100% then 5 minutes stretch/jelq then 15 minutes in my [words=]X40[/words] at the max that I can handle while doing Kegels and RK's
Big Schwanz Acht;713472 said:
It'll be 2 years in a couple weeks that I received my [words=]Bathmate[/words] [words=]X40[/words]...started at 6.50" by 5.50" and the last time I measured (with about 85%-90% EQ) I was 7.875" by 6.875" (yes, I measure to the eighth). I expect to be a shade over 8X7 when I take another measurement at the end of this month.
My routine is ever-changing/evolving, but currently I warm-up and stretch for about 10 minutes under a hot shower, then 10 minutes in my [words=]X40[/words] at about 75% of my max w/the VacuVin Mod, then stretch/jelq for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes in my [words=]Goliath[/words] at 100% then 5 minutes stretch/jelq then 15 minutes in my [words=]X40[/words] at the max that I can handle while doing Kegels and RK's

Excellent gains my Brother!
Big Schwanz Acht;713472 said:
It'll be 2 years in a couple weeks that I received my [words=]Bathmate[/words] [words=]X40[/words]...started at 6.50" by 5.50" and the last time I measured (with about 85%-90% EQ) I was 7.875" by 6.875" (yes, I measure to the eighth). I expect to be a shade over 8X7 when I take another measurement at the end of this month.
My routine is ever-changing/evolving, but currently I warm-up and stretch for about 10 minutes under a hot shower, then 10 minutes in my [words=]X40[/words] at about 75% of my max w/the VacuVin Mod, then stretch/jelq for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes in my [words=]Goliath[/words] at 100% then 5 minutes stretch/jelq then 15 minutes in my [words=]X40[/words] at the max that I can handle while doing Kegels and RK's

8x7 is a monster dick.
Big Schwanz Acht;713472 said:
It'll be 2 years in a couple weeks that I received my [words=]Bathmate[/words] [words=]X40[/words]...started at 6.50" by 5.50" and the last time I measured (with about 85%-90% EQ) I was 7.875" by 6.875" (yes, I measure to the eighth). I expect to be a shade over 8X7 when I take another measurement at the end of this month.
My routine is ever-changing/evolving, but currently I warm-up and stretch for about 10 minutes under a hot shower, then 10 minutes in my [words=]X40[/words] at about 75% of my max w/the VacuVin Mod, then stretch/jelq for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes in my [words=]Goliath[/words] at 100% then 5 minutes stretch/jelq then 15 minutes in my [words=]X40[/words] at the max that I can handle while doing Kegels and RK's

almost 2 inches in 2 years fuck dude.
Big Schwanz Acht;713788 said:
more like 1.375"X1.375"...(wasn't there something posted about symmetry recently, lol)

amazing gains. But i also have a question for you .Do you believe water pumps when packed(girth maxed) can act better for length? i know majority use that technique for air pumps, but never read anyone sizing down for it with bathmates
Nolove;713857 said:
amazing gains. But i also have a question for you .Do you believe water pumps when packed(girth maxed) can act better for length? i know majority use that technique for air pumps, but never read anyone sizing down for it with bathmates

Good question and I've been wondering about that myself. I'm fully packed in my [words=]X40[/words] at full pump and I'm not certain if I'm making any progress or not, (length or girth) and when I finish a set, there's less than 1/2 cup of water to dump-out. This kind of defeats the purpose of water pumping and from what I've read/understood, it's the density of the water that makes the [words=]BM[/words] products work so well.
I think I'm going to start using my [words=!!!]LM[/words] now and see if I can muster-up some length w/that apparatus and use my [words=]BM[/words]'s for cementing. I'll report back in my thread if there's anything conclusive
Nolove;713857 said:
amazing gains. But i also have a question for you .Do you believe water pumps when packed(girth maxed) can act better for length? i know majority use that technique for air pumps, but never read anyone sizing down for it with bathmates

