I'm really interested to know, when fully aroused what is the difference in erection levels between the shaft of the penis and the extreme base of the penis. While observing my own, I realized that when I am fully aroused the shaft of my penis is much harder than the extreme base and I'm wondering if everyone is the same.
Well .... mine is rock hard from tip to extreem base as you call it, no difference in any portion of my unit, all the same cement hardness top to bottom.

I also notice that the girth is tremendous to say the very least, even discounting the excess skin and such it is crazy girthy.

I'm not the one to speak of girth cause i was born with a naturally occorring 6.5" girth and have since gained about an extra inch total ( on girth alone ), lost a tiny portion from a HUGE decon break but got it back after only a few days light dry jelq and it kinda cemented in that state.


8InchMIKE;311813 said:
... i was born with a naturally occorring 6.5" girth and have since gained about an extra inch total ( on girth alone )...
Lucky SOB... ;)

My shaft is about .25" thicker than my base... I've tried everything to get my base girth up but nothing has worked.
Hey Dogg, have you tried doing stretches upwards towards your navel and Kegeling against the stretch? I read about this somewhere (here?) and believe it works. I have the tree trunk effect going 6-6 1/4 base 5 3/4 midshaft. I attribute most of this to these stretches.
sikdogg;311816 said:
Lucky SOB... ;)

My shaft is about .25" thicker than my base... I've tried everything to get my base girth up but nothing has worked.

Yoooo brotha, wazaaaaa???

I must tell this mate, from my experience of Penis Enlargement, what gave me such a huge gain in girth at the base ( gains came quiker than the shaft girth ) was starting the jelq waaay close to the pubic bone, and doing it with the same hand always ( with the occasional switch of hands due to tiredness of the hand itself ) while the "resting" hand is only used to pull the ballsack down and keeping the bunched up skin away from shaft and base.

In this manner, the jelq is applied to the WHOLE enchilada, the whole penis, including some of the base gets the full jelq and blood engorgement. This has defin. lead to big girth gains.

I had to stop Penis Enlargement a good while ago cause i was "ordered" by my gf. Either stop exercising or stop fucking me were the words she used, along with the occasional...outchh, not so deep, bring more lube etc lol

I take that as a compliment but then again i love screwing so damn much...so i stoped...all in all she tells me how it goes and i believe her...2 hands on with no overlaping fingers WHILE at the same time a BJ is going on.

That means 2 hands in line PLUS the mouthfull :D man that made my day thats for sure...

Also, the stretching should be done at all points of the shaft, i.e, stretch for X amount of time while grabbing at the extreem base, then progress to an inch away from that and then one more inch and so on son on...


I am preparing a complete post of hat i have found so far from Penis Enlargement and what seems to have worked and what has not. I will post it in an easy to read form by topic and will render it easy on the theory and the practice of the exercises.

Gimmi just a few more days. Pics will be uploaded of how my unit sits at the present after so long with only maintenance work done in mere minutes.

Bear with me, i only have so much time available due to work schedule so...bear with me guys.

Peace Out

My base is thinner than the rest of my shaft. Probably by around a quarter inch aswell. I don't think jelqing close to the base helps mine much, but i don't really jelq much anymore anyway. I stretch a few times and do short clamp sessions every day I can.
Are there any exercises that directly target the base only?
Dude, almost anything you do near the base will strenghten it for damn sure, the body adapts to tension/abuse/impact/sustained pressure by getting tougher and more resilient.

Just like bone get stronger by exercise or muscle bigger by added resistance training.

Make sure your grip is tight, ( without cutting circulation of course ) and just jelq from the pubic bone up to the start of the glans.

In time ( months to years ) you'll definit. have a tougher, wider and stronger base.

Be patient, be smart, be safe, be prepared and be amazed