In general you will see minimal gains in length by pumping but there is a way to use your [words=]BathMate[/words] in a different way to make big length gains. Check out DLD Hardcore [words=]BathMate[/words] Stretches, these bring length from a completely different area and will be cream on top of length gains you make traditionally.
Big Schwanz Acht;713869 said:
Good question and I've been wondering about that myself. I'm fully packed in my [words=]X40[/words] at full pump and I'm not certain if I'm making any progress or not, (length or girth) and when I finish a set, there's less than 1/2 cup of water to dump-out. This kind of defeats the purpose of water pumping and from what I've read/understood, it's the density of the water that makes the [words=]BM[/words] products work so well.
I think I'm going to start using my [words=!!!]LM[/words] now and see if I can muster-up some length w/that apparatus and use my [words=]BM[/words]'s for cementing. I'll report back in my thread if there's anything conclusive

i think packing the [words=]bathmate[/words] is what tops-off or "cements" a lot of girth gains. i dont have a scientific study or anything but that is my opinion. also why using a good fitting [words=]bathmate[/words] is important IMO

- - - Updated - - -

Hoh many years?
-3 years
Are gains permanent?
-yes if you do it in a proper routine
how many inches did you earn?
-2 inches girth and half inch length but im stertching for length now
what is your routine?
-bathmate in the morning shower for 15-20 min
[words=!!!]lengthmaster[/words] at night tied to my foot 45 min
I can certainly attest to the fact that my FR has diminished by at least 75%, (I only retain a bit under the glans and it dissipates w/in a few hours), so that's significant. Also, while I feel I've 'plateaued', I also believe I'm it's time to break-out my [words=!!!]LM[/words] that's been idle in the closet for several months
Big Schwanz Acht;713949 said:
I can certainly attest to the fact that my FR has diminished by at least 75%, (I only retain a bit under the glans and it dissipates w/in a few hours), so that's significant. Also, while I feel I've 'plateaued', I also believe I'm it's time to break-out my [words=!!!]LM[/words] that's been idle in the closet for several months

The [words=!!!]LM[/words] is such a great tool - time to use it :)!
Castiel;713723 said:
Anyone with air pump?
I've been pumping on and off for years, not consistent enough to attribute gains to it but I do use it as a supplement in my routine.

I recently bought a Vacutech Elliptical cylinder and I'm very pleased with it so far. I was getting tired of the [words=]gaiter[/words] bite from the bathmates and [words=]penomet[/words]. I tried pump sleeves and I did like it but I still got bit a little. I use the wine vac mod for both and hardly ever use it in the shower because of time and privacy, I'm not about to run the water bill up for 10-20 min showers.

Anyway I've been using them as an air pump anyway so I figured I might as well get one. Now it don't bit, its fit for me so I pack the base and then it hits length and width, and I can better measure the vacuum.
longstretch;713965 said:
I've been pumping on and off for years, not consistent enough to attribute gains to it but I do use it as a supplement in my routine.

I recently bought a Vacutech Elliptical cylinder and I'm very pleased with it so far. I was getting tired of the [words=]gaiter[/words] bite from the bathmates and [words=]penomet[/words]. I tried pump sleeves and I did like it but I still got bit a little. I use the wine vac mod for both and hardly ever use it in the shower because of time and privacy, I'm not about to run the water bill up for 10-20 min showers.

Anyway I've been using them as an air pump anyway so I figured I might as well get one. Now it don't bit, its fit for me so I pack the base and then it hits length and width, and I can better measure the vacuum.

Do you have a link?
Hoh many years?
Are gains permanent?
how many inches did you earn?
what is your routine?

1) Pumping has been in my routine/s on and off for the past 21 years

2) Yes gains are permanent, but from my experience its more likely when combined with other methods that work in synergy such as SSJ when going for girth and stretching for length, but yes, pumping can and will permanently enlarge the penis.

3) Pumping on its own I have no idea because I always combined it in with what I do, but it certainly helped me on the path to growth.
The trick is using low pressure, never really need to go above 7Hg

4) It varied, but one I used recently was simply 20 minutes pump at 5-7Hg followed by 15 minutes clamped edging.

More pressure is not better but we live in a world where more is often seen as better.
My MityVac has all but replaced my X40...I'll do 20 minutes in the shower at max pressure and several times each week I'll do a two-hour marathon at lower pressures. This device is so versatile that I can work on the computer, read, watch TV with attached...I 'sized' it to my existing girth in an attempt to impart are the pumping-forces along the length axis.
Stats to date are 8.125" bpel and 7" mseg...the goal is to one-day reach 9" el
My MityVac has all but replaced my X40...I'll do 20 minutes in the shower at max pressure and several times each week I'll do a two-hour marathon at lower pressures. This device is so versatile that I can work on the computer, read, watch TV with attached...I 'sized' it to my existing girth in an attempt to impart are the pumping-forces along the length axis.
Stats to date are 8.125" bpel and 7" mseg...the goal is to one-day reach 9" el

Long time no see my brother! I hope life is going great for you.
That's intriguing, I did not know that. I still have to go over the proper use of my Mityvac, but care to explain the difference between pump systems and their safety factor there?

Air pumps are notorious for taking on tons of fluid retention. Air seems to be the issue. Water pumping does not cause the same retention. Also air pump thing is different than water pumping in the sense that you’ll never get a blister with water opposed to air.
I bought the Mighty Vac and have been using it for a week.
I really like the sleeves as they prohibit donut rings on hood. Not the kind of size I'm after.
I've gained .5 over clamping, and I find it easier to get a woody in the pump versus a clamp. Girth has gone up .25 over clamping
so here comes the question. I'm pushing 60 and keep an inflated erection in pump. I do not start off hard, the pump makes it that way. I do perform Kegels inside the tube. Normally 20 to 40 good long ones. Others seem to think that is a bad idea, but it's the only way I can obtain the final .5 inches. I break the rules and pump at 20 because I can not even feel anything at 5 or 10.

My goal is to return to my given size of 9. I started at 6 3 years ago. I did not care about girth but find that the nearing 6 seems from clamping very handsome. Any contributions to my thoughts?
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Nothing wrong with breaking the rules as long as you can handle it. I’ve always made it five minutes because most men start taking on fluid retention at five minutes and go much longer.

Whoever said that kegeling in the pump is a bad idea doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about. You should always Kegel when doing girth work as it brings in much more blood and keeps it where it needs to be.
Nothing wrong with breaking the rules as long as you can handle it. I’ve always made it five minutes because most men start taking on fluid retention at five minutes and go much longer.

Whoever said that kegeling in the pump is a bad idea doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about. You should always Kegel when doing girth work as it brings in much more blood and keeps it where it needs to be.
I like it when you make sense! thanks. so either my gage is out of whack or I can handle it. yesterday I achieved 8 inches. Have not seen that in years. BTW, the measurement guide on the pump was a great idea. It really encourages me to see results as I'm doing it. Not going to fluid retention or loosing y is my goal so I appreciate your reduced time idea.
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I like it when you make sense! thanks. so either my gage is out of whack or I can handle it. yesterday I achieved 8 inches. Have not seen that in years. BTW, the measurement guide on the pump was a great idea. It really encourages me to see results as I'm doing it. Not going to fluid retention or loosing y is my goal so I appreciate your reduced time idea.

always my brother, this is what I love to do. God bless you and have an awesome weekend Mr. 8! ?
Nothing wrong with breaking the rules as long as you can handle it. I’ve always made it five minutes because most men start taking on fluid retention at five minutes and go much longer.

Whoever said that kegeling in the pump is a bad idea doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about. You should always Kegel when doing girth work as it brings in much more blood and keeps it where it needs to be.
Agreed!This is a must.
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I've never used one. But I've heard that they can give you a temporary girth enhancement. I'm not sure how much though. On the downside, I understand that the stretching can you leave you with some loose saggy dick skin for a couple days after the girth wears off.
I've never used one. But I've heard that they can give you a temporary girth enhancement. I'm not sure how much though. On the downside, I understand that the stretching can you leave you with some loose saggy dick skin for a couple days after the girth wears off.
We're all different.Ive stretched up to 4x daily and never had any issues.Ive also pumped 7 days a week.You gotta find what works.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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